Jester Politics

June 7th, 2023: Advice From a Tree

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The following is from my 14 year old son.

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Advice From a Tree

Once upon a time, in a whimsical forest far, far away, there stood a wise and witty tree named Tallbert. Tallbert had seen it all and experienced the ups and downs of life from his stationary spot. Over the years, he had amassed a wealth of wisdom and wanted to share it with all the creatures that crossed his path. So, one sunny day, he decided to dish out some humorous advice to all who would listen.

“Listen up, my leafy friends,” Tallbert bellowed with a creaky voice. “I’ve got some timeless advice that’s rooted in truth, sprouting from my very own experiences. So, lend me your ears and let’s embark on this arboreal adventure together!”

“First things first,” Tallbert continued, shaking his branches for emphasis. “Stand tall and be proud, my dear saplings! Embrace your quirks and imperfections because they make you unique. Don’t be afraid to branch out and show the world what you’re made of!”

“Now, my sprightly adventurers,” Tallbert chuckled, “it’s time to go out on a limb! Take risks, explore the unknown, and let curiosity be your guide. Trust me, the sweetest fruits often grow on the branches farthest from the trunk!”

“But remember,” he cautioned, his voice swaying like a gentle breeze, “never forget your roots. Your past, your family, and your heritage are what nourish and support you. Cherish your foundations and let them ground you, even when life tries to uproot you.”

“Now, my thirsty buds,” Tallbert exclaimed, “drink plenty of water! Hydration is key to a flourishing existence. Just like how water replenishes my own leaves, it rejuvenates your body and mind. So, sip, gulp, or slurp—it doesn’t matter, just don’t forget your H2O!”

Tallbert’s voice grew softer as he whispered, “Be content with your natural beauty, my lovely petals. Remember that comparisons are as futile as trying to make a squirrel bark. Embrace your unique features, quirks, and leaf patterns. You’re splendid just the way you are, my friends!”

With a rustling chuckle, Tallbert concluded, “Lastly, but certainly not leaf-stly, my cherished companions, enjoy the view! Take a moment to appreciate the breathtaking wonders that surround you. Whether it’s the fluttering butterflies, the radiant sunsets, or the mischievous squirrels, relish every moment this journey called life has to offer.”

And so, the wise and witty Tallbert continued to share his humor-filled advice with all who wandered through his forest, spreading laughter and wisdom like the rustle of leaves in the wind. For generations to come, his words would echo in the hearts of creatures big and small, reminding them to stand tall, go out on a limb, remember their roots, drink plenty of water, be content with their natural beauty, and, above all, enjoy the marvelous view.

Keep Calm and Jester On!

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