Jester Politics

Mainstream Media’s Failure to Thoroughly Vet Joe Biden and Alleged Biden Family Corruption During the 2020 Election

In a Constitutional Republic, a free and independent press plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and holding public figures accountable. During the 2020 U.S. presidential election, however, several critics argued that the mainstream media fell short in fully vetting then-candidate Joe Biden and addressing allegations of potential corruption involving the Biden family. This article examines the concerns raised about the media’s coverage and explores specific examples of their oversight.

The Media’s Role and Responsibility 

The Fourth Estate, as the media is often referred to, is meant to act as a check on political power, asking tough questions and investigating claims made by politicians. During the 2020 election, the media’s primary responsibility was to provide voters with unbiased and accurate information about the candidates. However, when it came to Joe Biden, the media failed to fulfill this duty. The media’s role and responsibility during the 2020 U.S. presidential election were pivotal in providing voters with the necessary information to make informed decisions. Journalists are tasked with asking tough questions, investigating claims, and presenting unbiased, accurate reporting to the public.

During the election, the media’s primary responsibility was to provide comprehensive and transparent coverage of the candidates, including their backgrounds, policies, and potential controversies. It was crucial for journalists to conduct rigorous vetting of the candidates, scrutinizing their records, statements, and potential conflicts of interest. This process helps voters understand the character, judgment, and integrity of the individuals seeking the highest office in the land.

However, when it came to Joe Biden, the media fell short in fulfilling these responsibilities. They contend that there was a failure to conduct in-depth investigations into allegations of potential corruption involving the Biden family. These critics assert that a significant portion of the mainstream media exhibited a lack of curiosity or even a reluctance to delve into the Biden family’s business dealings and potential conflicts of interest.

The media’s failure to thoroughly vet Joe Biden and address allegations of corruption raises questions about the industry’s integrity, objectivity, and commitment to upholding democratic principles. It calls into question whether the media treated Joe Biden with the same level of scrutiny and skepticism applied to other political candidates.

The Hunter Biden Controversy 

One of the most prominent controversies surrounding Joe Biden’s candidacy involved his son, Hunter Biden. Allegations of impropriety and potential conflicts of interest emerged, primarily relating to Hunter’s foreign business dealings and his position on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings. These allegations raised concerns about the possibility of corruption within the Biden family and potential influence peddling.

The New York Post’s publication of a story in October 2020 based on emails allegedly obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop further fueled the controversy. The emails purportedly detailed Hunter Biden’s involvement in lucrative business deals with foreign entities, potentially raising ethical and legal questions. However, the response from mainstream media outlets was questionable.

Instead of rigorously investigating the claims and providing comprehensive coverage, many mainstream media organizations initially chose to downplay or ignore the story. This led to accusations of a deliberate effort to protect Joe Biden’s candidacy. Major social media platforms also took unprecedented steps to limit the article’s reach, citing concerns about the veracity of the information, although subsequent investigations did not definitively debunk the story.

The lack of media scrutiny surrounding the Hunter Biden controversy allowed Joe Biden to largely avoid direct questioning or providing detailed explanations about the allegations during the election campaign. This limited the opportunity for voters to fully understand and evaluate the potential implications of the alleged corruption involving his family.

Furthermore, during a December 2020 interview with Stephen Colbert on the Late Show, Joe Biden was asked about the allegations, but Colbert did not press him on the specifics. Instead, the interview appeared to downplay the controversy and allowed Biden to dismiss it as a “smear campaign” without providing substantive responses. This perceived lack of journalistic rigor and willingness to hold candidates accountable raised concerns about the media’s role in providing unbiased and comprehensive information to the public.

A study conducted by the Media Research Center further revealed a discrepancy in coverage between the Hunter Biden controversy and scandals involving the Trump administration. The study found that major broadcast networks, namely ABC, CBS, and NBC, dedicated significantly less time to covering the Hunter Biden allegations than they did to scandals involving the Trump administration during a similar timeframe. This disparity in coverage further fueled accusations of media bias and selective reporting.

The implications of these shortcomings in the media’s vetting process extend beyond the 2020 election. They raise questions about the media’s ability to fulfill its fundamental role as a guardian of democracy. The failure to thoroughly investigate and address allegations of potential corruption within the Biden family not only deprived voters of critical information, but it also undermines the public’s trust in the media’s ability to hold political figures accountable and ensure transparency in the political process.

Issues and Problems That are Now Surfacing 

The lack of media scrutiny surrounding Joe Biden and his family during the 2020 election has resulted in a series of issues and problems that are now surfacing. First and foremost, it raises concerns about potential corruption and conflicts of interest within the Biden family. Without thorough vetting and investigation, the public is left with unanswered questions about the extent of their involvement in questionable business dealings and the potential impact on Joe Biden’s decision-making as a public servant.

Furthermore, the lack of media scrutiny has contributed to a growing sense of mistrust and polarization among the American public. Those who believe in the allegations of corruption and impropriety feel that their concerns were dismissed or downplayed by the mainstream media, leading to a perception of media bias. This further deepens the divisions within society and erodes confidence in the media’s ability to provide fair and balanced reporting.

The lack of comprehensive coverage also hinders the public’s ability to hold their elected officials accountable. When crucial information is omitted or underreported, voters are deprived of the necessary tools to make informed decisions about their leaders. This undermines the democratic process, as transparency and accountability are essential for a functioning democracy.

Additionally, the absence of media scrutiny creates a dangerous precedent. If allegations and controversies surrounding political candidates are not thoroughly examined, it sets a precedent where politicians may feel emboldened to engage in questionable activities without fear of proper investigation or consequences. This can undermine the ethical standards expected from public officials and erode public trust in the political system as a whole.

The problems arising from the lack of media scrutiny of the Biden family’s alleged corruption during the 2020 election highlight the critical role of the media in upholding democracy. It underscores the need for a vigilant press that is willing to investigate all political figures, regardless of party affiliation, and provide unbiased reporting. Moving forward, it is imperative that media organizations reevaluate their reporting practices, address any biases, and ensure thorough vetting of candidates to rebuild public trust and uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and fair democratic processes.

Rebuilding Trust and the Way Forward 

Rebuilding trust in the media is a critical step towards restoring the faith of the public. To address the concerns raised about the lack of scrutiny during the 2020 election, news organizations must take proactive measures to regain credibility and demonstrate a commitment to unbiased reporting.

One essential aspect of rebuilding trust is for news organizations to acknowledge any shortcomings and be transparent about their reporting processes. This includes openly discussing the challenges they faced in vetting Joe Biden and his family, as well as any potential biases that may have influenced their coverage. By acknowledging these issues, news organizations can signal their commitment to rectifying past mistakes and maintaining journalistic integrity.

Thorough investigations into the allegations of corruption involving the Biden family are crucial for rebuilding trust. News organizations should allocate resources and dedicate investigative teams to delve into these claims, leaving no stone unturned. Independent fact-checking and verification processes should be employed to ensure accuracy and reliability in reporting.

In addition, news organizations need to ensure that they treat all political figures equally. This means applying the same level of scrutiny to candidates from all parties and avoiding favoritism or bias. By doing so, they can demonstrate their commitment to impartiality and fairness, reaffirming their role as objective watchdogs of democracy.

Diversifying newsroom staff and fostering an inclusive work environment can also contribute to rebuilding trust. By incorporating a range of perspectives and backgrounds, news organizations can minimize the influence of personal biases and promote more comprehensive and balanced coverage.

Finally, it is crucial for news organizations to engage directly with their audience. Actively soliciting feedback, addressing concerns, and providing channels for open dialogue can help bridge the gap between the media and the public. This can be achieved through public editorials, town hall meetings, or dedicated platforms for readers and viewers to voice their opinions and ask questions.

Rebuilding trust in the media requires a sustained effort and a commitment to upholding the principles of journalism. By acknowledging past mistakes, conducting thorough investigations, treating all political figures equally, diversifying newsrooms, and engaging with the public, news organizations can take significant steps toward regaining the trust and confidence of the audience. Only through such efforts can the media restore its vital role as a credible source of information and fulfill its responsibility to serve as a reliable guardian of democracy.


In a Constitutional Republic, a free and independent press plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency and holding public figures accountable. However, during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, concerns were raised about the mainstream media’s failure to fully vet Joe Biden and address allegations of potential corruption involving the Biden family. The media’s role and responsibility during the election were pivotal in providing voters with the necessary information to make informed decisions. However, the media fell short in thoroughly investigating the allegations and providing comprehensive coverage.

The lack of scrutiny surrounding the Biden family’s alleged corruption during the election has led to a series of issues and problems that are now surfacing. It raises concerns about potential corruption and conflicts of interest within the Biden family, undermines trust in the media, and hinders the public’s ability to hold elected officials accountable. It also sets a dangerous precedent where politicians may feel emboldened to engage in questionable activities without fear of proper investigation or consequences.

To address these issues and rebuild trust, news organizations must take proactive measures. This includes acknowledging past shortcomings, being transparent about their reporting processes, conducting thorough investigations, treating all political figures equally, diversifying newsrooms, and engaging with the audience. Only through these efforts can the media regain credibility, uphold democratic principles, and serve as a reliable source of unbiased information.

Ultimately, the lack of media scrutiny during the 2020 election serves as a reminder of the importance of a vigilant press in upholding democratic principles. It underscores the need for continuous efforts to strengthen the media’s role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and the free flow of information. Only by addressing these challenges head-on can the media regain its position as a trusted institution and reinforce its critical role in safeguarding democracy.

Keep Calm and Jester On!

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