6/15/2023, Daily Pulse

News You May Have Missed – June 15, 2023 Just When You Thought Politics Couldn’t Get Any More Stupid:  Republicans against Trump are floating a Christie/Cheney ticket for president.  Enough said…   Push Back Against LGBTQ Is Growing.  Hamtramck, Michigan has banned the Pride flag from being flown on city property.  Only flags that can be are the U.S., Flag, the Michigan flag, and one flag representing the native countries of the immigrants in the city.  I think allowing flags other than the U.S. and Michigan flags to be flown on city property may open the ordinance up to a First Amendment challenge.  Of course, that would be easy to fix by limiting flags that could be flown on city property to the U.S. and Michigan flags.  In any event, this is one more piece of evidence that the pushback is gaining speed.   If I was a criminal. I’d want to defund the police too: “LA ‘defund the police’ councilman charged with perjury, embezzlement.”   I honestly did not know that white supremacy was so pervasive: “Calif. Democrat accuses Muslim colleague of White supremacy for not backing race-based law.”  People have to stop using race-based slurs to attack those they disagree with.  Throw in stop using Nazi, Fascist, Transphobe, racist, and the other countless slurs also.  They are at best an attempt to shut down debate.  When someone throws one of these at me, I ask them to define the word.  Surprising how many can’t…like all of them.   Next time someone complains about “misinformation” tell them you agree something must be done about Corporate Media.  Recently Target moved its Pride displays to less conspicuous areas and as a result several stores received bomb threats.  Corporate media lead their readers to believe the threats came from people on the right.  The truth is they came from the LGBTQ+ community or their supporters.  The email announcing the bomb threats stated Target “betrayed the LGBTQ+ community” and “bowed to the wishes of far-right extremists who want to exterminate us…”   some examples: “Washington Post, “Target stores see more bomb threats over Pride merchandise:” “Target stores in at least five states were evacuated this weekend after receiving bomb threats. Though no explosives were discovered, the incidents tie into the backlash over the retail chain’s Pride Month merchandise. …” “The Hill, “Target stores in at least five states receive bomb threats over Pride items:” “Target stores in at least five U.S. states had to be evacuated over the weekend after receiving bomb threats, the latest example of backlash the U.S.-based retail chain has received for its Pride month merchandise.” USA Today, “Several Target stores in Oklahoma City metro briefly evacuated after bomb threat”: Several Target locations in the Oklahoma City metro area were briefly evacuated Saturday afternoon after media outlets received what police described as “vague bomb” threats, police said. The threats come as the retail chain faces backlash over its Pride Month merchandise. … Target is among corporate brands that have come under fire from right-wing groups for supporting the LGBTQ+ community…. After critics posted videos of attacking LGBTQ+ Pride displays and confronting employees in Target stores in late May, the company held an emergency meeting and decided to remove or relocate some Pride merchandise to make them less visible in stores. They may not have explicitly stated the bomb threats came from the right, but they intentionally lead their readers to that conclusion.   Share this post: