6/19/2023 Daily Pulse

Everyone needs to write, email, or call their Senators and Congressperson and ask where our vaunted FBI’s counter-intelligence unit is and why Chinese Intelligence is being allowed to openly operate in our country: “A Chinese intelligence agency quietly operates “service centers” in seven American cities, all of which have had contact with Beijing’s national police authority, according to state media reports and government records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.”  Every Congressman and Congresswoman, their State, District, mailing address, email, and phone number can easily be found here.  We’ll have all the Senators info up soon. If you are going to enforce the law, you should at least follow the law: New York DA Alvin Bragg sued after refusing to release Trump prosecution records. Back to the past, the 2011 edition: “Intellectuals have a tendency to become whores…But pursuing the latest intellectual fad is not the greatest of the sins that they are inclined to commit – for they are even more apt to adopt a servile and submissive posture when in the presence of political power. Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all had an intellectual claque in the West. Fidel Castro still does. Even Kim Jong-il and Muamar Gaddafi have had such admirers.”  I’ve noted this often and it continues today.  Of course, not all intellectuals fall into this category, but enough do that we should be on notice to at the least check the basis upon which they rest their observations.  Don’t fall victim to the argument from authority, which in a nutshell, is “I’m an expert so I know this stuff and you don’t, therefore you need to listen to me.”  Make them set forth their arguments and facts and then you decide if you believe their pronouncements or not. I think this is becoming a trend in San Francisco: AT&T to Shut Flagship Store in Downtown San Francisco.  As the article notes, this is just one of the recent shocks to what was once a great and fun city. Gen Z leads the way again: “CATO Institute survey found that 29% of Americans aged 18-29 are in favor of government installing cameras in homes to stop crime and abuse.”  I’m sorry, I try to use temperate language, but anyone who wants the government to put cameras in their home are scary stupid.  Hell, I won’t put any internet connected camera inside my home, let alone one owned by the government.  Some people told me I was a paranoid conspiracy theorist.  I emailed all of them this link to CNBC’s May 31, 2023 article “Amazon to pay over $30 million in FTC settlements over Ring, Alexa privacy violations.  Call me a dinosaur, but I prefer to keep what I do in my house private. Go woke, go broke.  Via Power Line Kohl’s Target, and Anheuser-Bush have lost a combined $28 Billion in stock value since April 3, 2023: Seems free speech and science have no place at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine – who suspended a professor without pay for a week and ordered him to refrain from speaking to the press without permission.  His offense?  He noted Share this post: