6/23/2023 Daily Pulse

News You May Have Missed June 23, 2023 There seems to be a coup of some sort going on in Russia right now. I think this is Huge and could affect not only Russia, but the world.  The leader is Prigozhin, the head of the Wagner Private Military Company and before today a close ally of Putin.  I think the article “A Russian Coup?” is a good place to start.  Since I wrote it, I may have some bias as to how good it is.   New York City collides with reality: Thousands of migrants keep coming into NYC every month – will Adams finally say stop.   Most transparant Presidency ever!  John Kirby refuses to answer a question about Hunter Biden’s Whats App message to Chinese CCP official and walks out of the briefing room.  This is no way to act in the best of times, and certainly not when people are losing trust in their government.   More transparancy…just kidding, to the contrary seems our esteemed Attorney General Marrick Garland has just been caught in a rather big lie. At a press confrence he stated U.S. Attorney Weiss was in charge of the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden and made all the charging decisions.  Now an email emerges summerizing a meeting wher Weiss stated he did not have authority to make charging decisions: “Weiss stated that he is not the deciding person on whether chagres are filed. I believe this to be a huge problem – inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland tetimony.”  The full email can be found at Power Line. I’m not one to run around with my hair on fire yelling ‘Impeach them all” but in this case Garland must be impeached.  Even if the Democrats prevent removal in the Senate, he needs to be impeached to send a message that lying and interfering in, or allowing others to interfere in an investigation in order to get the President’s son a sweetheart plea bargane wont be tolerated.   Finally, a good law. In May Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-CA) proposed the “Free Speech on Campus Act,” which if passed would amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 and require public universities to provide First Amendment training.  Alas, I do not hold out much hope that it will pass the Democrat controlled Senate, and if it does, I fear the President will veto it.  Hope I’m wrong, but…       Share this post: