Jester Politics

Week 4 Jester Quiz

Week 4 Jester Quiz

  1. (5 pts) Name This President:

I am from Pennsylvania and had the nickname of “Ten-Cent Jimmy.”  I served as President from 1857 to 1861 and was a member of the Democratic party.

I’m the only President to never marry.  My niece, Harriet Lane assumed the social duties of the First Lady and became quite popular

Late in my term seven states seceded from the Union, but the Civil War did not start until South Carolina troops fired on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861 – a month after I left office.

I took the rather confusing position that states did not have the constitutional right to secede, but the federal government did not have the constitutional right to prevent them from doing so.


  1. (1 pt). The 6th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the:
  2. Right to be free from unreasonable searches;
  3. Right to Due Process of law;
  4. Right to a speedy trial;
  5. All of the above.


  1. (1 pt). What date was the Declaration of Independence adopted?


  1. (1 pt). What was the first capital of the United States?


  1. (1 pt). (True or false):  The President is removed from office upon impeachment.



  1. (1 pt). On what date did Japan attack Pearl Harbor, Hawaii?


  1. (1 pt). Which President issued the Emancipation Proclamation?



  1. (1 pt). What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?


  1. (1 pt). What is the President Pro Tempore of the Senate?
  2. The head of the party that holds the most seats in the Senate;
  3. The Senator who assumes the presidency if both the President and Vice-president are unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency;
  4. The Senator who presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President;
  5. All of the above


  1. How is a President elected If no presidential candidate receives 270 electoral votes?


14 points possible.



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