6/29/2023: Daily Pulse

News You May Have Missed June 29, 2023 The big news today is the Supremes ruled raced based college admissions are both unconstitutional and a violation of Title VI.  We’ll have some thoughts on the ruling up later tonight or early tomorrow, but I think a major point that has been overlooked is the Court seems to be decoupling Title VI from the 14th Amendment.  What do I mean by that?  Well, you’ll have to wait till the article is up to find out or you can read the Opinion, the three concurring opinions, and the two dissenting opinions – all 237 pages – here.   Bad week for the Democrats.  Earlier some Democrats made statements that they’re Catholics, and their faith requires, or at least allows, them to support abortion.  Catholic Bishops are having none of that nonsense.  Catholic Bishops Rebuke Democrats for Claiming They Can be Catholics and Support Abortion.  Everyone is free to support abortions if they so choose (I will withhold my thoughts on the issue for now).  What you are not free to do, at least ethically and morally, is to rest your beliefs on a foundation of lies.   Only the best.  CNN: “Biden’s Iran envoy placed on leave after security clearance suspended amid investigation into possible mishandling of classified material, sources say.”  When can we expect the indictment under the Espionage Act to be issued?  Just curious…   We can breath now:  For the first time a majority of Democrats Think the  Pandemic is Over.   California’s best legal minds.  There are two cases before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals involving California’s attempt to ban gun advertising the state deems attractive to minors.  I always tell people you can’t be sure how a court will rule based on the questions they ask.  However, California’s attorneys were pretty much embarrassed in the oral arguments.  There were several questions from the three judge panel that made them look like fools, but this one is epic: Judge Lee asks California if the state could ban advertisements that are attractive to minors and glorify violence (such as for movies or video games). CA says it isn’t sure because movies/video games are protected by the 1A. [Judge] VanDyke (sic) then notes that guns are protected by the 2A. (emphasis mine)   Novel Approach.  Minnesota’s answer to replacing lost tax revenue from residents moving to other states with lower taxes, seems to be to become the Trans Tourist Capital of the U.S.  Let me know how that works out.   Racism on display.  Why do liberals hate equality and think minorities are intellectually inferior to others?  Jennifer Rubin insisting colleges can still be racist; Democrat activist Erica Marsh “No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system which is exactly why affirmative-action based programs were needed;”  Senator Warren (D-MA), stated the Supreme Court “rolled back the march toward racial justice, and narrowed educational opportunity for all.”  Guess Asians, Middle Easterners, and whites are not part of the “all” as she defines it.  I could go on, but you get the idea.   Can’t make this up: “Harvard ethics professor allegedly fabricated multiple behavioral science studies.”  Ironically, one of her articles discussing dishonesty was allegedly found to be dishonest – it “contained fabrications.”  Cost of attending Harvard, including tuition, room, board, and books… $78,028 a year.   I know it’s common sense, but this is a good read worth your time: “Boise State professor drops hard data on the trans sports controversy.”   China oh my!  Most of my time on active duty was spent playing games with the old USSR (now the Russian Federation).  During that time many in the States thought the Red Army was an invincible monster on steroids.  I used to tell them – the Soviets are never as strong as we fear, nor as weak as we hope.  When the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR collapsed, I thought we could go back to realistically evaluating our adversaries.  I was wrong.  No sooner did the USSR join the dumpster of history than China became the mythical unbeatable monster on steroids. Don’t get me wrong, China is not a push over, they have a capable army and need to be watched.  I also think we need to start limiting our trade with them and finding different overseas supply sources.  However, those who keep up with China have known things have been very ungood over there for years.  Their economy is contracting rapidly, some say on the verge of collapse, there is growing social unrest, and now their population seems to be in free fall: China’s Demographics: Even Worse Than You Think. No nation can sustain that type of population decline without severe social unrest and economic disruption. Guess it’s time to modify my old saying – China is never as strong as we fear, nor as weak as we hope…   Now ugly trees are racist: “Florida activist calls for New College board to be fired over ‘racial stereotype’ tree mascot.”  I can see calling for the board to be fired for adopting a butt ugly tree as their mascot, but it is not racist. Keep Calm and Jester On! 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