7/12/2023: Daily Pulse

News You May Have Missed July 12, 2023 The biggest spreader of “disinformation” and “misinformation” are the “experts” who decry the spreading of “disinformation” and “misinformation”: “List: Ten climate lies on 35th anniversary of global warming warning.”  Our karma must be exceptionally bad to be inflicted by so many non-expert, experts…   It is easy to be stupid.  It is easy to be evil.  It is extremely hard to be stupid and evil.  Alas, the FBI has risen to the level of stupid and evil. “FBI thought it was censoring on behalf of Ukraine; Oops, it was Russia.”  It’s unconstitutional and evil for the government to engage in censorship period.  It’s unconstitutional and stupid to censor free speech for Russia when they thought they were doing if for Ukraine. Call me an extremist, but I believe it’s long past time to fire the FBI’s leadership and rebuild the whole organization.  Maybe then it will be a competent organization that complies with fundamental things like the Constitution and laws.   A good start: “Montana drops woke library association.”   More stupid and evil.  Columbus, Ohio City Schools spent $24,000 on a two-day seminar for educators and teachers, on “Queer and Trans Inclusion.” Part of that seminar included how to hide information regarding students transitioning from parents, even recommending that they create a “private space” in the student’s school record that would not be disclosed to parents.   Nearly 40% of US Attack Submarines Are Out of Commission for Repairs.  Biden sends $75 billion to Ukraine and spent about $150 million on DEI programs.  Yet, they don’t have enough to repair our submarine fleet.  Morons and mental midgets are running the country.   Huge if accurate:  “China’s economic downturn is more shocking than outsiders realize, says former Chinese property mogul.” Keep Calm and Jester On! Share this post: