Corruption: The President And The Smartest Man He Knows.

Corruption: The President And The Smartest Man He Knows. “Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad” (Henry Kissinger) Everyone who has followed President Biden’s career has known he lacks a moral compass.  Throughout his political career he’s engaged in what the “press” calls folksy stories, but most just call lies, including plagiarism. A few examples.  While seeking the Democrat Party’s Presidential nomination, then Senator Biden: Plagiarized Senator Hubert Humphrey’s (D-MN) speeches (1985 and 1986); lifted nearly an entire paragraph – almost word for word – from a 1968 speech given by Robert Kennedy.  In another incident he lifted part of a speech given by JFK in 1961. (February 1987); During a debate he falsely claimed that his ancestors worked in the coal mines of Pennsylvania. (August 1987).  None of his family ever worked in any coal mine.  This was lifted from the speech of Neil Kinnock – a British politician.  Additionally, he lifted several other sections from Kinnock’s speech; He admitted he plagiarized five pages from a law review article during his first year in law school.  He received an F for the course (September 1987). This disturbing behavior continued throughout his life in politics, which is pretty much his whole life.  And it continues to this day. But it wasn’t until the infamous Hunter laptop was finally exposed, in spite of the best efforts of the government, that corruption among his family was known.  Over the last year or so information has been dribbling out.  First about Hunter’s tax evasion, criminal possession of a firearm, drug addiction, the use of hookers, use of his family name to engage to sell influence, and more.  Then information started coming out linking Hunter’s influence peddling to his family and finally some linking Hunter’s corruption to his father the President. Now any person with two working brain cells that are not face down drunk could connect the dots from Hunter to his father – the “Big Guy” and know Biden was corrupt.  But there was a lack of evidence that could push that from the ‘yeh we know but there’s no evidence’ category to the ‘yeh we know, but now there is evidence, circumstantial as it may be, linking Papa Joe to Hunter’s corruption scams.’  None that is until today when the House made public an email chain found on Hunter’s lap top dated November 15, 2015. According to Fox, on Nov. 2, 2015, Vadym Pozharskyi, a Burisma executive, emailed Hunter, who was at that time on Burisma’s board, along with several others including Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin – the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners.  The purpose of the email was to discuss the  “revised proposal, contract and initial invoice for Burisma Holdings.”  In this email Pozharskyi emphasized that the “ultimate purpose” of the agreement with Blue Star was to shut down “any cases/pursuits against Nikolay [the head of Burisma] in Ukraine,” referring to Zlochevsky, who also went by Nikolay. The next day Schwerin sent an email to Hunter and others stating the contract did not specify what actions were to be taken in order to be on the “safe side,” but they understood the conditions and would fulfill them. A month after the Pozharskyi email was received, then Vice President Biden made his infamous trip to Ukraine.  However, before the trip an associate at Blue Star emailed Blue Star executives, Hunter and Pozharskyi about a White House conference call that “outlined the trip’s agenda and addressed several questions regarding U.S. policy toward Ukraine.”  Why would Blue Star – an agent of Burisma – know anything about a conference call with the White House about Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine? During Biden’s Ukraine trip he pressured Ukrainian officials to fire Shokin, the prosecutor investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky.  Shokin was fired four months later and the investigations into Burisma and Zlochevsky were abandoned.  Later Biden would brag on T.V. how he demanded Shokin be fired, or he would not approve $1 billion in aid to Ukraine. Does this email chain conclusively prove President Biden was involved in Hunter’s corruption scams?  Not in-and-of-itself.  However, when considered with everything else it is extremely strong circumstantial evidence that Biden was involved in his son’s corruption scams.  Is it enough to bring criminal charges against Biden and Hunter?  Maybe not yet, but circumstantial evidence is certainly allowed in criminal cases and though this is not the proverbial “smoking gun” it is certainly a gun with a very hot barrel.  It is certainly enough, along with the other evidence, for people to logically conclude that President Biden is corrupt. Right now I think the best course of action is for the House of Representatives to continue their investigation, which has been bombastic and at times chaotic, but also fruitful.  Once they have enough evidence they should try and appoint special counsel to take it to the next level.  Additionally, at some point rational Democrats in both the House and Senate will have to wake up, and even if reluctantly, support impeachment.  Will there be enough of them to remove him at the Senate trial?  I don’t know. Share this post: