7/20/2023: Two Days of Censorship, Two Tier Legal System, and Corruption News From DC

Two Days of Censorship, Two Tier Legal System, and Corruption News From DC. A lot of news has come out of DC in the last two days involving censorship, the double legal standard, and corruption.  Unfortunately, this news is not being reported by the MSM in any meaningful way.  The only way to find it – until now – is to sit through hours of House committee hearing videos or piece together video clips.  Even then, you would have missed a rather large bomb released by Senator Grassley on July 20th.  So, we at Jester Politics have pulled together what we believe to be the most important news out of DC in the last two days.   CENSORSHIP. Censorship of the NY Post.  After the 2020 election the MSM belatedly and grudgingly began acknowledging what everyone knew – that Hunter Biden’s laptop was his, and the material on the laptop was created by him or was received by him.  Though this is important, more important is the depth the FBI went to ensure the story of the Hunter’s laptop was censored and suppressed until at least after the 2020 elections.  Emma-Jo Morris’ testimony focuses the spotlight on this trampling of the First Amendment and interference with the election. Here’s a video of Emma-Jo Morris’ testimony on how the FBI worked with social media and the MSM to censor, discredit, and suppress her reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop prior to the 2020 election.  There can be no doubt these unlawful acts significantly influenced the 2020 election.  In my mind, this is no less election fraud than if the FBI stuffed ballot boxes.  They just achieved their goal without the use of a copying machine. Censorship of RFK Jr.  Whether you like him or not, he has a right to free speech just like every other American.  But like many other Americans, he’s been censored by the government or the government’s agents.  Today he gave damning testimony at the House Committee hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.  Though he spoke to several important issues on censorship, I think the two most important things to take away from his testimony are: 1) the Democrats’ attempted to censor him at a hearing focused on exposing censorship in the government. His remarks in reply to attacks on him by the Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), the Ranking Member of the committee. This is a video of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL25) attempting to censor RFK Jr. by preventing him from testifying at the hearing – which was called to address censorship by the government! Every Democrat voted to censor RFK Jr.  Every Republican voted against the motion.  The motion failed and RFJ Jr. testified. The video of RFK’s responding to the Ranking member’s attacks on him.  Though at times a little disjointed it was exceptionally strong.  In fact, I believe this is the 21st century version of Joseph Welch’s “Have you no sense of decency” statement that ended Sen. McCarthy’s career and his witch hunt during the Second Red Scare.   Double Legal System.  It is no secret that Hunter Biden reached a plea deal with the government to plead guilty two misdemeanor tax charges and a felony firearm charge – on the condition that he serve no jail time.  That alone shows there’s two justice systems – one for the rich and powerful, the other for the rest of us.  However, testimony by a second IRS whistle blower – a 13-year veteran of the IRS and a Democrat who happens to be a gay man married to a man – shows that the level of corruption within the DOJ and IRS is almost limitless. His testimony has been more or less covered by the MSM.  What has not been covered is Hunter’s apparent violations of the Mann Act, which makes it a crime to transport women across state lines “for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose.”  I believe this law is overly broad and criminalizes acts that shouldn’t be crimes.  Who cares if a person pays for an adult escort who is willingly engaging in sex work to cross state lines for a visit?  However, people are still being prosecuted for it, so if Hunter violated the Mann Act he too should be prosecuted.  Additionally, there is some circumstantial evidence that some sex workers hired by Hunter may not have been willing participants in the profession.  So why is it that the government is not interested in pursuing this investigation regarding the President’s son?  Oh, never mind. Video of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA 14) Questioning the IRS whistle blower using blacked out explicit photos along with documents linking Hunter Biden to Mann Act and Tax law violations.  Most times I find Greene’s rants tiresome, but this time she was focused with documentary evidence.  Not sure her evidence was the proverbial “smoking gun,” but it was damning.  The reaction of Democratic committee members?  They were upset about Greene going over her time limit and showing explicit blacked out photos, not about Hunter Biden’s disregard for the law and the possibility he hired escorts that were not willingly engaging in sex work.   CORRUPTION. There is a growing body of evidence strongly implicating, but not clearly establishing, that then Vice President Biden took bribes routed through one or more of over twenty companies.  These companies were created by members of the Biden family after Joe Biden became Vice President.  The amount of money that was routed through these entities is still unknown, but estimates range from $10 million and up.  Today Senator Grassley released an FBI document that shows one company paid Hunter Biden $10 million to get his farther, then the Vice President, to have the Ukrainian government remove a prosecutor from office who was investigating the company. Senator Grassley (R-IA) released an FBI FD-1023 that is direct evidence that Burisma – a Ukrainian energy company – hired Hunter Biden to convince his father, then Vice … Continue reading 7/20/2023: Two Days of Censorship, Two Tier Legal System, and Corruption News From DC