Jester Politics

Week 10, Jester Quiz!


#1. I was a Republican from Michigan who served as President from 1974-1977. I was the first and only person to serve as President who was not elected as President or Vice President. Spiro Agnew Was Tricky Dick’s Vice President but had to resign in October 1973 over allegations of accepting bribes and evading taxes. I was a well-liked congressman who Tricky Dick selected in accordance with the 25 th Amendment to take Agnew’s place as V.P. and I was easily confirmed by Congress. On August 9, 1974 - eight months later Tricky Dick resigned, and I became President – never running for President or Vice President and therefore, never receiving a single vote for either. My Presidency is mostly remembered for a time of high inflation and unemployment coupled with a domestic energy crisis.

#2. When there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, a new Vice President is selected by?

#3. Who was the last President who also held the rank of general in the Civil War?

#4. The first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court was also one of the authors of the federalist papers, who was he?

#5. Which person did NOT sign both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

#6. John Paul Jones was an American hero who served as a Naval Captain in the:

#7. True or false: Vermont was one of the 13 original states.

#8. True or false: The Constitution mandates the maximum number of justices that can serve on the Supreme Court at the same time.

#9. Which Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave the federal government the authority to tax income (income tax)?

#10. How many presidents served more than two terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only American President to have served more than two terms.


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