Jester Politics

Week 11, Jester Quiz!


#1. Name this president. I was a Republican from Kentucky who served as President from 1861- 1865. It is believed that my parents were illiterate, and I was self-taught. The total amount of formal education I received is less than 18 months. From these humble beginnings I taught himself law, became a successful lawyer and lead the U.S. through the Civil War. It’s said that I’m arguably one of the two greatest Presidents in U.S. History. I was an ardent and vocal opponent of slavery who proved to be an exceptional military strategist and civil leader. My Emancipation Proclamation paved the way for slavery’s abolition and my Gettysburg Address stands as one of the most famous pieces of oratory in American history. I was the first President to be assassinated (by John Wilkes Booth April 1865).

#2. Which two Amendments state that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law?

#3. True or False, Congress can dissolve all federal courts except the Supreme Court?

#4. In a single battle, Sgt York (US Army) captured over 100 enemy soldiers and several enemy machine guns single handed. For his actions he was awarded the Medal of Honor. In which war did Sgt. York fight?

#5. How many states sent delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

#6. Which was the first document to establish the United States?

#7. Who was the first President who did NOT sign the U.S. Constitution?

#8. Many people on Social Media call for politicians to be tried for Treason, where is the crime of Treason defined?

#9. True or false. The right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment is a personal right.

#10. What is “Jury Nullification?”


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