Jester Politics

Week 14 Jester Politics’ Quiz!

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#1. I hailed from Virginia and was President of the U.S. from 1789-1797. To this day I am the only person to be elected president by a unanimous vote of the electoral college. I was the Commander-in-Chief of Colonial Forces during the American Revolution. I also fought in the French and Indian War of 1754 to 1763. I was also unanimously elected President of the Constitutional Convention of 1787. History recognizes my efforts as being instrumental in having the U.S. Constitution adopted. James Monroe summarized my efforts in a letter to Thomas Jefferson when he wrote “Be assured, [his] influence carried the government.” You may not know this, but in spite of my efforts, not all of the delegates to the Constitutional convention signed the Constitution. Of the 56 convention delegates only 39 signed the Constitution. Of the remaining 17, 14 were absent at the time of signing and 3 refused to sign the Constitution.

#2. What is the minimum age for a person to be a member of the House of Representatives?

#3. Who was the oldest person who signed the U.S. Constitution? George Washington?

#4. What were “Hessians”?

#5. Who said: “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

#6. Article II of the Constitution sets forth the authority and responsibilities of the.

#7. True or false. The Constitution requires the establishment of federal trial courts and appellate courts.

#8. True or false. Hate speech is NOT protected speech under the First Amendment.

#9. Which is NOT a right guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment?

#10. Which is prohibited by the Third Amendment?


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