Jester Politics

Jester Politics Weekly News Roundup for September 8, 2023

Jester Politics Weekly News Roundup for September 8, 2023

This is huge and long overdue: Appeals Court Finds Biden Admin Violated First Amendment By Encouraging CensorshipAlas, it’s a bit more complicated than what the headline suggests.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an injunction entered by a federal trial court prohibiting the White House, FBI, Surgeon General, and CDC from coercing or attempting to coerce social media platforms to censor the speech of social media users.  One of the requirements to enter the injunction is that the plaintiff will likely prevail on the merits.  Key word is “likely,” so the 5th Circuit did not find that Biden and gang violated the First Amendment, but that they likely violated the First Amendment.

Also, the 5th Circuit struck several provisions of the initial injunction.  Regardless, to find the White House, FBI, Surgeon General, and CDC likely violated the Free Speech clause of the First Amendment is huge.

The case will now go back to the federal district court for trial.

I don’t know, if someone wants to try and hamster wheel himself across the Atlantic Ocean, why not?  Or maybe I’m just a tad upset I didn’t think of it first…  Florida Man Riding Human-Sized Hamster Wheel Arrested on Federal Charges

I’m beginning to believe that many of those in the education field are not well educated: Lessons learned from school’s Gadsden flag debacle“The most surprising and disappointing point about this kerfuffle is that, even at a reputable charter school with a classical curriculum, with an emphasis on teaching historic accuracy, staff needs to be schooled by parents that one of America’s founding flags has nothing to do with slavery.”

More like this is needed!  New Center for Academic Pluralism to produce scholarship promoting open inquiry, viewpoint diversity

More dangerous dumbassery from academia and our government: Taxpayer-Funded Nonprofit Publishes Scientific Journal With Blacklisted Chinese Space Agency“China Academy of Space Technology head likens the moon to disputed territory in the South China Sea.”  Why are we funding our geopolitical opponents?

Good luck with that: UMich agrees to support ‘unarmed, non-police emergency response program’ per union demands.

Don’t tell me the Biden Administration has not weaponized government.  First the DOJ goes after Trump and his associates and now this: “Biden’s Department of Education opens probe into conservative activist…after he ‘misgendered’ ex-DEI boss who uses ‘ZE/ZIR’ pronouns.”  Add the Department of Education to the ever-growing list of government agencies that need to be shut down.


Of course, do as I say and not as I do, and whatever you do – don’t be a hater and criticize me for being a hypocrite!  Chicago teacher’s union boss who branded school choice supporters fascists is slammed for sending her son to PRIVATE school and blasts critics for calling her a hypocrite. 

How can a university claim to be ‘elite’ yet rank dead last in free speech with a grade of 0/100?  Ask Harvard, they accomplished that amazing feat!  Harvard Ranks Last In F.I.R.E’s 2024 Free Speech Rankings With A Score Of 0/100.

The favored class and favored treatment: Body cam catches elite federal prosecutor offering his Justice Department card in DUI crash arrest.”  “Joseph Ruddy, one of the nation’s most prolific federal narcotics prosecutors, looked so drunk he could barely stand up straight, leaning on the tailgate of his pickup to keep his balance…But he apparently was under control enough to be waiting with his U.S. Justice Department business card in hand.”

Seems Mr. Ruddy hit another vehicle and left the scene after having a few too many at a July 4th event.  “But despite being charged, the 59-year-old Ruddy remained on the job for two months, representing the United States in court as recently as last week…”  He was only removed from three pending cases after the AP asked the DOJ about his status, a question the DOJ has yet to answer.

It doesn’t matter what point you are trying to make it’s never ok to give a Nazi salute, never.  ”Ohio school board member apologizes for giving Nazi salute at public meeting.”  She claims that she was protesting the dictatorial attitude of the school board president.  Does she have a First Amendment right to do it?  Yes, of course she does.  But at best she showed staggeringly bad headwork and voters have the right to vote her out of office in the next election, or recall her now if Ohio law allows for recalls.  With judgement like that, she is unfit for public office.

Ha, told all you jet jocks, you may go fast but helicopters are so kickass cool they fly on Mars!   “NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter soars past 100 minutes of total Mars flight time.”


Hard to tell whether the U.S. or Canada has the most unjust-justice system.  Nova Scotia judge sentenced incest dad to HOUSE ARREST instead of jail because he is black: Had sex with intellectually disabled daughter who gave birth to their severely ill child.

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