Jester Politics

Jester Politics’ Weekly News Roundup For September 22, 2023

Jester Politics’ Weekly News Roundup For September 22, 2023

The not so Green, Green movement:  So far 23 million people have been exposed to toxic waste; 297,800 miles of rivers polluted; 16 million acres of farmland destroyed; 63,000 square-miles of flood plains polluted; and 5.72 million head of livestock Contaminated by exposure to pollutants. Add to this the exploitation of children to mine minerals in many countries and you have a very real disaster.

The dumbing down of college.  “Students’ writing is so bad, one professor says he has to write emails for them.

Exposing the press one phone call at a time.  Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports got wind of a planned hit piece on him by Emily Heil of the Washington Post.  So, Portnoy called her, recorded the call, and posted it on X.  It’s well worth your time to listen to the exchange.

Not voter fraud but election interference by elected officials.  “Corruption, collusion and election interference in Fairfax County, Virginia.” Long past time government officials start going to jail for this usurpation of citizens’ right to free and fair elections.

Has to be one of the strangest 911 calls ever: “We got a pilot in the house, and I guess he landed in my backyard, and we’re trying to see if we could get an ambulance to the house, please”  The 911 call from a homeowner when the pilot of the “lost” F-35 parachuted into his yard.

The Biden-Harris Administration is launching the American Climate Corps – mobilizing more than 20,000 young Americans…”  Maybe they can clean up the devastation going “Green” has caused?

Sad, but true.  Maybe people are waking up. According to the latest Rasmussen poll 72% of Americans are concerned America Under Biden is becoming a “police state”.  This concern is not limited to one side of the political divide – 76% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats agreed.

Is it just me or do others see a problem?  “At Stanford, administrators nearly outnumber undergrads enrolled at the school.”    According to the article, during the 2021-2022 school year there was 931 administrators per 1,000 undergrad students, or .931 administrators per undergrad student.

It’s Friday so time for the government’s ‘let’s dump the bad news and hope few see it’ maneuver “A press event will be held today at 11:00 a.m. to announce the unsealing of an indictment charging Robert Menendez, U.S. Senator from New Jersey, and his wife, Nadine Menendez, with bribery offenses…”

The Biden Administration needs to hire better lawyers…to advise them not to break federal law.  Biden and gang keep getting yanked up by federal courts, and yet they keep doing the same things hoping for a different result – is that not a working definition for something?  “Biden handed major legal defeat in attempt to restrict oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico.”

I think Dr. Sean would measure this as a ¼ giraffe size event.  Though it is cool, it is only a sample of a giga giraffe size asteroid: “Sample of Empire State Building-sized asteroid set to crash down in Utah desert.”  Hey, he’s the math guru, not I, so you’ll have to ask him in the comments why he measures stuff in giraffes…

Interesting and fun to watch.  A short video of Paris 100 years ago.

Everyone knows the agenda trumps open debate in academia: “Oxford University Press refuses to publish professor’s book that challenges gender ideology.

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