Jester Politics

Jester Politics Week 17 Quiz!

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#1. Name this President: I’m from New York and was a member of the Whig party who served as President from 1850 to 1853. I was the Vice President to the 12th President of the U.S. and the second to ascend to the presidency after the President died in office. I was an anti-slavery advocate, but nevertheless supported the Compromise of 1850 as “a means of healing sectional differences.” Under this act California was admitted to the Union as a free state, New Mexico became territory, and the slave trade in Washington D.C. was abolished. In return a strong Fugitive Slave Act that put federal officers at the disposal of slave owners seeking their runaway slaves was enacted. For the remainder of my term, I consistently authorized the use of federal force to return runaway slaves.

#2. There are three laws referenced in the U.S. Constitution. Which is one that is NOT referenced?

#3. True or false. The Constitution sets forth the maximum number of justices that can serve on the Supreme Court at the same time.

#4. How many Presidents have been impeached?

Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump were all impeached, but none have been removed from office by the Senate.

#5. True or false. States can amend the constitution directly without the approval of the U.S. Congress.

If two thirds of the states call for a state’s convention, the federal government must call the state’s convention.  At the convention states submit amendments and adopt them if three quarters of the states vote to ratify them. (Constitution Art. V)

#6. The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir was a battle in which war?

The battle of Chosin Reservoir was a Korean War battle fought in November – December 1950 primarily between the 1st Marine Division and the Chinese 9th Army consisting of 12 divisions (approximately 150,000 troops).  The 1st MarDiv was forced to undertake a fighting withdrawal to the coast where they were evacuated.  During this battle the Marines rendered 7 of the 12 Chinese division ‘ineffective” – meaning those divisions suffered at least 30% casualties. 

#7. Only one amendment to the Constitution has been repealed, which amendment repealed it?

The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment which prohibited alcohol in the U.S.

#8. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called to:

#9. Which of the following delegates to the Constitutional Convention did not sign the Constitution because it lacked a Bill of Rights?

Patrick Henry refused to sign the Constitution because he believed it endangered the rights of States and individual freedoms.  Edmund Randolph believed it had insufficient checks and balances.  Robert Yates refused to sign because he was opposed to a strong national government.  List of delegates who did not sign and their reasons is here.

#10. Benjamin Franklin (81) was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention. But who was the youngest?

Jonathan Dayton was the youngest at age 26.  Richard Dobbs Spaight and Charles Pinckney were 29.  Alexander Hamilton was (30).  Delegates and ages can be found here.


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