Jester Politics

Jester Politics’ News Roundup For September 29, 2023

Jester Politics’ News Roundup For September 29, 2023


If true this will shakeup the 2024 presidential election: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning to Announce Independent RunThere are two questions I have.  First, who will he hurt more – Biden or Trump (the presumed Republican nominee).  But I think the second question is more interesting – would RFK Jr. running as a third party prevent any candidate from obtaining the required 270 electoral votes?  If no candidate reaches the magical 270 number, the race will be decided by the House of Representatives where each state – not congressperson – gets one vote.


New York is a hellhole: 95-Year-Old War Vet Gets the Boot to Make Room for Illegal Immigrants.”


California’s reaction to every solution to any problem seems to be to destroy the solution:As California Charter Schools Excel, Los Angeles’s Top Public District Makes It Harder To Attend Them.”  The stupid runs deep on the west coast…


This makes sense, most universities have turned into depressing shells of their past selves:  “UK study finds increased risk of depression and anxiety when in higher education.


How to become a legend and ruin your career in one night.  British Pilot Snorts Coke Off Topless Woman, Parties & Gets Fired Before Flying Home To UK.


Biden and gang have hung out “the southern border is open.”  The Biden Express – Illegal African immigrants fill daily Flight 800 from Istanbul to Bogota and then make their way into the U.S. through our southern borderBiden should be impeached for his disastrous handling of our southern border alone.  The number of illegal immigrants is not only unsustainable but also dangerous.


Good: General Mark Milley Retires.  Alas, I have little hope his replacement will be any better.


Thanks Joe: America’s emergency oil reserve is at a 40-year low.”  Of course, the Pres. has a plan: “U.S. 5 Year Oil Lease Plan Will Include The Lowest Lease Sales In History.”


NATO is not a serious alliance.  Each NATO member is supposed to spend 2% of its GDP on their military.  The only three countries that have met this requirement every year from 2014 through 2022 are Greece, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.  Estonia has met it every year since 2015; Poland and Latvia since 2018; and Lithuania since 2019.  France and Bulgaria have each met the requirement only once in those 9 years.  Now Canada has announced it plans to cut about $1 billion from its defense budget and Germany is walking back its commitment also.  In 2022 Canada spent 1.22% of its GDP on defense and Germany 1.49%.


Someone needs to go to jail: Illegal aliens fist bump Border Patrol agents who cut razor wire and let them in.”


Riddle me this – is she delusional, lying, stupid, or all three?  “Squad Member Rep. Pressley: ‘No Doubt About It. Our Border is Secure.’”





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