Jester Politics

Week 22 Jester Quiz!

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#1. Name this President: I was a Democrat from Virginia who served as President from 1913 to 1921. I was a complicated and contradictory person. I was a progressive but also wrote a 5-volume book that romanticized the Confederacy and described the Ku Klux Klan as "roving knights-errant...” I led the U.S. in WW I and then lead the U.S. diplomatic delegation that took part in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles. However, the U.S. never ratified the treaty due to my instance on including the requirement of becoming a member of the League of Nations in the treaty. During my administration the Palmer Raids, named for my Attorney General, were conducted and resulted in the wrongful arrests of 5,000 to 10,000 people believed to be communists or communist sympathizers. Additionally, civil rights violations - including unlawful arrests, detentions, and beatings were widespread in these raids.

#2. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address to the Assembled Congress in:

#3. Which Article of the Constitution establishes and defines the powers of the President?

#4. True or false. Upon a 2/3 majority vote by both houses of Congress a constitutional amendment is ratified and becomes part of the Constitution.

2/3 of both houses of Congress must vote to propose a constitutional amendment, and then 3/4 of the states must vote to ratify the amendment.

#5. On which U.S. Battleship was the surrender ceremony of Imperial Japan held?

#6. The Battle of the Bulge occurred in which war:

#7. Which amendment to the Constitution prohibits the quartering of troops in peoples’ homes during peace time without the owners’ consent?

#8. A Representative (member of the House of Representatives) can be removed from office by:

Constitution, Art I, Sec. 5

#9. True or false. A private company that colludes with the federal government to violate citizens’ civil liberties is considered a state actor and can be sued for deprivation of those civil liberties.

#10. The first state to ratify the Constitution and become a state was?

Delaware ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787


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