Jester Politics

Week 23, Jester Quiz!

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#1. Name this President: I was a Republican from Texas who served as President from 1953 to 1961. In WW II I was the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe responsible for the D Day invasion and campaign against Nazi Germany. I opposed the use of nuclear weapons against Japan, arguing Japan was on the verge of defeat and the use of such weapons would be counterproductive. After WW II, I was named Commander, NATO Forces. I was the only WW II General to serve as President.

#2. Who is the only Marine to have been awarded five Navy Crosses, our country’s second highest award for bravery?

#3. How many years did it take before the 27th Amendment was ratified by the states?

#4. Currently, the terms of the President and the Vice President end at noon on which day following a presidential election?

#5. Which amendment limits a person to being elected two times to the presidency?

#6. Who was the first Republican President of the U.S.?

#7. Since we asked about a Republican President, we must be fair and ask about a Democratic one. So, who was the first Democratic President elected AFTER the Civil War?

Andrew Johnson was a Democrat who served as President from 1865-1869, but he was not elected.  He was Lincoln’s Vice President who became President when Lincoln was assassinated.

#8. How many American Presidents have been assassinated?

Abraham Lincoln (19th), James A. Garfield (20th), William McKinley (25th) and John F. Kennedy (35th)

#9. The WW II Battle of the Bulge (also called the Battle of the Ardennes) was fought from December 16, 1944, to January 25, 1945. During this battle U.S. forces suffered how many casualties?

#10. Everyone knows that Hawaii was the 50th state admitted to the union. But which state was the 49th?


2 thoughts on “Week 23, Jester Quiz!”

  1. I got 4 of 10 right. Andrew Johndon was a trick question. The others I just did not know.
    How many died in the battle of the bulge?

    1. Our casualties in the Battle of the Bulge was over 100,000. Andrew Johnson was not a trick question – asked for the first Democrat ELECTED after the Civil War. Johnson was a Democrat but he was Lincoln’s VP and became President when Lincoln was assassinated. He was not elected as a President.

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