Jester Politics News Roundup For December 1, 2023

  Jester Politics News Roundup For December 1, 2023 A heads up for those demanding a ceasefire in Gaza – there was a ceasefire on October 6, 2023, Hamas broke it on October 7, 2023.  There was also a cease fire on November 29, 2023.  Hamas broke that one on November 30, 2023.  In fact, Hamas has violated every cease fire they’ve entered.  See a pattern?   Is Biden and gang abandoning Israel?  “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israel that it lacks “credit” to conduct the kind of military campaign necessary to defeat Hamas, saying that the Biden administration would not tolerate large-scale bombing over months in southern Gaza.” We invaded Afghanistan and Iraq over 9/11 and still have troops in Syria battling ISIS.  Yet Blinken tells Israel the Biden administration will “not tolerate large-scale bombing over months in southern Gaza” to defeat Hamas – who murdered, raped, and tortured 1,200 Israelis and kidnaped another 240.  To put these casualties into perspective, as horrific as 9/11 was, instead of 2,996 died we would have had to suffer approximately 48,000 Americans killed to have the same percentage of our population killed on 9/11 as Israel did on Oct 7. Perhaps it’s time for Biden and gang, along with the rest of the world, to start demanding Hamas surrender and stand trial for their constant terrorist attacks on Israel since 2005 in general and for Oct 7, 2023, in particular.   I’m a huge proponent of concealed carry, however, I would suggest people carry in a more conventional manner than this young man: “Suspect found to be hiding handgun in his rectum.”  Seems to me that in addition to being unsafe, it would be a pain in the ass as well…   Some rare honesty from a politician: “Chuck Schumer Admits That the Rise in Anti-Semitism Is Coming From The Political Left.”  First, there is not a “rise” in Anti-Semitism, it has always been there. Instead, those on the political left have let their masks slip showing us who they really are.  Second, large parts of the political left have engaged in both overt and covert racism for decades, so no one should be surprised they are also Anti-Semites.  Disgusted yes, surprised no.   We need better politicians, an effective press, and better informed voters: “George Santos was kicked out of Congress for using campaign money on OnlyFans… but…that episode barely scratches the surface of a man whose ‘total existence is a lie.’”  I still don’t understand how the press missed Santos’ illegal acts before the election.  At best it was gross incompetency, but then again, gross incompetency pretty much defines our press.   Just when you think you hate the media enough, you find out you need to hate them more.  CNN goes all Stalin, or is it all Mao: “CNN: ‘It’s Time to Limit Travel’ for Climate Change.” (behind a paywall)   I think this is correct, “Russia, Iran, and China are Weaker Than They Appear.”  Unfortunately, Russia and China are nuclear powers and Iran, thanks to Biden and Obama, are on the verge of becoming one. On a related note: “China’s factories fall deeper into contraction.”  The question I have – will a severe recission in China cause social upheaval to the point that it threatens the ruling class?  And if China descents into chaos, what happens to their nuclear weapons?   The question has never been “was the DOJ and FBI involved in fanning the J6 flames,” but instead “how involved were they?” Though we have yet to get all of the answers, we are starting to get a few:  “GOP Rep. Higgins Claims Over 200 FBI Agents Were Involved On January 6.”  These agents are in addition to the agents and paid informants the FBI had imbedded with groups outside of the Capitol building.  Apparently, there were so many paid informants that the FBI lost track of just how many were imbedded with the protesters! If the J6 video tapes, coupled with the conduct of the DOJ, FBI, and the DC federal court doesn’t scare you, then you’re either exceptionally brave, or exceptionally ill-informed.  Don’t get me wrong.  Those who engaged in violence and destruction of property should be held accountable.  However, those who peacefully marched around inside the Capitol should receive a slap on the wrist – just like everyone else who engaged in the same, and often worse conduct have received.  For example, think of the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” (Benjamin Franklin)   Things just keep getting better.  Literally as I was writing this roundup this came across my feed: “House Republican Confirms that Certain J6 Committee Videos Have ‘Vanished.’”  “The reported disappearance of videotapes of witness interviews of depositions conducted by the now-disbanded Jan. 6 congressional committee, which was led by the Democrats, is raising serious issues about the integrity of that J6 committee.”  No kidding.     I could stand to loose a few pounds: “The Mediterranean diet isn’t just good for your health — it’s also great for your sex life.”  I don’t have to eat olives do I?  I hope I don’t have to eat olives. I hate olives…   Stating the obvious: “Joe Biden Reveals That He Doesn’t Understand Economics.”   A dangerous lack of class spans the political spectrum.  The right has the Westboro Baptist Church, the left has Pro-Palestinian protesters.  Both believe it’s good to dehumanize those they disagree with, and both live in a bubble of hate: “Pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrate outside the memorial service for former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in Atlanta.” What ever happened to wishing those you disagreed with who died, to rest in peace?  Or at least just stay quiet and leave the families to morn in peace?   Not Bud Light stupid but pretty close:  “Red Lobster says unlimited shrimp promotion was too popular and too cheap.”  About the only one who didn’t think … Continue reading Jester Politics News Roundup For December 1, 2023