Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 27

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 27

1 / 10

Which year was the U.S. Constitution adopted?

2 / 10

Rep. George Santos (NY-R) was expelled from the House of Representatives on December 1, 2023 (Merry Christmas).  Including Santos, how many Representatives have been expelled from the House of Representatives in the history of the U.S.?

3 / 10

How many Presidents did NOT serve in the military?

4 / 10

The Constitution guarantees every State in this Union a democratic Form of Government.

5 / 10

How many U.S. Naval ships have been named the “Constitution?”

6 / 10

How many Presidents served more than 2 terms?

7 / 10

Which Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.?

8 / 10

Which is NOT a right protected by the Eighth Amendment?

9 / 10

The First Amendment gives Americans the right of freedom to peaceable assemble (protest).

10 / 10

Name this President:

I was a Republican from Massachusetts nicknamed “Cautious Cal.”  I was the Vice President to the 29th President and became President upon his death.  I served as President from 1923 to 1929.

I’m the only President to be sworn in by his father.  I learned of the President’s death while visiting family in Vermont.  My father was a notary public and administered the oath of office that night by lamplight.

I am known for cleaning up the D.C. corruption. I appointed special counsel to investigate the Teapot Dome oil-lease scandal that led to the U.S. Secretary of the Interior being convicted of accepting bribes.  I also dismissed my predecessor’s tarnished U.S. attorney general, Harry M. Daugherty.

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