Jester Politics

Jester Politics News Roundup For December 8, 2023

Jester Politics News Roundup For December 8, 2023

Pearl Harbor.  Since this is a weekly roundup, I want to point out that December 7th was the 82nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor.  I think it’s important to remember the 2,403 Americans who died that day, they did so for us.  Much Respect!


If Hunter is truly the smartest man Biden knows, then the President knows a lot of really stupid people.  In addition to the federal gun charge pending in Delaware, Hunter has now been indicted in California on 6 misdemeanors and 3 felonies – all related to his failure to pay taxes.  The new indictment details his 2016-2019 income – just over $7 million – from sources in Ukraine, China, Romania, and a couple of questionable Americans.  But instead of paying income tax Hunter spent his “money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes.”

Granted, spending millions on hookers, cool cars, and rent for luxury hotels and rental properties is more fun than paying taxes, but really stupid.  Add to that lying on ATF form 4435 and abandoning a laptop at a computer repair shop with incriminating photos and you have reached a level of stupid that is in a class by itself.


I hate pirates. “Man dressed as a PIRATE destroys 5,000 gallons of white wine worth $600,000 in Washington cellar before disappearing into the darkness.”


Outrageous! “Red Cross reprimanded hostage families: ‘Think about the Palestinians.’”  What was the conduct the Red Cross reprimanded this Israeli family for?  They asked the Red Cross to deliver prescription meds to their daughter who has been held hostage by Hamas for over 60 days, meds she needs to take daily.  The Red Cross needs immediate reform from the top down, or maybe just replace them with an honest and effective organization.


Obviously, this woman has mental issues, at least I hope she does.  I would hate to think a sane person would even consider this, let alone attempt it:  Woman arrested for pouring gasoline, trying to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home.


Well, at least there is one politician that is transparent, at least in one area: Rep Nancy Mace is “accused of discussing her sex life with aides.”  Now if Rep. Mace and our other elected leaders would only be transparent about things that matter, and leave their sex lives at home, or on OnlyFans…


The Home Alone Inflation MeasureEight-year-old Kevin McCallister famously went grocery shopping in the 1990 classic “Home Alone” and purchased a haul of goodies including a half-gallon of milk, a half-gallon of orange juice, a TV dinner, bread, frozen mac & cheese, laundry detergent, cling wrap, toilet paper, dryer sheets & a pack of army men for $19.83.

From 1990 to 2022 – 12 years – the cost for the same items increased $24.57, or on average $2.05/year to $44.40.

From 2022 to 2023 the cost for the same items increased $27.88 from $44.40 to $72.28.  That’s 113.4% year-over-year inflation rate.

Whose inflation numbers do you think are more accurate – the government’s or Home Alone’s?

On the bright side Costco’s famous hotdog and soda deal has defied inflation and remained $1.50 since 1985.


I guess being an anti-Semite is career enhancing with some of our universities.  On December 5, 2023, the presidents of Harvard (Dr. Gay), University of Pennsylvania (Dr. Magill), and MIT (Dr. Kornbluth) refused to unequivocally condemn the calling for genocide against Jews on their campuses.  Instead, in response to a question from Rep. Elise Stefanik, (R-N.Y) they all claimed that whether calls for the genocide of Jews would be hate speech depended on “context.”  I’m at a loss on how any “context” can make calling for the mass murder of Jews, or any racial or ethnic group, any less hate speech, not to mention dangerous.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a free speech maximalist and believe these three pinheads have the absolute right to engage in “hate” speech.  The government simply has no business policing protected speech – which includes “hate” speech.  However, people don’t have to tolerate, let alone condone antisemitic speech.  We’re free to shun those who hold racist and antisemitic beliefs, as well as those who refuse to condemn those abhorrent beliefs.  For example, there’s not a single university or large corporation whose president wouldn’t rightly condemn people who engage in racist rants.  Yet, here we have the presidents of three of our ‘elite’ universities refusing to condemn antisemitic speech.  Why?

It’s true that Magill and Gay have tried to walk their comments back, but that’s due to external pressure and not because they’ve suddenly found their moral compass.  Not only are they being dragged on both social media and in the press, but donors are withdrawing donations.  In one instance a donor has withdrawn a $100 million gift to Penn.  There are also increasing calls for these three to resign.  In other words, their newfound moral clarity is nothing more than a mirage they’re attempting to create in order to keep their well-paying jobs, and not a rejection of antisemitism.


I thought Canadians were supposed to be friendly and mature? “Fight In A Canadian McDonald’s Breaks Out After Customer Complains About Pokémon Cards Not Being Included In His Happy Meal”


Sports journalism has officially joined the rest of journalism as members of the sucky class. Deadspin used a photo of the right side of a 9-year-old chiefs’ fan wearing a headdress that showed his face painted black.  They then condemned the kid for wearing blackface and demanded the NFL take action.  What Deadspin failed to show was the photo of the whole face, which they had, because that photo showed the kid had his face painted in the Chiefs’ colors – half black and half red.  As it turns out, he’s also reportedly a Native American.  Hope the kid and his parents sue Deadspin into oblivion.


During his resent debate with DeSantis, Newsom talked about how great California is doing.  He should have talked to his bean counters before making that claim: California’s budget deficit swells to record $68B as tax revenue falls.”  As Margret Thatcher once said socialist governments “always run out of other people’s money.”


Maybe it’s just me, but I think these people might have confused New Years Eve and Christmas: “NYC braces for SantaCon’s booze-fueled anarchy as 30,000 ‘obnoxious’ Mr Clauses force bars to lock their doors before the streets are plagued by brawls, urine and vomit.”  Seems like a nice friendly…


I’ll believe it’s an emergency when those who are telling me it’s an emergency, start acting like it’s an emergency.  The ‘elites’ all jetted off to Dubai for the UN’s COP28 climate summit where they are expected to call for people to eat less beef, while they feast on such things as:

  • “juicy beef;”
  • “slabs of succulent meat;”
  • smoked wagyu burgers;
  • Philly cheesesteaks;
  • “melt-in-your-mouth BBQ” and
  • African street BBQ.

Maybe it’s just me, but I dismiss those who fly private jets to a conference where they eat “juicy beef” as they issue statements demanding that we end fossil fuel use and beef consumption in order to save the world from fossil fuel and beef consumption.


For the love of all that’s holy!  A NYU student who tore down Israeli hostage posters has been suspended until the fall 2024 semester.  Her response?  She complains that she’s being denied an education and can’t afford to live in NYC because her scholarship has also been rescinded and she’ll be kicked out of campus dorms at the end of this semester.  Hate to tell this genius, but vandalizing things, like tearing down other people’s posters is not free speech, it’s vandalism.  It’s also denying others their free speech rights by using the “hecklers veto.”

I hear there’s a good community college where she comes from, wonder if they will accept an anti-Semite?


I’ma thinking I need one of these hermit homes: The world’s largest Doomsday community. (I’ma is too a word, well it should be!)


I’ll pass. CosMc store by McDonald’s opening soon with a menu featuring such delights like Chai Frappe Burst and Creamy Avocado Tomatillo Sandwiches.  Whoever thought of this monstrosity should be banished from polite society.  If you want a second opinion, they should be banished from impolite society too.

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