Jester Politics

Jester Politics News Roundup For January 5, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For January 5, 2024

Beginning Of Year Edition

Vivek has become a press wrecking machine on steroids!  First he decimates a Washington Post reporter over her playing word games during a question about whether he condemns white supremacists.  He then predicts what she is going to write, which she then writes and gets community noted on X.  Next up was NBC’s Dasha Burns who tried the same line of questioning and did not like the answers Vivek gave.  I would say she had a meltdown, but it was more like she reached critical mass and blue a gasket.


Our press continues it race to irrelevance:   “Leftist media claims conservatives weaponize plagiarism to ‘trap’ Claudine Gay.”  How about just stating that Gay was a serial plagiarist who resigned under pressure for an offense that is a mortal wound for students and faculty alike?  Oh, by the way, she kept her tenured professorship.


This is good news:Apple’s suppliers have so far spent $16 billion to move from China.”  Though the article doesn’t provide numbers for companies other than Apple, it does state that most if not all are working to leave China at least to some extent.

Alas, this is not good news.  Biden said an untruth when he stated “This morning’s report confirms that 2023 was a great year for American workers.”  To the contrary, “The Latest Jobs Report May Actually Be ‘Catastrophic.‘”

There was “a 0.3 percentage point decline in both the labor force participation rate and the employment-population ratio, now standing at 62.5% and 60.1%, respectively, which means that the percentage of the nation’s working-age population actually decreased in December — a month normally buoyed by temporary holiday season employment.”

But it gets worse: “here’s where things look really bad. According to the BLS, the number of full-time workers went from 134,727,000 in November to 133,196,000 in December. That’s a whopping 1.531 million decline.”

Add all that to the fact that the jobs report for 10 of the last 11 months have been revised downward after they were released indicates two things.  First, the Biden Administration is outright gaslighting the American people.  Second, the economy is, at best, on shaky ground, real shacky ground.

A lot more information and analysis at the link.

Related. from the Wall Street Journal: “The Welfare-Industrial Complex Is Booming.”  “Drill into the nation’s 3.7% unemployment rate, and you’ll find a growing welfare-industrial complex beneath the seemingly strong labor market. Government, social assistance and healthcare account for 56% of the 2.8 million net new jobs over the past year, and for nearly all gains in blue states such as New York and Illinois.”  Yikes, that is very ungood.

Defund the Department of Education:  “Education Dept. investigates university for condemning Oct. 7 Hamas attack.”  The reason for the investigation?  Because a UC San Diego administrator sent a campus wide email on Oct 9, condemning Hamas and offering support after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack.  Evidently the DOE believes that condemning Hamas discriminates “against Islamic, Arab and/or Palestinian students.”  No, really!  I am not making this up.

I did not think dog sitting was so hard “Phoenix couple are shocked to see their dogs running across street on their Ring camera before dog sitter sent them photo of WRONG pet.”

This nonsense has to stop.  “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Swatted.”  It is a waste of police resources and more importantly, it’s dangerous.

Though we have been hearing a lot about high profile swatting cases involving politicians, they are not the only targets.  In fact, the two people I’m aware of who have died due to being swatted are ordinary people who were just going about their lives.

The first was Andrew Finch, 28 who was swatted by 3 people over an online gaming argument.  He was shot by the cops during the raid.  To make this tragedy worse, the gamers got the wrong person – Finch was not even involved in the argument! A guy named Viner asked Tyler Raj Barriss to make the call, which he did.  Viner received 15 months and Barriss 20 years.  The third defendant has deferred adjudication.

The second is 60-year-old Mark Herring who died of a heart attack during the raid.  The reason he was swatted?  People wanted him to give up his Tweeter nic so they could sell it, and he refused.  The swatter in the U.S. was 18 and has been sentenced to 5 years in prison.  The other is a minor in the UK, I don’t know what if anything happened to that idiot.

As for politicians, I know of none who have died from swatting – yet.  However, Townhall is reporting that 12 Republicans and 2 Democrats – Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Maine’s Secretary of State Shenna Bellows have been swatted.  The most prominent Republicans that have been swatted are Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

It’s far past time for law enforcement to aggressively pursue those involved who swat people and for the courts to hand down extremely sever sentences.  Fifteen months for being involved in a swatting that led to a death is far to light.

The end of the world is near:  Super cat saves her bud Oakly the dog from two not too friendly coyotes looking for a meal. (video at the link).


The Epstein documents.  I wrote this and posted it on X.  I think it’s important enough to post here too.

Thoughts on the Epstein Docs.

As an initial matter, I want to point out that @Techno_Fog is the one who has done the best analysis of these docs. Now my thoughts, for what they are worth.

Lots of things coming out in these docs showing there are disgusting perverts amongst us. This is not a revelation in-and-of-itself, but confirmation of what has been true throughout history. What is a revelation is some of the people named in the documents and their actions. However, contrary to what many “journalists” and “influencers” have explicitly stated or implicitly implied – that all the names in the docs are pedos, they are not.  A couple examples:

– Some of the names in the docs were “dropped” by Epstein as people he claimed to know or who he claims were friends, that one of the victims overheard while Epstein was on the phone. There is no evidence that any of these names Epstein “dropped” were ever on the island, Epstein’s plane, stayed at any of his other properties, or that Epstein even actually knew them. It’s third hand info, or if you prefer – hearsay and unreliable for many reasons. That does not mean the victim is lying, to the contrary I believe she testified truthfully as to what she remembered. However, merely because Epstein said something on the phone to an unknown third party does not make it true.

– Other names in the docs are those of witnesses, doctors, and other people who are not suspected of committing criminal or immoral acts. In fact, some gave damning testimony against Epstein and Maxwell. The names people should be concentrating on are those who raped the victims or are alleged to have raped them.

And do not tell me it was “consensual sex” – minors cannot consent to sex with an adult. I advise everyone to be thoughtful and weigh what is in the docs instead of rushing to judgement on what is said by journalists and influencers who are throwing names out without determining why those names are in the docs. I read all the time that we should not trust the MSM, and rightly so, so why blindly trust them on this issue?

If you want thoughtful in-depth analysis of the Epstein docs then I recommend reading @Techno_Fog. He’s a lawyer that’s been around for a while, is honest, intelligent, though, and references his work. Most importantly, he names those who should be named and does not drag obviously innocent people through the gutter for clicks.


Take a cruise around the world, they were told.  It’ll be fun they were told.  What could go wrong, they were asked.  Well,  “Passengers on NINE-MONTH cruise around the world reveal horrifying footage of the ship FLOODING after it was hit by 60mph storm just 12 days in.”  Welcome aboard…

Our institutes of higher education are anything but: “Ohio State health sciences program sparks controversy with mandatory ‘privilege.’”  Ohio State University is offering a course through its School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences that asks students to address their “privileges” if they are white, heterosexual, or able-bodied.  I guess that means only gay physically challenged people are exempt.

Whoever is running this program is an idiot studying to be a moron.

I donno, I thought being transparent with students is a good thing: University chancellor ousted for making ‘abhorrent’ porn videos.”   The Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse was fired for producing and appearing in pornographic videos with his wife.

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