Jester Politics News Roundup For January 12, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For January 12, 2024 Of course: “More than $1B in US military aid to Ukraine not properly tracked by Pentagon, DOD audit finds.”  What they mean is there is $1 billion in weapons and munitions that no one can account for.  This is not money that is missing: “The Defense Department inspector general concluded in the report that about $1 billion in weapons that are required to be tracked have not been.”  That’s a whole lot of ‘let’s go blow stuff up things’ that are missing.  Great, lets give Ukraine even more.   I think most people have heard that Secretary of Defense Austin kept his hospitalization on January 1, 2024, with prostate cancer a secret for several days.  As bad as the Secretary of Defense concealing that information from the President and just about everyone else is, it gets worse, much worse.  Jester Politics published a good article on the debacle here: “The Sordid Tale of the Vanishing Secretary of Defense.”  At best this act was a staggering dereliction of duty, at worse it was a usurpation of Presidential authority.   Harvard suffers another blow to its quickly crumbling reputation – it’s being sued by Jewish students for Title VI violations (Intentional Discrimination and Hostile Environment), Breach of Contract, and Breach of the Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing.  The allegations set for in the 77 page complaint captioned Students Against Antisemitism v. President and Fellows of Harvard College are both extensive and damning. I’m by no means an expert in Title VI law, but if the students can prove their allegations, then I believe they’ll prevail on those claims.  The breach of contract and breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealings claims are a little trickier. Courts are split on whether student handbooks and college policies are contracts or not.  I wish the students well.   Did you know ice fishing leads to prostitution?  This Mayor explains how it does!   The Army has no one but itself to blame:  “Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits.”  Whenever an organization tells a group of people they are less than others, not wanted, or are the cause of the problem, that group will avoid the organization.  That has been the message the Army has been sending, unintentionally perhaps, but still sending via its advertising campaigns over the last few years.  The government has also alienated a large portion of Veterans and military families who are no longer recommending people enlist, and often advising against it.  The Veteran community was the primary pipeline for new recruits as late as 2019.   “Director of ‘Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence,’ Sentenced To 10 years in prison on gun and drug charges.  If I was a criminal, I would want the government to disarm the law-abiding citizens too.  Of course, I’d also not want to get busted…   A walk-through some recent climate change predictions: 2000, the Independent: “Snow falls are now just a thing of the past.” 2016, the BBC: “Will snow become a thing of the past as climate warms?” 2021, the Washington Post: “As Earth warms, will snowstorms be a thing of the past?” January 12, 2024, the Daily Mail: “Too snowy to SKI! Utah winter resort closes after seeing 15 INCHES of white stuff fall in 24 hours…” Fifteen inches of snow in twenty-four hours is a whole lota snow for snow being just a thing of the past…   If Biden thought that having open boarders would help him with the Hispanic vote, he was not only wrong, but really, really wrong!  According to the most recent polling from AP/NORC 43% of Hispanic voters list immigration as their top priority for the government to address.  In another recent poll only 3% agreed that those here illegally should be granted amnesty.   The Biden push to transition to EV cars seems to be running into a bit of a setback: “Hertz is selling 20,000 electric vehicles to buy gasoline cars instead.”  Hertz points to the high cost to repair collision damage and the decreasing resale value of EVs as the reasons.   Our politicians hate us.  NYC closes a school in order to house illegal immigrants during bad weather.  As for the students, what the heck, not like they haven’t been locked out of their schools during the pandemic. I’m sure they’re used to remote learning. Jester Politics thrives on the generous contributions of people like you. Your support, regardless of the amount, fuels our mission to cultivate a vibrant platform for a community of passionate individuals who champion the importance of an enlightened society, if you like what you find here, please consider a donation. Donate Share this post: