Jester Politics News Roundup For January 19, 2024

1 Jester Politics News Roundup For January 19, 2024 “Denver hospital system may collapse due to migrant crisis: ‘We are turning down patients’” Just a guess here, but by “migrant” they mean illegal immigrants.   More than disturbing: Two-thirds of those who consider themselves elites “say there’s too much freedom in America.”  This is in direct conflict with the beliefs of the vast majority of Americans.  A couple of examples:   The amount of freedom in America.   47% of the “elites” believe Americans have too much freedom and only 21% believe the government has too much control.  It’s worse among “elites” who graduated from aan Ivy League school – 55% believe there is too much freedom and only 15% believe there is too much government control   These beliefs are flipped among Americans in general with only 16% believing Americans have too much freedom and 57% believing the government has too much control.   Rationing gas, meat, and electricity to fight climate change.   77% of “elites” favor rationing and 22% oppose it. The Ivy League “elites” favor rationing by 89% and 10% are opposed to the idea. Among Americans in general 63% oppose rationing and 28% support it. For purposes for their study the Committee to Unleash Prosperity defined “elites” as: people having at least one post-graduate degree; earning at least $150,000 annually; and living in high-population density areas (more than 10,000 people per square mile) These are the people who are more likely to be lawyers, politicians, high level corporate employees, professors, media personality, etc., and are able to set the national conversation. A lot more at the link, all of it scary.   Our colleges and universities are failing our youth: 91% of small business owners say colleges are giving students ‘unrealistic expectations’ for life after graduation.  One small business owner noted “These people come out of college more worried about their DEI score than actually being a functional part of society.”   The path to success.  Go to the University of Illinois and earn the prized Gender Studies Degree, then you too can be an unemployed, homeless, 31-year-old who gets held at gunpoint when attempting to burglarize a garage!  Honestly, who needs to go to college to study “gender?”  In my day, that was a high school self-study course that usually took place in the backseat of a car.   Don’t write him off yet, he still has a year to catch up to her: “The Morning Briefing: Antony Blinken Is the Worst Sec. of State Not Named Hillary Clinton.”   A federal appellate court struck down Pennsylvania’s ban on 18 to 20-year-olds from publicly carrying firearms during declared states of emergency. Since the Supreme Court handed down Bruen the question has increasingly become – can an adult between the ages of 18-20 have restrictions on gun ownership that would violate the 2nd amendment if applied to adults 21 and older.  It seems that the courts are using the 26th Amendment that lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 to determine the age a person becomes an adult.  If I am correct, then I expect the ban on adults 18 to 21 from owning pistols will soon be struck down as well.   Guess this is what happens when men buy at most one issue a year.  “Sports Illustrated’s entire staff told they are getting laid off.” It is never a good idea to engage in questionable and perhaps unlawful conduct when engaged in high stakes/high profile litigation, because if you do, someone will find out!  Initially, Fulton County DA Fani Willis didn’t get that memo, and when she did get it, she ignored it and kept talking.   “Woman Scorned Strikes Back: My Husband Paid Fani’s Way — And I Have Bank Records to Prove It.”  Not sure what the judge will do, but given Willis’ actions, which arguably include witness tampering, I would not be surprised if Willis and her office are forced to withdraw from the Trump RICO case.  I think it’s a stretch that the judge will dismiss the case unless there is more to Willis and her lover and lead prosecutor Wade’s actions than have become public.  In any event, the next month or so will be popcorn worthy.   Will the insanity never end?  Biden Admin seeks to extend federal college-prep programs to illegal immigrants. Perjury In a J6 Trial?  Video at the link with a timeline of the movements of a major prosecution witness.  The video, if accurate, shows that the witness could not have seen what he testified he saw because he was not where he said he was. If the analysis holds up, and the odds are it will, then more than one fed needs to go to jail.   How much of this was built with American aid money?  “Hamas’ underground tunnels are at least 350 miles long and have turned Gaza ‘into a fortress.’”  Estimates are that the tunnels may be as long as 450 miles.  Pretty staggering since  the longest part of Gaza is about 25 miles.   University of Virginia has things bass akwards.  They have 1 instructor per 10 undergrads, but 1 administrator for every three undergrads.  And people wonder why it costs so much to learn so little…   Jester Politics thrives on the generous contributions of people like you. 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