Jester Politics

Jester Politics News Roundup For February 9, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For February 9, 2024


Harvard continues its race to the bottom: “Two more research misconduct scandals hit Harvard.”  For those keeping count that’s four in a little over a month.  First Harvard’s President Claudine Gay was hit with plagiarism allegations she had to resign over, then its Diversity and Inclusion Officer Sherri Ann Charleston was accused of plagiarism, and now these two allegations.  If this continues Harvard will be using its $51 billion endowment to pay students enroll…


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was established in 1949 and is the organization tasked with assisting Palestinian refugess.  They have now been outed as what at best can be described as a UN organization that supports Hamas and more accurately, in my opinion, an arm of Hamas.  Some numbers.


  • 1,200 UNRWA staff are actual members of Hamas;
  • 3,000 UNRWA teachers belong to a Telegram group that praised the Oct.7 murder, torture, and rape of over 1,200 Israel and the kidnapping of about 240 others – 136 of whom are still held hostage or who have been killed;
  • 6,000 UNRWA staff have close family members who belong to Hamas; and worse of all…
  • 12 UNRWA staff members actively took part in the Oct. 7 massacre.

As if this is not enough, Suhail al-Hindi, the head of UNRWA Gaza staff union & boys school and Muhammad Daoud Ismail al-Jamassi, head UNRWA engineer, central Gaza are both members of Hamas’ Politburo.


But it doesn’t end there.  The UNRWA schools teach radical antisemitism and that it’s the duty of all Palestinians to kill Israelis in general and Jews in particular.  During the current IDF operation in Gaza it is almost a daily occurrence where tunnels are found built underneath UNRWA schools and hospitals and not only weapons, but also munition factories are found in the schools, along with tunnel entry points.

UNRWA receives about $1.6 billion per year in aid, with the U.S. being its largest donor providing over $300 million a year.   The U.S. and 11 other countries have suspended aid to UNRWA pending further review.

It is past time that all countries terminate aid to UNRWA and instead create a new agency that will actually provide aid to the people of Gaza and not involve itself in helping terrorists build an army.


The Air Force is boldly going where no old people have gone before.  In an effort to fix their recruiting and retention problems the Air Force is now taking old people: “Air Force Trying Anything to Get Somebody in a Uniform These Days.”  They better start fixing the problems that have resulted in this crisis instead of implementing gimmicks.  That or the draft will be back.


There is not enough tar and feathers! On MSNBC Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn) stated “the people we care about most, the undocumented Americans that are in this country.”  There are no “undocumented Americans” you are an American, as in U.S. citizen or you are not.  Murphy was talking about illegal immigrants who are not Americans.  Equally as insulting is Murphy’s statement that they are “the people we care about most.”  Thanks Connecticut…


Many wrongly claimed that Republican Governor Abbot of Texas was defying the Supreme Court by continuing to deploy razor wire (he was not), but the Democratic Hawaii Supreme Court is.  In a ruling hot off the press the Hawaii Supreme Court Cites Little-Known ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Clause to Defy SCOTUS.”  No kidding, they actually stated that “The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities” therefore, “’We hold in Hawaii…’ that the ‘current United States Supreme Court’ is wrong.”

That’s not how things work.  On constitutional issues the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say.  By the Hawaii court ignoring this fundamental concept, it paves the way for a complete breakdown in the supremacy of the Constitution, and that leads to chaos, violence, and even civil war.  The feds better fix this before other states decide to ignore rulings they do not like.


This is not the 21st Century of flying cars and cities on Mars I was promised: Michigan transgender Muslim woman loses case against ex who she sued for throwing out jar of her former pair of testicles that she kept in the FRIDGE”


How can this be?  President Biden is too senile to stand trial, but just fine to be President and have the nuclear codes.  Special Counsel Hur’s report justified not recommending charges against President Biden for illegally storing highly classified documents in his garage – because of his poor memory.  I honestly believe his cabinet needs to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office.


Al Gore, John Kerry, and Greta Thunberg hardest hit “Ice cores provide first documentation of rapid Antarctic ice loss in the past.”  I did not know the wildlife was driving SUV’s and burning coal 8,000 years ago!


Our universities are not serious centers of higher education: “University removes ‘Introduction to Bondage’ from ‘Healthy Relationships Week’ after backlash over presenter’s disturbing online activity”  Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis canceled this particular workshop with hands on learning (really) when it was found that Ms. Fynch’s online writings often involved themes of rape, coercion, and suggested child pornography.  Not to worry, you can still attend “Safer Sex Fest,” where you can get “free HIV/STI testing, snag a pic in our photo booth, fill up on cookies, win free sex toys, and so much more!”  Or if you are a slow starter, get “Condom Club training.”


CNN informs the world that “Boeing 777 will struggle to maintain altitude once the fuel tanks are empty.”  Based on a career as a Naval Aviator I can state with absolute certainty that this is true.  I will go out on the limb even further and state that this absolutely true for all heavier than air aircraft, not just the Boeing 777.


They call them “migrants” they are illegal immigrants: “NY GOP reps blame ‘disastrous’ Democrat policies for 2nd violent migrant attack in 2 weeks: ‘End this madness”’  The first attack occurred when a gang of illegal immigrants attacked a NYC cop.  The Second occurred when a gang of three illegal immigrants were shoplifting, and one was stopped.  The one stopped pulled out a pistol and started shooting, hitting a Brazilian tourist in the leg.  The shooter turned out to be a 15 year old illegal immigrant from Venezuela.  Appoint Governor Abbot as the border Czar and shut it down!

2 thoughts on “Jester Politics News Roundup For February 9, 2024”

  1. Are USA elections really so corrupt that Chris Murphy, (and many others), was elected to office and after making his statement remains in office without constituents demanding a resignation? I believe our elections are corrupt. Worse, too many Americans have their head in the sand.

    I read about HI and the “interpretation” of 2A. Shouldn’t the US Supreme Court step in? Can the US Supreme Court step in? I assume citizens will have to sue, and the case will work through the system.

    I told my husband on Oct 7 that our nephews were going to get drafted. Too many things are too far gone.

    Another great read. It is good to enjoy a couple of chuckles while reading about the insanity of current events.

    1. Thank you for your comments on enjoying the roundup!
      Taking your questions in order.
      1. Are our elections corrupt? I believe there is significant election interference. Some of it is the old style ballot box stuffing, but I think the more significant part is illegally using money. I believe Zuckerberg was one of the major players who did this in the 2020 elections. Also the press is engaging in what I consider “journalistic malpractice” by being all in for the Democrats, well at least to a very large degree they are.

      2. How can Murphy and others like him keep getting elected? I think you hit it when you mentioned people have their head in the sand. Many people vote for the candidate they believe has the correct letter behind their name. Murphy is from deep blue Conn. and they will elect a glass of water with a sign saying “D” next to it. I do not think he needs to engage in a rigged election.

      3. Yes the US Supreme Court can step in, but only if someone brings a case or the defendant in the HI case appeals. I expect to see one or the other soon.

      4. As for the draft. Unless they fix the recruiting crisis I expect the draft to return in the next few years,

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