Jester Politics News Roundup For February 23, 2024

1 Jester Politics News Roundup For February 23, 2024 Enough.  Arrest and charge these NGO Volunteers! A volunteer from the NGO “Tucson Samaritans holds open a hole in the border fence and encourages migrants to walk through.”  Not only should we be arresting these people, but we need to defund these NGOs by refusing to provide them with any government funding. But of course: “FBI agent charged with stealing from January 6 defendant.”  Former FBI agent Nicholas Anthony Williams has been indicted for stealing items from at least 3 homes he searched from March 2022 to July 2023 – when he was an FBI agent.  One case involved searching the home of a college student – Alexander Fan – who was found guilty of trespassing on J6 and sentenced to 12 months’ probation.  Which raises the question – why did the FBI search Fan’s home when all he was suspected of was simple trespass?  Searches are limited to finding evidence of a crime, so what possibly could the FBI have legitimately been searching for that would be evidence that Fan trespassed?  A pair of sneakers? Wish I could say I was shocked by the actions of our illustrious FBI, but I’m not.  After Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Comey, the Durham report, the illegal FBI surveillance of Trump’s Campaign, unlawful use of Section 702 almost 300,000 times in 2020 and early 2021, and so much more, well, I just expect this type of behavior from them. The FBI needs significant reforms, or even dismantled and replaced with a law enforcement organization that you know, abides by the law… Wonder if this has anything to do with the high cost of higher education?  “University of Florida has 1 administrator for every 4 undergrads.” Real commitment by brave people: Over 30 anti-Israeli Harvard University students went on a 12-hour hunger strike in support of anti-Israeli students at Brown University.  When I was a kid, we called this being sent to bed without dinner. “Chinese companies are establishing private armies.”  That headline is not entirely correct, Chinese companies are setting up military units and it seems funding them.  However, these military units are, or at least seem to be, controlled by the Peoples’ Liberation Army.  There’s a lot of speculation as to what these ‘private military armies’ are supposed to do, but the best guess is they’re something like our National Guard, only funded by companies.  Also, these units are being setup mostly by Chinese State Owned Companies, with only one known private company involved. One theory as to why these “private military” units are being formed is to act as a reserve that can be called upon in case the increasing social unrest in China explodes into mass protests and violence.  The COVID policies implemented by the CCP caused a lot of discontent and now the Chinese economy is softening substantially with a huge housing bubble many believe is about to pop. If that occurs, then extreme social unrest and violence is a possibility.  Another theory is the increasing U.S./China tensions over Taiwan has prompted the CCP to create a reserve force.  Of course, one does not preclude the other, and the CCP could see value in this force if either event results in hostilities. Regardless of the reason, this development is not a good thing for the west or Taiwan. Finally, some sanity out of New York.  Boys are no longer permitted to play on girls’ sports teams in Nassau County, New York.  I applaud this decision.  I firmly believe that males, whether they identify as females or not, should be banned from all female spaces and sports nationwide, and think national legislation needs to be enacted to ensure this happens. Yes, I’m aware of the argument that if women would refuse to play teams with men on them, then the problem would go away.  I have two answers to that. First, I don’t believe women should have to fight this battle a second time.  The first-time they fought this battle it resulted in Title IX, which provided not only a level playing field for women, but also opened scholarships and even pro-sports to them.  Now Title IX is being gutted and that must be stopped. Second, when females have refused to play female teams with male players it did not end well.  Mid Vermont Christian School declined to play Long Trail in a Feb. 21 Division IV basketball playoff game because the school believed that playing a team with a biological male “’jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players…”  The result? Mid Vermont Christian is now banned from taking part in any state sponsored activity, including sports and academics. Can we hire the President of Argentina?  Milei’s Economic ‘Shock Therapy’ Pays Off, With Argentina Seeing First Budget Surplus in More Than a Decade.  I know our politicians are big spending buffoons, but we are over $34 trillion in debt and need to immediately take real steps to fix this problem.  To be honest, I believe the debt is a bigger threat to our nation than Russia and China combined. Say it ain’t so Mav, Fulton County, Georgia seems to have a rouge DA!  Cell Phone Data Appears to Prove Fani Willis and Nathan Wade Lied Under Oath About Relationship.  According to new filings by Trump’s attorneys, Wade made at least 35 visits to Willis’s neighborhood before Willis hired him.  Several of those visits appeared to be overnight ones (is anyone shocked?).  If this holds up, then Ms. Willis has committed perjury and I do not see how she can remain on the case.  Additionally, everyone should be concerned about DA’s lying to the court under oath – they have a lot of power over people’s freedoms. Academia continues to beclown itself.  Now if you oppose males showering in the same locker room as females, you’re a racist.  At least according to Helen Clarke, a British researcher at Oxford Brookes University.  This nonsense cheapens the … Continue reading Jester Politics News Roundup For February 23, 2024