Jester Politics News Roundup For March 1, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For March 1, 2024   We must stop this insanity or our nation will fail: “The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days.”  Our national debt is currently over $34.4 trillion and climbing!  To be blunt, our politicians have adopted a policy of national suicide by fiscal irresponsibility.   Anti-Semites are running rampant on our college campuses.  Free speech does not include  Making bomb threats targeting Jews, excluding Jews from university buildings, shutting down an astronomy speech because the speaker is Jewish, excluding non-Muslims from a public event at a public university featuring an anti-Semite, and organizing and conducting violent protests aimed at Jews.  These are just a few of the antisemitic acts that fall far outside the protection of the 1st Amendment.  In short, they are nothing less than criminal acts of intimidation and violence against Jews.  It must stop, and we must all denounce it at every opportunity. I excluded the antisemitic incidents that are protected speech for two reasons.  First, as abhorrent as they are, they are protected speech.  Second there are literally too many of them to list.  Having said that, we need to use our 1st Amendment rights to condemn those who use their 1st Amendment rights to engage in antisemitic speech.  The only difference between making racist comments and antisemitic ones, is the group of people they target.  Neither is acceptable and both must be condemned, and those who engaged in that type of speech must be shunned.   When women’s colleges start admitting men pretending to be women, they are no longer “women’s colleges.”  “Most women’s colleges admit students who ‘identify as female’”   Hands off the Bill of Rights! First, they came for the 2nd Amendment under the guise of “common sense gun control.” Now they’re coming for the 1st Amendment under the guise of “common sense” censorship.  According to Barbara McQuade, a University of Michigan law professor: “We need to have a conversation and common-sense solutions to these things [free speech restrictions]. Instead, we throw out terms like censorship, call each other names, use labels and retreat to our opposite sides. We need to be pragmatic and come up with real solutions.” No, we do not “need to have” that conversation. However, we should have a conversation about why Professor McQuade believes anyone should have the authority to decide what can and cannot be spoken.  In fact, John Stuart Mill explained why those like her are a danger not only to individual liberties, but also to society in his work On Liberty.   Still a long way to go and a lot of work to do, so don’t get lazy.  However, Real Clear Politics’ poll averages has Trump ahead in every battle ground state except Pennsylvania where he trails by 0.8%.   My only regret is that I don’t drink faux beer, so I couldn’t participate in boycotting Bud Light, but this is good: “Bud Light boycott likely cost Anheuser-Busch InBev over $1 billion in lost sales.”  Can the boycott keep going and make it $2 billion?   Well, since government officials have been screwing citizens for years, I guess it’s only fair that the citizens get a chance to screw government officials:  “Portland sex worker runs for mayor…”   They are not communist sympathizers, they’re just communists: “‘Squad’ Democrats roasted as ‘communist sympathizers’ after secret trip to Cuba…”  Representatives Omar and Jayapal led a secret delegation to that island of progressive oppression also known as Cuba.  To make matters worse the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was in Cuba at the same time as Omar and Jayapal.  Of course, in keeping with the spirit of ‘transparency’ they demand of everyone else, these two have kept who they met with and what they discussed a secret.   California woman takes crazy crown from Florida man. Better than a reality TV show – two women, one naked, fighting with clubs at Venice Beach, CA.  NSFW video at the link. It’s commercial free too!   More state’s need to follow Florida’s lead: “University of Florida FIRES all 28 of its DEI employees after DeSantis law bans schools from using state money for diversity, equity and inclusion” What struck me is that UF was spending $5 million a year on their DEI department.  Helps explain why a college education is so expensive.   “NASA’s Planetary Radar Images Asteroid As It Approaches Earth.”  The images were taken when the asteroid was 1.8 million miles from Earth, or for those who do JPost math (which is approved by Jester Politics’ own Dr. Sean) the distance was 1.6 billion Taylor Swifts.   It is time to bring the insane asylums back.  Welcome to the era of the “All Species Restroom” that come equipped with a litter box.  No, really!   If Canada and other countries think this is a good idea, then they can do it without the U.S.  “Canada open to sending non-combat troops to Ukraine as instructors; more countries support non-combat missions.”  First, there is no such thing as “non-combat troops,” non-combat people are called civilians not troops. Second, long range missiles make all of Ukraine a combat zone.  Third, try explaining to Russia that all those NATO troops running around Ukraine are “non-combat troops.” This whole Ukrainian timeline is starting to look more and more like Vietnam, only this time the military opponent is nuclear armed.   Who did not see this coming?  “CDC COVID Guidelines Now Align With CDC Flu Guidance.”  And the government, public health officials, universities, and the medical profession wonder why so many have lost trust in them.  Of course, Sweden has known the world panicked over COVID since the begining “The evidence is clear: authoritarian restrictions did not save more lives.”   Free speech is not shouting down speakers, spitting on people, disrupting traffic, and certainly not rioting.  Time to take action against the anti-free speech gang masquerading as activists concerned about our civil liberties.  They really just want to … Continue reading Jester Politics News Roundup For March 1, 2024