Overview of US Government and the United States Constitution

jesterpolitics.com Overview of US Government and the United States Constitution


For context- I’m Jenny in rural northern Maine, though I grew up in Huntsville, Alabama and have lived in many cities across the Eastern United States. My career in years past afforded me the luxury of traveling North America, the Caribbean and Mexico. In college, I graduated with a double major in history and English. Current events and being politically aware have always been important to me, and I try to keep up. October 7 and the days and weeks following were a bone chilling eye opener for me. I worried that the attack would be the catalyst for worldwide disruption. I felt ashamed that I was so ignorant of the disruption it would create in my own country. From that day forth, I have been working to get caught up and refreshed on how this happened. I was also ashamed that the amount of muck I would have to wade through looking for resources had eluded me. Fortunately I happened upon jesterpolitics.com. Keep in mind, I am aware that I have a lot to do and a whole lot more to learn/relearn. These are my wonderings after reading the Overview and The Constitution essays on jesterpolitics.com. The link to constitutioncenter.org was excellent. I read the Constitution for the first time since my sophomore year of college. It is certainly one of the top two or three most beautiful documents ever written. I would put the Ten commandments and the Dead Sea Scrolls as among the top three. I am not Jewish but support Israel fully. My goal is to read what other people think and participate in finding the truth in these odd current events we are experiencing. Thank you so very much for reading and sharing your opinions and knowledge.


The mysterious United States Constitution is one thick fog bank and absolutely clear at the same time, at least to me. It is the most inspirational, human oriented, justice oriented document ever written.


Jesterpolitics.com Overview


Limited powers What happened to that????


There are no checks and balances within each branch? Is that how we arrived at this mess, loopholes, foggy text?


I am terrified that the Electoral College will be eliminated. The sleep lost worrying about what would happen is a struggle for me.


1.3 Federalism seems to be out the window.


1.4 Is this the crux of Soros, Schwab and Gang? Our young citizens are no longer well read in the governing documents of the United States providing them with the sense and knowledge to think for themselves. I watched a story about Tic Tok. If accurate, our young people get all their information from Tic Toc.


3.2.1 Executive Orders Exactly how far does Presidential power reach in issuing executive orders?


3.4 Abuse of Power In my opinion, the citizens are taking the brunt of abuse from the entire government.


4.2.3 Oversight Huge cause for concern because Oversight wins the grand prize for being the cluster of all clusters. There is no oversight. They are just just hopping around it like a hot potato.


How is negligence defined, addressed, and corrected? Is everything through the court system?

Who brings charges and starts the process?


Federalism seems to have been upheld with Roe v Wade. I understand this is a sensitive issue. And, the Texas border with Governor Abbot solving his state’s issue.


jesterpolitics.com The Constitution and link to constitutioncenter.org


By all appearances of current events, our three branches are no longer checking and balancing each other. I have one word for my government these days-cluster.


Was Jan 6 really an insurrection? Some citizens did commit acts of destruction (Nancy’s Office) but what about the Declaration of Independence:


That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Can you add the Declaration of Independence to the Government Mechanics section? It seems to be a forgotten document.


Side note: Mark Levine was talking about the fathers of the enlightenment Saturday night. Levine discussed the men of the Enlightenment and their influence on our Founding Fathers just as Taz has.


The fact that our Founding Fathers used the opinions of so many other brilliant thinkers to create the masterpiece we know as the United States Constitution confirms they are equal to their forebears. After minimal, at best, catch up in these documents and writings, I find myself even more distressed because it is now clear that Washington DC leaders are not well read in philosophy, history or the founding documents of the United States because they have NOT read them! Thank you to jesterpolitics.com for including links and searches information!


It is clearly stated that the Constitution is a living document. What is to prevent revolutionary (Progressive) leaders from amending the Constitution into obsoletion? The Electoral College is in jeopardy along with several amendments.


Writings on the prevention of tyranny-It feels like we are in the midst of tyranny due to the collusion between the three branches with the goal of corrupting the idea of checks and balances.


Individual rights are fascinating in current times with people blocking roads to JFK airport, violence and destruction against a speaker at UC Berkeley forcing the event to be canceled because there was no effort to disperse or arrest the protestors that did break windows and physically attack attendees. These are just two recent occurrences.


This gives me reason to wonder who is the authority that gives police permission to act? Do the police need permission to act?


I am curious about the level of power the President has. I believe I have always misunderstood and underestimated the power of the President on his own.


8th Amendment


How is it that New York’s fine on DJT has not been deemed in violation? Why was it allowed to be issued to begin with?


Article 2 Section 4


Treason-In the words of my grandfather, “You’re either with me or against me.” The Squad. I don’t know where to begin. I would greatly enjoy and welcome thoughts on these treasonous people. They have been clear in their own words that they are not loyal to the United States. A recent trip to Cuba was exposed. How is it they are still in office? Article VI comes to mind as something to be investigated?


Biden sending aid to Gaza? In the words of Twitter commentators, “Explain it to

me like I’m five.” Gaza and Hamas are the enemy. Israel is an ally.


Biden and the border.


After I read the Constitution, I realized again the brilliance of the Founding Fathers. If they tried to define treason in detailed terms, they would risk trampling on the other aspects and rights instilled in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.


Article III Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.


Article IV  Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Federalism and Michelle Wu, Mayor of Boston.

Mayor Wu has said that in her opinion anyone wanting to come to the US should be permitted to come. End of story. Other sanctuary cities as well. These seem to be opposing views. Who wins? Mayor Wu is in direct violation of US Immigration law. Isn’t she?

How do Federalism and federal law combine efforts regarding the abysmal events in Fulton County GA. Our enemies are watching that soap opera and saying to their armies, “Let’s go boys and girls! These people will never see us coming.” I can’t help but wonder how prevalent this chaos is around the country.


1st Amendment Free speech vs hate speech vs threatening speech. Just because someone says something you don’t like does not mean it is hate speech. To threaten with harm is different. So, how does free speech really work? I believe it is under fire. Will it be amended out? Catherine Herridge and Steve Baker

2nd Amendment This amendment could not be more clear. Yet it also is under serious fire. Will it be amended out?

3rd Amendment There are mayors and governors requesting/asking citizens to house illegal aliens. All they have to do is declare war and force citizens to house illegals? Illegals are not soldiers? Is that the loophole? Will this happen and we are left waiting for a court date? Or, will it be amended out?


I welcome all suggestions, corrections, and comments. I am desperate to understand what is happening, how it is happening, and why it is happening to my beautiful, sacred country.


Jenny in Maine.

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