Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 41

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 41

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Name this President:

I’m a Democrat from Tennessee who was Lincoln’s Vice President.  I became President when Lincoln was assassinated and served in that position from 1865 to 1869.

Like Lincoln, I grew up poor and had little formal schooling.

I was the first President to be impeached but survived removal by 1 vote.

I was also a Tennessee Senator during Lincoln’s first term and the only senator from a state that ceded to remain loyal to the Union.

In 1867 my secretary of state negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. His critics dubbed it “Seward’s Folly.” 92 years later Alaska would become the 49th state and prove to have an abundance of natural resources.

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A little Marine lore for you today.  There was a Marine who eventually became a Lieutenant General, but more importantly he became a legend that lives on in the hearts of every Marine who served after the WW II Guadalcanal battle.    He fought in Haiti, Nicaragua, WW II, most notably at Guadalcanal but also at Cape Gloucester and Peleliu.  He also fought in Korea at the battles of Inchon, Seoul, and Chosen Reservoir.  He is the only Marine to be awarded five Navy Crosses – our nation’s second highest award for bravery and took a keen interest in the welfare of his men.  Anytime you have one or more Marines or former Marines in the same room are armed with beer, his name will certainly be raised.  Who is this legend?

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What is the only amendment to the Constitution that was ratified and then repealed?

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A U.S. senator may be removed by 2/3 majority vote of the Senate for any reason. The person being removed does not have to have committed a crime.

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Prior to 1868 the Bill of Rights did not apply to the states.

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How many states sent representatives to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

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In what year was the last state admitted to the U.S?

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One-third of the Senate stands for reelection every ___ years.

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Who was the King of Great Britan and Ireland during the American Revolution?

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Nobuo Fujita, Japanese naval aviator, was the only Axis pilot to bomb the continental U.S. in WW II.  He flew a float plane off a Japanese submarine and bombed which state hoping to create a large forest fire?

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Colonel Buzz Patterson is a former Air Force pilot, White House Military Aide, carrier of the “nuclear football,” popular speaker, and bestselling author and Tuesday's guest on our X space. What is the name of his first book?

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