Jester Politics News Roundup For March 15, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For March 15, 2024


Haiti Has Fallen, Cannibal ‘Barbeque’ Now in ChargeHow long before the criminals not associated with the new warlord “Barbeque” start heading for the U.S. where the climate is not so unfriendly to their continued breathing?  Yea, not long.  As for those who think our government will keep these dangerous undesirables out, well two words – Biden and Mayorkas.  O.K. three words if you include the “and.”


So, a word to the wise – for those who don’t own guns – now might be the time to reconsider your “love of gun control and embrace personal defense…After all, a stern word goes a lot further when it’s backed up by deadly force.”


You do not support free speech by censoring free speech. Senator Cruz (@SenTedCruz) has posted video to X on why he supports the House bill requiring the sale of TikTok, and if it is not sold, it would be banned from the US.  His concern is the Chinese government is censoring speech on TikTok to promote speech the CCP likes and deemphasis speech it doesn’t like. I share his concern.  However, I disagree with his support of handing sweeping power to the President to solve a rather simple problem without violating the Constitution.


If Senator Cruz’s true concern is that TikTok is censoring speech, then that concern should extend to all social media platforms.  And the solution to this problem is simple – enact a law requiring all social media platforms to stop censoring speech.  This would prevent the CCP as well as Meta (facebook & Instagram), LinkedIn, and all other Social Media platforms from engaging in this behavior.  Of equal, if not greater import, this solution does require giving sweeping power to the President to shut down social media platforms for speech the government does not like.


Simply put, banning social media companies because it does not promote speech the government likes is censorship, which is not only antithetical to free speech but also dangerous to our liberties.


We didn’t have flat screen high definition TV, computer generated special effects, or high production music videos, but we did have MTV when it was a kickass cool!


Those living in Toronto are so screwed.  Advice from the Toronto police: “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car.”  I live in Arizona, so I’ll keep my car keys where I please and my pistol within arm’s reach.  I think that’s enough to address the random car thief as well as any of Barbecue’s former friends who happen to drop by.


This is not really news, but is a post we posted on X that I thought was worth posting here too:


The Heckler’s Veto is not free speech.


The reasoning behind this doctrine is the Heckler’s Veto prevents a speaker from engaging in his 1st Amendment right to speak (censorship) and prevents those who want to hear the speaker from engaging in their right to hear him. Not only is the Heckler’s Veto not free speech, but the government (federal, state, and local) have an obligation to remove those trying to shut down the speaker and not require the speaker to leave. This obligation goes so far as requiring the authorities to protect the speaker from violence – a requirement our authorities have often failed to comply with. Another interesting point – this is one of a few situations where the 1st Amendment prevents censorship by private citizens and not just the government. For those interested, a good case that discusses the development of this doctrine is Bible Believers v. Wayne County (6th Cir., 2015)


When reality mimics satire “Screwdrivers Now Permitted On Boeing Flights, To Allow Passengers To Help With Maintenance.”


Something is happening: America’s Political Realignment Is Real.  However, I am not so sure it is a realignment from the Democratic party to the Republican party so much as it is a realignment of people to the Trump policies.  If the Republican “establishment” doesn’t embrace, or at least accept the reasons people are moving to vote Republican in 2024, then they run a very real risk of losing these new voters once Trump is no longer front and center.  So, the question becomes ‘is the Republican party’s leadership smart enough to realize this and strong enough to move the party to adopt?”  Leave your thoughts in the comments.


From the professors at our institutions of higher education who know stuff “Marriage promotes ‘white supremacy’…”  These are the people “educating” our next generation of leaders…


The corruption in Congress is out of control.  Campaign to ban lawmakers from trading heats up as it’s revealed they made $1 BILLION of deals last year and raked in huge returns of up to 239%.  Insider trading – using non-public information to trade – is illegal.  Yet here we have 32 Senators and Representatives who beat the S&P 500 in 2023 – 28 of them had annual returns of over 30%, 18 over 50%, 4 over 100% and one – Brian Higgins – had a return on investment of just over 238%!


Unusual Whales posted the full list of those who beat the S&P 500.  Now I would like to believe the reason these members of Congress had such great returns is because we elect really smart people.  Alas, given their track record of being stupid we know that’s not the reason.  No, it’s that they’re trading on insider information.


While we’re talking about Congress and corruption, let’s not forget Senator Menendez who has been indicted along with his wife for taking bribes from the Egyptian government.  I have yet to hear a convincing reason why he had gold bars and cash laying around his digs.


It’s gotten to the point where many members of Congress are not even pretending anymore, they’re just taunting us by blatantly engaging in illegal acts.


Proof  high school students are be smarter than we thought, even with the dismal state of public education:  High schoolers are losing confidence in the benefits of a college degree”  This should not surprise anyone.  For years our universities have been promoting useless degrees and imparting questionable “knowledge” so when their students graduate, they often have high debt and poor job skills.  Compare that to trade schools, job training programs, and certifications that result in good to great paying jobs with little or no debt.  Seems like an easy choice.


There is nothing government won’t try to tax “Plan to tax University of Delaware per student remains stalled.”  I know this may sound like crazy talk, but why not cut spending instead of always looking for things to tax?


Tar and feathers are not enough.  West point has removed “Duty, Honor, Country” from its mission statement. This outrage was approved by Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George.  These are not serious people but they sure are foolish ones.


If you require people to watch an ‘only whites are racist’ video, then you are the racist.  Davidson College forces athletes to watch ‘only whites are racist’ videoThose who promote this racist nonsense are not only racist, but are creating a divide where none existed before, one which if not corrected is going to result in a return to the race riots of the 1960s.  Quiet frankly the American people deserve better than this.


More Bidenomics.  From Apple CEO Tim Cook telling people to “Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second language” in 2017 to “Laid-off techies face ‘sense of impending doom’ with job cuts at highest since dot-com crash.”  Since 2023 Over 310,000 people have been laid off from 1,400 tech companies. Over 50,000 of those have been laid off from 200 companies so far in 2024.

Guess we shouldn’t be telling people to “learn to code” anymore.

1 thought on “Jester Politics News Roundup For March 15, 2024”

  1. Jennifer Peoples

    As I previously wrote, yes, I saw all this impending doom coming as me fast and furious mid-morning on Oct 7 when I learned about Israel. I decided then to buy a gun. My husband was a deer in the headlights. We are calm, quiet people. At Maine Military Supply, a super great store, I told the salesman, if I am doing this, I want to do it right. He helped me select a nice, big, bad, boy! He became my instructor and helped in the range. I go every week and am confident in my abilities. My husband will never admit to it, but he is glad I did it. No where is safe; a person can never assume their neighborhood is immune from bad people or things.

    I hope the Republican Party can recruit bright, young minds to get us back to normal. I would love to see a young Mark Levine spearheading the party. Lara Trump onboard is to full of nepotism for my liking. I do believe there are young citizens that are experiencing these times and thinking, “I am getting into politics.” When I was young and getting started, I never worried about buying food or paying rent. My friends and I still had money to go out.

    The stock market is totally corrupt!! My acct has suffered under Biden! If the Republicans don’t win, I will withdraw all my stocks and put cash in the bank until the stock market issue is resolved. I tell my nieces and nephews to invest in property or other things they can see and control.

    Here in Maine. Governor Mills is trying to tax streaming services 5.5% EACH. Most people have many services. We have one. We have decided that if she gets her way, we will cancel You Tube TV. There isn’t anything on anyway.

    I’ve been to the campus of West Point. I revere the military, police, firefighters, EMTs, nurses… all these professions that deal with dirt, grime and horror everyday. I read the jesterpolitics article on the United States Air Force Academy going woke. It almost got me choked up. To see West Point going down that road, I can’t even deal with that. Watching ASPCA ads makes me upset. A high school friend went to West Point. He was the best. (Past tense because I have not had contact with him in decades.) Even in high school, he had judgement and maturity that the rest of us did know existed. I’ve been to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Even now, just seeing the soldier march on TV and I do get choked up. Two of my uncles were in the Navy. One enlisted as a 16 year old just before his 17th birthday to serve in WWii. (The last nine months) He served 20 years and was very proud of his contribution. He passed away a few months ago, (97 yo) and it is a bit of a relief that he was so old he didn’t know what was really happening now. My other uncle was an aircraft carrier pilot during Vietnam, career Navy. He flew off the Oriskany. A9s? I think. He was also very proud of his service and loved the USA. Our military will succumb to obscurity if they all go woke. No way any red blooded, tough minded, competent American spirited man or woman will want to be part of that scene, voluntarily. Gives me another stomachache thinking about it.

    Another engaging read.

    Thank you for your work,

    Jenny in Maine

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