Jester Politics News Roundup For March 23, 2024

Jester Politics News Roundup For March 23, 2024 Women’s History month is ending, and since March 25 is the date Greeks celebrate their Independence from the Ottoman Empire I thought it appropriate to highlight Laskarina Bouboulis (née Pinotsi) – a Greek woman who can only be described as a Badass Hero.  Born in an Ottoman jail while her mother was visiting her father, Bouboulina as she became known, would rise to rule over a vast merchant fleet, which she used to hide the building of warships in preparation of the Greek revolt. When Bishop Germanos of Patras raised the Hellenic flag over the Monastery of Agia signaling the start of the Greek revolt, Bouboulina was ready.  She raised her flag on the mast of her flagship Agamemnon and led a fleet against the Ottomans.  She was involved in combat on more than a few occasions during her time sailing against the Ottomans.  When the Greeks finally won their independence, she was hailed as a hero. Her late husband had fought with the Russians, and she had remained on friendly terms with that nation.  So, though still a surprise, it is not shocking that in recognition of her exploits the Russian Tsar posthumously granted her the rank of Admiral of the Russian Navy. How many women like Bouboulina, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Malala Yousafzai, Marie Curie, Sally Ride, Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Ellen Ochoa, and Nancy Hart have you heard the media honor during Woman’s History month?  Yea, me neither and that is a shame. Stating the obvious: Border Patrol Chief Says the 140,000 Migrants Who Evaded Capture Are a ‘National Security Threat’.  In 2023 there were 151 known or suspected terrorist arrested crossing our southern border.  Given that number, how many terrorists are among the 140,000 who evaded our border patrol agents? The October 7, 2023, terrorist massacre in Israel; the March 23, 2024, Moscow terrorist attack; the continuing terrorist attacks on U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria, and the Houthi’s almost daily attacks on international merchant ships in the Red Sea should be a wakeup call – there are a lot of fanatics who want to kill westerners in general and Jews and Americans in particular.  So why is President Biden making it easy for these fanatics to cross undetected into the U.S.?  He has the authority to close the border now, all he has to do is reinstate the Trump executive orders he revoked and complete the wall. .@RubenGallego wants to outlaw the expression “illegal immigrant.”@JoeBiden apologized to the monster who murdered Laken Riley for using the phrase. 73% of Americans (myself included) think it’s an accurate description of people whose first act upon coming to our country is to… — Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 26, 2024 An outlier or are things shifting?  CNN Poll Shows Trump With 8-Point Lead Over Biden in Michigan.  Real Clear Politics has Trump up by a more modest 3.7% in Michigan. A little-known fact about the use of the word “militia” in the Second Amendment.  In Presser v. Illinois (1886) The Supreme Court stated, “in view of the fact that all citizens capable of bearing arms constitute the reserved military force of the national government as well as in view of its general powers, the states cannot prohibit the people from keeping and bearing arms.”  In other words, as far back as at least 1886 the Supreme Court recognized that all Americans were the “milita” not just those in a state or federal military organization. 2024 Michigan: MIRS/Mitchell Research 🟥Trump 47% 🟦Biden 44% RCP Avg: Trump +3.7 More: #polling #Elections2024 #vote #Politics #Trump #Biden — RealClearPolling (@RCPolling) March 25, 2024 While we’re on the topic of firearms comes this absurdity from the land of academia: “Bates student cleared of weapons violation in Nerf gun prank…”  Yes, possessing the non-harmful but fun Nerf “gun” can result in a person being charged under Bates College’s weapons ban.  No really.  Though this man got sprung, the charges against his two accomplices for possessing a non-gun Nerf gun are still pending. For $81,382 you can send your kid to Bates college where they can enjoy 11 months of Maine winter and you can rest well knowing they’re protected from Nerf injuries, if not frostbite! “Joy is my activism.” Kevin R. Free was Bates’ first visiting director sponsored by a grant aimed at positioning Theater and Dance as a leader in DEI. Given the perspective and pedagogy he brought to “The Gravediggers Union,” Free did this and more. — Bates College (@BatesCollege) March 20, 2024 Seems a lot of people in Hollywood who work in the entertainment business are having a hard time.  I feel for them, I really do.  However, two things. First, their industry has spent the better part of the last decade or so alienating half the country.  So, it’s not surprising many Americans are turning to other sources of entertainment.  In other words, it’s a self-inflicted wound. Second, their problems, as heart wrenching as they are, are no different from what many people outside Hollywood have been suffering under Biden’s policies for years.  So given the choice, I’ll help the Marine who was discharged because she wouldn’t take an experimental vaccine, or the automotive worker laid off because his industry is being forced to produce EVs most people don’t want instead of people in the entertainment industry. And do not tell those people to learn to code!  That would be heartless, and besides AI is most likely going to put coders out of work. Hollywood is having a very hard time. Boo hoo. — Shipwreck (@shipwreckshow) March 21, 2024 Say it ain’t so Mav:  “Google Has Been Ratting Out YouTube Viewers to the Feds.”  Information obtained by Forbes shows the federal government has sought information from Google via search warrants on all viewers of some YouTube videos.  The videos in question range from those created by a youtuber who is suspected of selling bitcoin for … Continue reading Jester Politics News Roundup For March 23, 2024