Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 43

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 43

1 / 10

NASA’s new program that will once again send people to the Moon, hopefully in 2025, is named:

2 / 10

Name this President:

I’m a Democrat from Missouri and FDR’s Vice President who became President upon FDR’s death.  I served as President from 1945 to 1953

I was an artilleryman in WW I and rose to the rank of Captain.

I was President when Germany surrendered on May 7 and Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945.

I Authorized the use of two atomic bombs against Japan, one on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and one on Nagasaki (August 9, 1945).

I instituted the Marshall Plan and the doctrine of “Containment” – a strategy to contain the expansion of the USSR without a U.S.-Soviet war.

My second inauguration was the first to be nationally televised.

I committed U.S. troops to South Korea’s defense in what became the Korean War.

I was the last President to be eligible for more than 2 terms, but I declined to run for a third term.

3 / 10

Who was the first President to visit the Arizona Memorial?

4 / 10

Both the 5th and 14th Amendments contain a “Due Process” clauses.  Why

5 / 10

There were three authors of the Federalist Papers – James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay.  Which one of them became a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

6 / 10

Of the first five Presidents – George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe – how many signed the Constitution?

7 / 10

Who was the first person to break the sound barrier?

8 / 10

The Supreme Court must accept all appeals from the federal appellate courts?

9 / 10

The federal appellate courts must accept all appeals from the federal trial courts?

10 / 10

The Speaker of the House of Representatives must be a member of the House of Representatives.

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The average score is 80%


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