Jester Politics

The Biden Administration’s Agenda: A Critical Analysis

The author would like to credit Victor Davis Hanson for his original thoughts on this.


If an adversary intended to ruin America, would they devise a more devastating strategy than the current situation? How do our actions differ from those an existential enemy might employ to dismantle our society?


The Border


In the United States, the situation at the 2,000-mile border with Mexico has become increasingly contentious. The current administration has openly incentivized illegals to enter America unlawfully. Mathematical modeling suggests that up to 22 million people have entered the United States without legal permission in recent years. This influx of undocumented immigrants has placed a significant strain on the country’s resources and infrastructure, and has contributed to increased levels of drug trafficking and crime along with massive child sex trafficking and slavery in the form of indentured servitude for cartels.


One of the most controversial aspects of the current situation is the administration’s decision to suspend or not enforce certain federal immigration laws. This government is undermining the rule of law and encouraging illegal immigration. Additionally, the failure to effectively secure the border has been blamed for the increased flow of illicit drugs, such as fentanyl, which is responsible for tens of thousands of overdose deaths in the United States each year.


Furthermore, the administration has provided free support and services to those who have entered the country illegally, including housing, healthcare, and education. This has sparked a debate about the fairness and sustainability of such policies, particularly in light of the ongoing economic challenges faced by many American citizens.


Finally, the discourse surrounding immigration has become highly polarized, with observers claiming that those who express concerns about the current situation are labeled as racists or xenophobes. This has led to a breakdown in constructive dialogue and hindered efforts to find a balanced and humane solution to the challenges posed by immigration.


National Debt


The United States is currently grappling with a significant national debt, which has now reached an unprecedented $35 trillion. This staggering figure has been steadily increasing, with the debt growing by an additional $1 trillion every 100 days. This rapid accumulation of debt has raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of the country’s fiscal policies and its ability to meet its financial obligations.


The current administration’s spending policies is engaging in excessive and unsustainable spending, which is contributing to the rapid growth of the national debt. Such high levels of debt have serious consequences for the nation’s economy, including higher interest rates, reduced economic growth, and a weakened dollar.


Despite these concerns, those who advocate for fiscal responsibility and spending cuts are often met with accusations of being cruel and inhumane. This line of argument suggests that reducing government spending would disproportionately impact the most vulnerable members of society, such as low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled.


As a result, the debate over the national debt and government spending has become highly polarized, with little consensus on how to address the issue. Some argue for a combination of spending cuts and tax increases to reduce the deficit and slow the growth of the national debt, while others propose more targeted measures, such as reforming entitlement programs and reducing waste and inefficiency in government spending. However, finding a solution that is both politically and economically feasible remains a significant challenge for policymakers.


Foreign Policy


The current administration’s foreign policy is a disaster on its approach to international relations, particularly regarding its treatment of allies and adversaries. This the administration has adopted a policy of appeasement and subsidization towards countries like Iran and China, which are threats to American interests and global stability. This approach has been weakening America’s standing in the world and undermining its alliances with countries like Israel, which has been a longstanding partner and ally in the Middle East.


Furthermore, the administration has failed to respond adequately to terrorist attacks against American citizens and interests. This weakness has been seen as emboldening America’s enemies and undermining its credibility on the world stage.


In addition, the administration has a preference for Islam over Christianity. This is reflected in the administration’s policies and rhetoric, which elevates Islam to a position of superiority over Christianity.


The administration has also sought to make amends for what it sees as past American neocolonial and imperialist behavior. It has done so by following the lead of international organizations such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and the World Health Organization. This approach has led to a decline in American influence and power, as the United States cedes its leadership role to these international institutions.


Overall, these policies have contributed to American decline and a weakening of the country’s position in the world. As a result, the administration’s foreign policy has been a source of significant controversy and debate.




In a diverse and multicultural society, the current administration has redefined identity solely in terms of tribal affiliation. This approach has been emphasizing the differences between various racial, ethnic, and cultural groups, rather than promoting unity and shared values. This focus on tribalism has led to increased competition and rivalry between different identity groups, as each vies for recognition, resources, and political power.


This competition is often framed in terms of a victimhood narrative, with each group claiming to be the most oppressed and deserving of state intervention and support. This has led to a situation in which political issues are increasingly defined by race and gender, with certain groups labeled as oppressors and others as the oppressed.


The administration has also dismantled meritocratic standards in various areas of society, including education, employment, and promotion. This is undermining the principle of equal opportunity and rewarding individuals based on their identity rather than their abilities and achievements. This approach is damaging to social cohesion and weakens the foundations of a just and prosperous society.


Overall, these policies are contributing to increased division and polarization within the country, as well as undermining the principles of meritocracy and equal opportunity.


Criminal Justice


The current administration’s approach to criminal justice has leniency towards violent offenders. The administration has sought to redefine violent crime as an understandable expression of social injustice, rather than a serious offense that requires punishment and rehabilitation. This is demoralizing the rule of law and eroding public confidence in the criminal justice system.


One of the most controversial aspects of the administration’s criminal justice policies has been its approach to bail and release for arrested, repeat violent offenders. The administration adopted a “no bail” policy that allows dangerous criminals to be released back into the community, often on the same day as their arrest. This has caused increased levels of crime and violence, as repeat offenders are given the opportunity to reoffend.


In addition, the administration empathizes with violent criminals, rather than focusing on the victims of their crimes. This is particularly egregious in cases where police officers have been killed or injured, as the administration has ignored the suffering of the victims and their families.


Overall, these policies are contributing to a criminal justice system that is more concerned with the rights of offenders than with the safety and security of the public.


National Defense


The current administration’s approach to military policy has weakened the armed forces. The administration has sought to emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. This demoralizes the principle of equal opportunity and rewarding individuals based on their identity rather than their abilities and achievements.


In addition, the administration has deliberately smeared the largest demographic in the military, who in recent wars have died at twice their numbers in the population, as racists and insurrectionists. This has destroyed morale and forced a reduction in the number of individuals willing to serve in the military.


Furthermore, the administration has cut the defense budget and fails to produce sufficient weapons to meet the needs of the military. This has left the armed forces ill-prepared to deal with the challenges of a rapidly changing global security environment.


Finally, the administration has left billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists, which emasculates American interests and endangers the lives of American soldiers and civilians.


Justice System


The current administration has adopted a USSR style to the justice system and its handling of political opponents. The administration has reinvented the justice system as a tool to indict, bankrupt, convict, and jail political opponents, rather than relying on elections to determine the will of the people.


The administration’s approach has used of ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments as a means of defeating political opponents. This has been shattered the democratic process and destroyed public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the justice system.


In addition, the administration has used mob tactics to intimidate non-compliant Supreme Court Justices. There have been incidents in which the homes of Justices have been mobbed and the Justices have been attacked personally by name. This is a dangerous escalation of political tactics, undermining the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary.


Overall, these policies have contributed to a perception of a justice system that is more concerned with the political interests of the administration than with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and justice.


Main Stream Media


The current administration has been elevating its approach to the relationship between the bureaucratic state and the media. The administration has encouraged the fusion of these two entities to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship, and coercion. This shattered the principles of free speech and press, and erodes public confidence in the independence and impartiality of both the bureaucratic state and the media.


The administration’s approach has married the FBI with Silicon Valley and hires its contractors to manipulate the news and hound supposed enemies of the people. The FBI has been worked with social media companies and other tech firms to suppress information and target individuals who are critical of the administration.


This is a dangerous expansion of state power and a threat to the rights and freedoms of American citizens. This emasculates the rule of law and the principles of democracy, and that it creates a climate of fear and intimidation that stifles dissent and discourages political participation.


This government is more concerned with maintaining power and control than with upholding the principles of democracy and protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens.




The current administration’s energy policies is at war on affordable gasoline and natural gas. The government is promoting a transition to wind and solar power, which they claim are inefficient, unreliable, and expensive. This raises energy prices, which is putting a strain on the budgets of middle-class families and threatening their financial security.


Their policies are not only driving up energy costs, but also undermining the reliability of the energy grid. Power outages have occurred due to a lack of reliable baseload power is a result of the administration’s focus on wind and solar power at the expense of more reliable sources of energy.


In addition, the administration’s policies are not only making energy more expensive, but also less environmentally friendly. The production of wind and solar power requires significant amounts of land, and the manufacturing of the equipment used in these energy sources generates substantial amounts of pollution.


Nuclear Family


The current administration promotes late marriage, single parenthood, and having few or no children. They are sending a message that traditional family structures and child-rearing are outdated and undesirable, and that individuals should instead prioritize their personal fulfillment and career aspirations.


They also advocate the notion that males, especially boys, are toxic and should be viewed with suspicion and skepticism. This has developed a culture of fear and mistrust, and undermining the relationships between boys and their families, friends, and communities.


Furthermore, the administration’s policies are encouraging parents to raise their children to have a sense of entitlement and grievance against past generations and current norms. This approach is fostering a generation of young people who are more interested in tearing down existing institutions and values than in building a better future for themselves and their communities.


Higher Education


The current and former administration’s approach to higher education has transformed world-class universities into indoctrination centers. The regime wants a culture of political correctness and ideological conformity on college campuses, at the expense of free speech and open inquiry. This has led to the suspension of the Bill of Rights on campuses, as students and faculty are discouraged from expressing views that are considered controversial or politically incorrect.


In addition, they are training youth to graduate with a deep-seated hatred for their own culture and civilization. This approach is fostering a generation of young people who are deeply resentful of our nation.


Furthermore, the administration’s policies are encouraging universities to recruit foreign students from hostile nations to subsidize campus bloat. This approach is not only undermining the quality of education, but also posing a security risk to the United States.


They also replaced the traditional curriculum with therapeutic propaganda, which is more concerned with promoting a particular ideological agenda than with providing students with a well-rounded education. In addition, they have eliminated standardized tests like the SAT and ACT, and its failure to evaluate high school GPAs, arguing that these policies undermine the principle of merit-based admissions and ensure that the student body is not selected based on academic achievement.


Finally, they are charging tuition that is higher than the rate of inflation, and of billing the government when students default on their loans. This methodology not only exacerbates the student debt crisis, but also shifts the financial burden of higher education onto taxpayers.


The motivations behind the Biden administration’s agenda are destructive, complex, and multifaceted. One perspective posits that the individuals guiding the administration’s policies are driven by a radical mindset. These individuals harbor a deep resentment towards the established order, seeing the current state of the United States as fundamentally flawed or unjust. As a result, they might seek to dismantle and rebuild the system in their image, regardless of the short-term consequences for the nation and its citizens.


Another assessment is that the Biden administration, or those controlling it, hold a misguided belief in the effectiveness of their socialist and globalist agendas. They genuinely think that these policies are necessary for the betterment and sustainability of the country and the world at large. Their conviction stems from a deep-seated belief that the current system is fundamentally flawed or unjust, and that a radical transformation is required to address critical issues such as economic inequality, climate change, and social justice.


In this view, the administration’s policies are driven by an ideological commitment to progressive and internationalist principles. They may believe that their agenda will ultimately lead to a more equitable and sustainable society, both within the United States and globally. This perspective is underpinned by a faith in the power of government intervention and international cooperation to solve complex problems and address systemic inequalities.


However, this faith in the efficacy of socialist and globalist policies is misplaced and that these agendas are not only ineffective but also harmful to the nation’s long-term interests. These policies undermine individual freedoms, stifle economic growth, and weaken America’s position in the world.

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1 thought on “The Biden Administration’s Agenda: A Critical Analysis”

  1. Jennifer Peoples

    Good grief Jester Politics, first Taz puts me onto John Locke’s The Second Treatise of Government. That is no light read. I have to read everything at least twice and I’m still scratching my head. It is going slow. What a document. I remember reading it in college but no way we were assigned the whole thing. It’s not a document you forget. Then I read Dr. Sean’s article of April 5. It is a doozy. I go back to read it again because I have thoughts. Two more articles! You have put a lot on my plate.

    Everything you wrote is the absolute truth. Not my intention to be dramatic or panicked, but I see civil war coming.


    Illegal aliens, (22 million!?), and the Islamists do not have America at heart. The Squad are leading the anti-American parade in Muslim America. I must be a racist. I guess. I don’t like what Islam preaches-sharia law, murder or enslavement of non muslims, women with no rights forced to wear black tents, forced to stay at home popping out a child every year. I know there are some Muslim women out there with jobs in western clothes. Well, until the radicals take over. What bothers also about Islam is that the Muslims in the US that believe in American ideals, are not speaking out against the radicals. Which means they support the radicals. I have never heard a Muslim speak against the above listed Islamic beliefs or denounce The Squad’s philosophy. I have heard or seen Muslims expressing love of the USA and all she stands for. I am certainly accepting proof to the contrary. I was not raised to think ill of people. The illegals are the criminals from countries. If they are not criminals they are innocent people being trafficked. They were probably trafficked in their own country but thought America might be a better place to be trafficked. Or forced to come because their handler can make more money off of them here.

    I must be a xenophobe. I guess. Supporting illegals is not something I want to do. My answer is no. Deport all of them. I am in favor of legal immigration without hesitation. I don’t believe most people are refugees either.

    National Debt

    The national debt is going to crush us. There is no way around it. Too many people are looking for and expecting free rides and handouts. The USA cannot sustain this. In fact, we have fallen. There is just a lag time. China is coming for us. China wants our uneducated to work in factories and live in dorms. China wants our resources. The US is a sitting duck right now.

    Foreign Policy/National Defense

    It appalls me that America quivers in terror in the face of China and Iran. We are a sissy now. It makes me gag. I just anticipate we will be invaded. We can’t defend ourselves anymore with the shortage of weaponry and soldiers. Real men and women will be reluctant to join when they become aware that their boss is a guy in drag preaching tolerance and and understanding of trans, gayness, racial inequality…. DEI is killing us. It is so absolutely insulting to insinuate that one person or group of people can’t compete or be successful without DEI in place. What we have done is put incompetent, lazy losers into positions they are unqualified to hold. One of my idols, the fabulous Condoleezza Rice did not need DEI. Colin powePowell did not need DEI. I am just a white girl from Alabama, and I cried when he dropped out of the presidential race. Many white people were upset. I remember. People are not racist. People just don’t like jerks or lazy losers getting promoted for stupid reasons. I truly believe the number of people that are racist is very small. I’ve met a lot of people from a lot of places and I’ve met very very few racists. Very few. Maybe I am naive or maybe people knew me well enough to know not to express nonsense around me. Iran has nukes. I don’t believe they are working on it. I believe they have them. I believe we helped them.

    I fully believe Newsome will be the next president because I fully believe our leaders are corrupt all the way down and as they say, “The fix is in.” I hope I can come back to this post in November and write an edit cheering that I was wrong, and say I’ve learned a lesson. I admire Trump for giving it his all to stop the madness. I don’t think he is without his own faux pas. But I believe he is true to America. He is not a traitor to his country. Our own have sold us to our enemies. Newsome is the gateway to their success.

    If it is true that Biden left military dogs in Afghanistan, then we are cursed. Cruelty to children, elderly, and animals will bring the devil to your door. I can’t even stand to think about it.
    There is far, far more to October7 than meets the eye.

    Victimhood/Higher Education

    As a retired elementary teacher K-5, I can tell you unequivocally that children are raised to be irresponsible. Nothing is their responsibility, and they are never held responsible. Perpetual victimhood is taught from the ground up. There is no discipline in schools.

    In the education system, there are 2 or 3 adults for every classroom teacher, minimum. You don’t want to know what you are paying for as a taxpayer. “Supports” of all kinds are in place to “ensure” that the child is “successful.” The behaviors happening in classrooms is something to be experienced because you would not believe me if I told you my stories. Many schools don’t issue grades anymore. Ask your local schools about the grading system. I would be interested to hear how it works now or in your neck of the woods. Children in America are also doped up. They are medicated for all kinds of things. No wonder drug addiction is a problem. Children never learned how to cope and/or solve problems on their own unaided. They never learned to accept and then solve hardship and defeat. They never learned that sometimes things just go wrong, you learn and move on.

    My niece graduated from Harvard with a Master’s several years ago. As a teacher, I was quite excited to see her reach such a pinnacle of education. It became clear to me that something was off as the graduates crossed the stage. Only a few of them were American. As the names were read, no way those graduates were American. There was no proportion. She is a very progressive, liberal thinker.

    Criminal Justice/Justice System

    Our system of checks and balances has been proven to be a failure. It has been proven to be a vicious cycle of circles going nowhere. Why aren’t the branches checking each other and stopping the corruption? If we all know Biden is breaking the law on immigration, which branch is responsible to bring charges or stop him. Another flaw with our system is that the president has too much power on his own?


    America is not a racist country. But our media sure wishes she were racist. The US no longer has media or journalists. Watching Walter Cronkite I never even considered his political leanings because I never knew what they were or had cause to wonder. He was a professional. Our media, all of our media on TV is just as corrupt as our leaders. I’m grateful for Jester Politics because you clued me in on some online writers that do a very good job of presenting information without the hysterical, biased, inaccurate, lies and hype that TV media puts forth.


    When it comes to EVs, it makes no sense to me that automakers would not put up a huge fight against being forced to stop producing gas and start pushing EVs. This is another odd occurrence. Why would they shoot themselves in the foot? Is it really going to happen that we buy an EV or we don’t have a car? It is glaringly obvious that our leadership has invested heavily in EVs. Just corrupt. Why is everyone rolling over for all this madness? When the population has made it clear they are not interested in EVs, but the president continues ramming it down our throats, what can we do to stop him? The same with gas/propane? How do citizens take action?

    Nuclear Family

    As sad as it is, the nuclear family is close to dead. I have no words to describe how devastating this is. I’m not a sociologist or psychologist so I dont have the tools required to break this death down. Is it because we are too materialistic, greedy for money and large houses, don’t go to church, compare ourselves to our neighbor?

    Finally, I try to think of ways to help stop it all, but honestly, I feel like I’m too old. No one listens to a 63 year old that lives in a small house and drives a small car. At my age, people are perceived as over the hill, out of touch, old fashioned. My fear is that we still have a long way to fall before starting to rise. Believe it or not, I am an optimist. I am a content and happy person with no complaints about my life. I have everything to be grateful for and am grateful. Perhaps that is why I am so concerned and worried about the coming days. Especially when our elections seem so hopeless. I find it very hard to believe that Democrats are really getting these votes in recent elections. Is my head in the sand or the clouds? Am I out of touch and over the hill? Instead of watching my favorite show from the past, The X Files, I now feel like I’m living it. Meanwhile, we are spending the day from sunup to sundown day camping and picnicking while we enjoy the eclipse before that is also taken away or we are told eclipses are racist.

    Thank you Jester Politics. Your articles are always interesting, get me thinking, and help me stay informed.

    Jenny in Maine

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