Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 45

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 45

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Name this President:

I’m a Republican from Ohio who served as President from 1897 to 1901.

I enlisted in the Army when the Civil War broke out and rose to the rank of Major.

As President I was a proponent of staying out of Spain’s conflict with its territory of Cuba.  However, after the sinking of the USS Maine and the press’ cries for war, I asked congress for authority to intervene.  On April 25, 1898, Congress declared war on Spain.  The Spanish-American War ended in December 1898 with Spain ceding Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines to the United States and granting Cuba its independence.

I was shot on September 6, 1901, by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist.  Initially, I was expected to survive but died eight days later from gangrene.  Leon Czolgosz was executed seven weeks later on October 29, 1901.

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The last major battle of WW II was:

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A person who is removed from federal office through the impeachment process is automatically banned from holding federal office again.

4 / 10

Powers granted to Congress are contained in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution and are called:

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Everyone knows the words “woman” and “women” do not appear in the Constitution.  But how many times do the words “man” and “men” appear in the Constitution?

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Lying in-and-of-itself is protected speech under the First Amendment.

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Which is not a right protected by the Fifth Amendment?

8 / 10

On September 11 terrorists carried out a coordinated terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in NY City and the Pentagon in D.C. using three hijacked airliners.  A fourth highjacked airliner crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers attempted to regain control of the aircraft.  This terrorist attack killed almost 3,000 people.  What year did this terrorist attack occur?

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On Aug. 2, 1876, Wild Bill Hickok was in a Five Card Stud poker game at the Nuttal and Mann’s Saloon in the mining town of Deadwood, Dakota Territory.  During the game he was ambushed from behind and killed.  The poker hand Hickok was holding at the time of his death has become known as the “dead man’s hand.”  What cards make up the “dead man’s hand?”

10 / 10

How many states were there in the U.S. during WW II?

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