Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 46. Presidents and the Military Edition

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 46. Presidents and the Military Edition

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Name this President:

I’m a Republican from Ohio who served as President from 1921-1923.  I died in office from an apparent heart attack at age 57.

My election set two firsts.

  1. I was elected by the biggest landslide up to that point in history. I won 60% of the popular vote and amassed a 404-127 electoral vote count.
  2. It was the first election in which women could vote.

In 1923 I became the first President to visit Alaska.

I was a popular President, but my reputation suffered when the depth of corruption within my administration became known after my death.  I was never implicated in any corruption, and the evidence strongly suggests I had no knowledge of that corruption.

2 / 10

How many U.S. Presidents served in the U.S. military (including the militia) before becoming President?

3 / 10

Who was the only President to serve in the military after he served as President?

4 / 10

Who was the only President to be shot down in combat?

5 / 10

Who was the only President with military experience who was not an officer?

6 / 10

Who was the last President who served in WW II?

7 / 10

How many Presidents were military pilots?

8 / 10

Who is the only President to have been awarded the Medal of Honor (our nation’s highest award for bravery)?

9 / 10

The last veteran to serve as President was George W. Bush (2001 - 2009)

10 / 10

Who is the only President who also served as the Supreme Allied Commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

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