Jester Politics

The Democrat Party Hates You

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The Democratic Party has abandoned its traditional values and principles, and is now a hostile party to the American way of life. This political party is attempting to transform the United States into a socialist country, and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means undermining the Constitution and destroying the American dream.


The history of the Democratic Party, from its founding in the early 1800s to the present day, has always been on the wrong side of history – supporting slavery, segregation, and other forms of injustice. They have always been more interested in power than in principle, and have been willing to make deals with the devil to achieve their goals.

No longer a legitimate political party, the Democratic Party is a radical organization dedicated to the destruction of the United States.


  • Embracing socialism and Marxism, the party has abandoned its traditional commitment to free markets and individual liberty, in favor of a big-government system that would centralize power in the hands of a small number of elites.

For example: the ACA represented a move towards a significant government role in healthcare, with its mandates, subsidies, and regulations. This increased government involvement in the healthcare sector undermines individual liberty and free-market principles. It placed substantial power in the hands of government agencies and bureaucrats who make decisions about healthcare coverage and regulations and has proven to be an unmitigated disaster.


  • The Democrats hostility to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are consistently seeking to undermine the fundamental principles of American government, such as the separation of powers and the right to free speech.

Their advocacy of adding Puerto Rico and Washington DC as states is specifically targeted to add four more Democratic senators and thus prevent the Republicans from ever winning a majority in the Senate. Their desire to add Justices to the Supreme Court, with their lifetime appointments is so they will forever control the ideological makeup of the Court in their favor.


  • The Democratic party’s support for open borders and illegal immigration. They are more interested in helping illegal immigrants than protecting American citizens.

Sanctuary cities are places where local law enforcement limits their cooperation with federal immigration authorities to protect undocumented immigrants. This policy prioritizes the interests of undocumented immigrants over U.S. citizens.


  • The Democratic party’s attacks on the police and the military. They are weakening the institutions that are responsible for keeping Americans safe.

The Biden administration implemented a vaccine mandate for all active-duty service members; if the veteran did not take the vaccine, they were discharged. Scores of experienced military member were culled out of their respective branches.


The Biden administration also directed the Department of Defense to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training into its curriculum, which was yet another way to force members out of the military who didn’t agree with them.


War on the Constitution


The U.S. Constitution is the second greatest document ever written and it is under attack along with the Bible by Democrats and this is how:


  • Democrat support for open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants violates the Constitution’s Article I, Section 8, Clause 4, which gives Congress the power to regulate immigration.
  • Democrat promotion of socialism and big government violates the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment, which reserves all powers not delegated to the federal government to the states or to the people.
  • Democrat attacks on the Second Amendment which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.
  • Democrat support for abortion and same-sex marriage, violates the Constitution’s First Amendment, which guarantees the free exercise of religion.
  • Democrat efforts to censor conservative speech and promote a woke ideology in education and the media, violates the Constitution’s First Amendment, which guarantees the freedom of speech.

Democrats’ Hatred Towards the American Citizen


The Democratic party is waging a war on the American people, both physically and psychologically.


  • Their support for open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants is weakening the country’s national security and sovereignty, and it is also harming American citizens by driving down wages and increasing crime rates.
  • Their promotion of socialism and big government are leading to economic stagnation and a loss of individual liberty. The national debt has skyrocketed and that inflation has reached a 40-year high under Democratic leadership.
  • Attacks on the Second Amendment and law enforcement are making the country less safe. Crime rates have skyrocketed in every Democrat led city since they began calling to defund the police.

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the American people. They have instead become a radical left-wing party that is more interested in promoting a woke ideology than in helping the American people.


Here are some specific examples:


  • Gun Control Measures: Democrats have pushed for stricter gun control measures, such as universal background checks, bans on certain firearms (e.g., assault weapons), and limitations on magazine capacities. These measures infringe upon the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Laws, such as the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 and various state-level gun control measures are totally violative of the Constitution.
  • Campaign Finance Regulations: Democrats have supported campaign finance reforms to limit the influence of money in politics. These measures infringe on the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, as they place restrictions on campaign contributions and expenditures. The Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold Act) is an example.
  • Hate Speech Legislation: Democrats have proposed laws aimed at combating hate speech and hate crimes. While the intention is to protect vulnerable communities, these laws infringe on the First Amendment’s protection of free speech. For example, the debate over “hate speech” laws in the context of campus speech codes or local ordinances.
  • Government Surveillance Programs: Some Democrats have supported and expanded government surveillance programs, such as the PATRIOT Act and the FISA Amendments Act. These programs are in breach of the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures and privacy rights.
  • COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, every Democratic-led governments states and cities implemented restrictions on religious gatherings, business operations, and travel. These are in total violation of the First Amendment rights of freedom of religion and freedom of assembly.
  • Executive Orders: Democratic presidents, specifically Biden, have used executive orders to bypass Congress on policy matters. Overuse of executive orders undermine the separation of powers and the legislative process outlined in the Constitution. Specific executive orders on issues like immigration and climate change are not in accord with Constitutional law.

The Democratic Party has become a radical left-wing party that is fundamentally opposed to the founding principles and values of the United States. Their support for open borders and amnesty for illegal immigrants, their promotion of socialism and big government, their attacks on the Second Amendment and law enforcement, their support for abortion and same-sex marriage, and their efforts to censor conservative speech and promote a woke ideology in education and the media has destroyed all trust in The Party and their only consideration about anything is more power for them as individuals and them for The Party.


“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulne­ss while telling carefully constructe­d lies, to hold simultaneo­usly two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradict­ory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy.”

-George Orwell


For More Information


For further exploration of conservative perspectives and resources, the following sources are recommended. These organizations, think tanks, and publications are known for their contributions to conservative thought and policy analysis:


Think Tanks and Organizations


  • The Heritage Foundation
    • Website:
    • Overview: The Heritage Foundation is a prominent conservative think tank that conducts research on a wide range of policy issues, advocating for free-market principles, limited government, and traditional values.
  • The Cato Institute
    • Website:
    • Overview: The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank that promotes individual liberty, limited government, and free-market economics. While not exclusively conservative, it often aligns with conservative principles.
  • The American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
    • Website:
    • Overview: AEI is a conservative think tank focused on research and analysis of public policy issues, emphasizing free enterprise, individual liberty, and strong national defense.
  • The Claremont Institute
    • Website:
    • Overview: The Claremont Institute is dedicated to the study and promotion of the principles of the American Founding. It offers resources and publications exploring conservative political thought and constitutional issues.

Magazines and Journals


  • National Review
    • Website:
    • Overview: National Review is a prominent conservative publication offering articles, commentary, and analysis on a wide range of political and cultural issues.
  • The American Conservative
    • Website:
    • Overview: The American Conservative provides a platform for conservative voices on topics related to politics, culture, and policy.
  • First Things
    • Website:
    • Overview: First Things is a journal that explores the intersection of religion, politics, and culture from a conservative and often religious perspective.

News Outlets


  • The Daily Caller
    • Website:
    • Overview: The Daily Caller is a news and opinion website that covers a wide range of political and cultural issues from a conservative standpoint.
  • The Washington Times
    • Website:
    • Overview: The Washington Times is a conservative-leaning newspaper that provides news and analysis on current events, politics, and policy.

Online Communities


  • RedState
    • Website:
    • Overview: RedState is an online community and blog site that features conservative commentary, news, and grassroots activism.
  • Free Republic
    • Website:
    • Overview: Free Republic is a conservative online forum where users discuss and share news articles and opinions from a conservative perspective.
  • Jester Politics
    • Website:
    • Overview: Jester Politics is an online platform dedicated to serving truth and empowering citizens and political analysis.

Radio and Podcasts


  • The Rush Limbaugh Show
    • Website:
    • Overview: The late Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, with an extensive archive, offers conservative commentary and analysis on a wide range of topics.

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