Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 47, Jack’s Texas Edition

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 47, Jack’s Texas Edition

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Name this President:

I’m a Republican from Iowa who served as President from 1929 to 1933.

Before being elected President I organized and led relief efforts in China during the Boxer Rebellion.  I also lead relief efforts during WW I for Americans trapped in Europe and approximately 9 million Belgians who were cut off from supplies.  I’m also credited with saving millions of Russians in 1921 who were in danger of dying from starvation.

Within months of becoming President the U.S. entered the Great Depression on “Black Thursday” - October 24, 1929 – the day the stock market crash.  In an effort to improve the economy I advocated for and signed into law the Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 that increased tariffs on imports.  However, it had the effect of slowing foreign purchases of American goods and worsened the depression.

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Assuming all of the following are reasonable, which is one restriction on free speech the government CANNOT impose:

3 / 10

A constitutional amendment is required to impose term limits on members of Congress.

4 / 10

Jews started fleeing Germany as the NAZIs began to gain power.  One such case was the German ocean liner St. Louis with 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, that sailed to Miami.  However, the U.S turned the Jews away, forcing the ship to return to Europe.  More than a quarter of those Jews would be killed in the Holocaust.  Who was the President when the Jews aboard the St. Louis were denied entry to the U.S.?

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Was Texas the only state that was an independent nation before joining the Union?

6 / 10

Everyone remembers the Alamo, but which Texas city was the Alamo located in?

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There were two people who were co-commanders at the Alamo, who were they?

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In what year did the Battle of the Alamo occur in?

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Who commanded the Mexican forces at the battle of the Alamo?

10 / 10

Who was the first President of the Republic of Texas?

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