Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 48. Alaska Facts and Fiction Edition

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 48. Alaska Facts and Fiction Edition

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Name this President:

I was a member of the Federalist party, and my nickname was “His Rotundity.”.  I’m from Massachusetts and served as President from 1797 to 1801.

I was a deep patriot and early supporter of independence whose diplomatic expertise was important in obtaining French assistance during the Revolution.  I am also credited with being instrumental in negotiating the peace treaty between the U.S. and Great Britain.  However, I also signed into law the Sedation Act of 1798 that was used to imprison my pollical opponents.

Though I was not the first President, I was the first President to reside in the White House.

During my administration the U.S. and France fought a ‘quasi war’ on the high seas. As a result, I convinced Congress to establish a small standing army and fund 3 Frigates (powerful warships of the time), and several other smaller men-of-war.

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Everyone knows President Regan really liked jellybeans, and of course everyone knows his favorite brand was Jelly Belly jellybeans.  But what was Regan’s favorite flavor of Jelly Belly jellybeans.

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Which group of federal officials CANNOT be impeached?

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The executive branch negotiates treaties.  However, before they become binding on the U.S. treaties must be approved by the Senate.  How many senators must vote to approve a treaty before it becomes effective:

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A presidential pardon, pardons a person of all crimes both federal and state.

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Everyone knows Alaska is the largest state in the union and Rhode Island is the smallest.  But how many times bigger is Alaska than Rhode Island?

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Alaska makes up approximately how much of the total land mass of the U.S.?

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The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia.

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Alaska is the 50th state.

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Which state produces the largest amount of oil in the U.S.

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Do Texas men line dance?

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