Jester Politics

Total Corruption in the American Government

Note: Originally published on March 16th, 2024

Starting with the Obama administration, the United States of America has witnessed an unprecedented surge in corruption within its government. This insidious phenomenon has permeated every level of the political hierarchy, from local to federal, and has had a profound impact on the lives of American citizens. This article will delve deep into the various manifestations of corruption in the American government, citing specific cases and examples, and will discuss the potential consequences of this alarming trend.


The Rise of Corruption in the American Government: Corruption within the American government has been an issue for many years, but it has escalated to alarming levels in recent times. The reasons for this surge are manifold, ranging from the influence of wealthy individuals and corporations on government officials to the revolving doors between elected government offices and the private sector to the total compromise of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and most every other governmental agency.

One of the most prominent examples of this corruption is the rampant use of “pay-to-play” politics, where wealthy individuals and corporations make large donations to political campaigns in exchange for favorable policies and legislation. This practice undermines the democratic process and allowing the rich and powerful to control the government.


Pay-to-play is a term that has gained prominence in various industries, especially in the realms of politics, finance, and gaming. It refers to the practice of making a payment or contribution in order to gain access to a particular opportunity or benefit. Here are some specific and detailed explanations of how pay-to-play works in different contexts:


Politics: In the political realm, pay-to-play is often associated with campaign contributions. It is a practice where individuals or companies donate money to political candidates or parties in exchange for access to decision-makers or to influence policy decisions. This can lead to conflicts of interest and may undermine the integrity of the democratic process.


To address this issue, regulatory bodies like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) have implemented strict regulations on interactions and gift-giving practices between the investment industry personnel and politicians. Most of which, has been totally ignored or manipulated to benefit specific parties.


Finance: In the finance industry, pay-to-play can refer to the practice of giving gifts to political figures in the hopes of receiving investment business in return. This can also lead to conflicts of interest and has been regulated by the SEC, FINRA, and MSRB to limit such interactions and gift-giving practices. Joe Biden and Hiliary Clinton’s business dealing in Russia and Ukraine are prime examples of these.


The abuse of the U.S. financial system by corrupt foreign kleptocrats and local elites is a significant issue that has garnered attention in recent years. These corrupt actors exploit the U.S. financial system to launder money, evade taxes, and hide their ill-gotten gains.


Money laundering: Kleptocrats and corrupt elites use the U.S. financial system to disguise the origins of their illegally obtained funds. They use shell companies, offshore accounts, and complex financial transactions to make it difficult for authorities to trace the money back to its source.

Tax evasion: By hiding their assets and income in offshore accounts and shell companies, corrupt actors can avoid paying taxes in their home countries. This deprives their countries of much-needed revenue and undermines the rule of law.


Real estate: Corrupt elites often use the U.S. real estate market to park their ill-gotten wealth. They may purchase luxury properties in cities like New York and Miami, using shell companies to hide their identities. This drives up real estate prices and makes it more difficult for ordinary people to afford housing.


Political influence: Corrupt elites may use their wealth to influence U.S. politics, either by donating to political campaigns or by hiring lobbyists to advocate for their interests. This can lead to policies that favor the interests of the corrupt actors over those of the American people.


Corruption in the U.S. financial system: The U.S. financial system itself is not immune to corruption. Some financial institutions turns a blind eye to suspicious transactions or fail to conduct proper due diligence on their clients, allowing corrupt actors to abuse the system.


The abuse of the U.S. financial system by corrupt foreign kleptocrats and local elites is a serious problem that undermines the rule of law, deprives countries of much-needed revenue, and distorts the U.S. real estate market. It is essential for the U.S. government to take steps to address this issue, such as increasing transparency in the financial system, cracking down on money laundering and tax evasion, and ensuring that financial institutions are held accountable for their actions.


Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is corrupt and by reasonable simple logic, so is Joe, the president of the United States. Here is a detailed look at some of the key issues:

Burisma Holdings: In 2014, Hunter Biden joined the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company. His appointment was specifically given to him because of his father’s role as Vice President at the time and his involvement in U.S. policy towards Ukraine. Hunter leveraged his family name to secure the lucrative position, which reportedly paid him as much as $50,000 per month.


China: Hunter Biden has also been linked to business dealings in China. In 2013, he accompanied his father on an official trip to Beijing, where he met with Chinese business executives. Later, he became involved in a joint venture with a Chinese investment firm, which led to further using his family connections for personal gain.


Laptop controversy: In 2020, a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was discovered at a repair shop in Delaware. The laptop contained emails and other documents that proved he used his father’s position to secure business deals and influence foreign policy.


Tax issues: In 2023, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges related to his failure to pay taxes on income from his foreign business dealings. He also agreed to a plea deal on a separate charge of illegal possession of a firearm. While not directly related to the corruption allegations, these legal issues have fueled further scrutiny of Hunter’s business activities.


Drug use and personal life: Hunter Biden has been open about his struggles with drug addiction and his personal life has been subject to intense public scrutiny. While not directly related to the corruption allegations, his drug use and personal issues further questions his judgment and character.


Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China, as well as his tax issues and the laptop controversy, raise significant concerns about corruption and conflicts of interest. While the full extent of his involvement in these issues are still being investigated, the allegations are beyond repute.


Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney, is a prime example of corruption and misconduct. Willis engaged in a corrupt relationship with Wade, as well as misusing taxpayer funds and colluded with the White House during the fake prosecution of Donald Trump.


Romantic relationship with Nathan Wade: Fani Willis had a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a top prosecutor she hired to go after President Trump. This relationship created a conflict of interest and totally destroys the integrity of the prosecution.


Misuse of taxpayer funds: Willis has also financially benefiting from her relationship with Wade. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, she used taxpayer funds to support her personal interests and political ambitions.

Collusion with the White House: Willis has colluded with the White House in her pursuit of the case against Donald Trump. This proves that the prosecution is politically motivated and lacks a solid legal basis.


Prosecutorial misconduct: Willis has demonstrated prosecutorial misconduct, she has withheld evidence, made improper public statements, and engaged in unethical behavior which is miscarriage of justice.


Fani Willis engaged in corrupt behavior, including having a romantic relationship with a top prosecutor in the Trump case, misusing taxpayer funds, and colluding with the White House. Her integrity is fully compromised and raises questions of the prosecution and the fairness of the legal process.


The Impact of Corruption on American Society: The consequences of corruption in the American government are far-reaching and have had a devastating impact on American society. One of the most significant impacts has been the erosion of public trust in government institutions, leading to widespread cynicism and disillusionment among the population.


In addition, corruption has led to the misallocation of resources and the diversion of public funds away from essential services, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. This has resulted in a decline in the quality of life for many Americans and has exacerbated social and economic inequality.


The total corruption of the American government is a pressing issue that must be addressed urgently. The American people must demand greater transparency and accountability from their elected representatives and work to dismantle the corrupt systems and practices that have allowed this situation to develop. Failure to do so will have dire consequences for the future of the United States and its citizens.

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