From Constitutional Republic to Communist State: The Undoing of America

From Constitutional Republic to Communist State: The Undoing of America


The United States, once a beacon of freedom and constitutional governance, has been subjected to a relentless march towards communism. This shift, driven by a series of Democratic administrations, has not just chipped away at the edges of American ideals but has hacked at the very core of the nation’s foundational principles. This piece delves into the dark progression from Woodrow Wilson’s progressive overreach to Joe Biden’s mission to dismantle the American dream.


Woodrow Wilson: The Progressive Pied Piper


Woodrow Wilson, masquerading as a reformer, began the erosion with policies that planted the seeds of socialism:


  • The Federal Reserve Act: This act was a masterstroke in centralizing control over the economy, wresting it from the hands of free markets and state autonomy. It is the first major step towards a planned economy (Rothbard, “The Case Against The Fed,” 1994).


  • Income Tax via the 16th Amendment: Wilson’s support for this amendment allowed for direct taxation of income, fundamentally changing the relationship between the citizen and the state, moving towards a system where the government has greater control over personal finances (U.S. Constitution, Amendment XVI).



  • The Espionage Act of 1917: Used to silence dissent against America’s entry into World War I, this act was a stark betrayal of First Amendment rights, setting a precedent for future governmental overreach into personal freedoms (Stone, “Perilous Times,” 2004).


FDR: Architect of the Welfare State


Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal wasn’t about recovery; it was a blueprint for a massive expansion of federal power:


  • Social Security: A well-disguised trap of dependency, this program has transformed into an entitlement beast, undermining self-reliance and individual responsibility (Friedman, “Free to Choose,” 1980).


  • National Recovery Administration (NRA): Attempting to control industry through regulation, the NRA was seen by critics like Milton Friedman as an early example of government overreach into the economy (Friedman, “Capitalism and Freedom,” 1962).


  • Court Packing Plan: FDR’s brazen attempt to stack the Supreme Court was an affront to the separation of powers, a move straight from the authoritarian playbook (Leuchtenburg, “The Supreme Court Reborn,” 1995).


Bill Clinton: The Globalist in Chief


Clinton’s tenure was marked by:


  • NAFTA: This wasn’t trade; it was economic surrender. It gutted American industries, leaving them vulnerable to globalist agendas (Buchanan, “The Great Betrayal,” 1998).


  • Healthcare Reform: His failed attempt at universal healthcare was just the first draft of a narrative where government control of healthcare would become the norm, a move towards state-controlled medicine (Johnson, “The Health Care Crisis,” 1997).


Barack Obama: The Social Engineer


Obama’s tenure saw:


  • Obamacare: Far from just healthcare reform, it was a power grab, centralizing one-sixth of the economy under government control, a clear step towards socialism (Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed,” 1995).


  • DACA and Immigration Reform: Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was a significant step in using immigration policy to craft a narrative of compassion while the real goal is expanding the voter base for Democrats indirectly, as these young immigrants would eventually naturalize and vote (Sowell, “Discrimination and Disparities,” 2018).


  • Education and Race: His policies like Common Core and the push for “equity” in education were nothing short of indoctrination, turning schools into breeding grounds for collectivist thought (Hirsch, “The Schools We Need,” 1996).


  • Cultural Shifts via Executive Actions: His administration’s focus on social justice issues through executive orders and agency directives was promoting a divisive narrative, aligning more with Marxist critical theory than American individualism.


Joe Biden: The Architect of America’s Fall


Biden’s administration has arguably been the most aggressive:


  • The Green New Deal: His infrastructure and green energy plans are not about the environment; they’re about control. They are about using environmentalism to justify unprecedented government intervention into private life and industry (Brooks, “The Road to Serfdom,” 2023).


  • Equity Over Equality: Biden’s equity focus is inherently Marxist, aiming for equality of outcome rather than opportunity, which is a direct assault on meritocracy (Sowell, “Discrimination and Disparities,” 2018).


  • Censorship and Surveillance: Under his watch, the push against so-called “misinformation” has turned into an Orwellian control over speech, with tech giants acting as the government’s enforcers (Greenwald, “Speech Control,” 2022).


  • Ending Border Wall Construction: Immediately upon taking office, Biden halted the border wall’s construction, symbolically opening the floodgates for immigration, which critics argue was the first clear sign of using immigration policy as a political tool (White House Press Briefing, 2021).


  • Reversal of Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP): This policy, known as “Remain in Mexico,” was terminated, allowing asylum seekers to enter the U.S. while their cases were processed, effectively incentivizing illegal immigration (DHS Fact Sheet, 2021).


  • Mass Parole and Limited Enforcement: Biden’s administration has expanded the use of parole to allow migrants into the U.S. without formal legal status, alongside a significant reduction in interior enforcement, creating an environment where illegal immigration is tacitly encouraged (ICE Data, 2024).


  • Catch and Release: This practice has been ramped up, where migrants are released into the U.S. with a notice to appear in court, often years later, increasing the likelihood they remain in the country long-term (Border Patrol Reports, 2023).


  • Political Impact: The surge in illegal immigration under these policies isn’t about humanitarian aid; it’s a calculated move to alter the demographic makeup of the U.S., ensuring a future voter base loyal to the Democratic Party. This is electoral manipulation, diluting the influence of current citizens with new arrivals who might be more likely to vote Democrat due to the promise of pathways to citizenship and benefits (Heritage Foundation Analysis, 2024).


Cultural and Institutional Subversion


  • Media and Hollywood: Once centers of creativity, they now serve as propaganda machines for leftist ideology, promoting narratives that undermine traditional values and push collectivism (Malkin, “Culture of Corruption,” 2009).


  • Education: The universities and public schools have become indoctrination camps, where dissent from the progressive narrative is not just discouraged but punished (D’Souza, “Illiberal Education,” 1991).


Federal Agencies:


Agencies like the FBI and CIA have been weaponized against political opponents, a clear sign of a police state in the making.


  • Department of Education: Under Clinton, education policies became more centralized, pushing for national standards like Goals 2000, which was a move towards government control over education content and ideology (Ravitch, “The Death and Life of the Great American School System,” 2010).


  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Expanded under Clinton to enforce more stringent environmental regulations, which was overreach into personal and corporate stewardship of land, another move towards collectivization (Horowitz, “The Art of Political War,” 2000).


  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Federal Reserve: Wilson’s establishment of the FTC and the Federal Reserve marked the beginning of federal agencies’ dominance over economic life. This was the first step in centralizing economic power, a move towards a controlled economy (Rothbard, “The Case Against The Fed,” 1994).


  • Department of Labor: Created to supposedly protect workers, it has been used to enforce regulations that stifle business and individual freedoms, aligning more with collectivist ideologies than free market principles (Bernstein, “The Great Depression,” 1987).


  • Social Security Administration (SSA): Created a permanent class of citizens reliant on government, a fundamental tenet of socialist thought (Friedman, “Free to Choose,” 1980).


  • National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): This agency, under FDR, became instrumental in promoting unionization, at the expense of business flexibility and individual employee contracts, pushing towards a more collective economic model (Kennedy, “Freedom From Fear,” 1999).


  • Affirmative Action and Equity Policies: Through agencies like the Department of Justice and Department of Education, Obama’s administration pushed for policies that prioritize outcomes over merit, a principle more aligned with communist ideology than American individualism (Sowell, “Discrimination and Disparities,” 2018).


  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): This was created to protect consumers but was designed for broad regulatory powers, effectively controlling how financial institutions operate, which is anothera step towards economic planning (Warren, “A Fighting Chance,” 2014).


  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Under Biden, DHS has been involved in politically motivated actions, including the labeling of certain political groups as domestic terrorists, which smacks of political suppression (The Federalist, “DHS and the New Political Police,” 2023).


  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The CDC’s expanded role during the COVID-19 crisis has led to it being used as a tool for extending government control into personal health decisions, a significant overstep of individual rights (Kulldorff & Gupta, “The Great Barrington Declaration,” 2020).


  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Recent actions prove a shift from law enforcement to political surveillance, with operations targeting conservative voices under the guise of combating misinformation or extremism (Greenwald, “Speech Control,” 2022).



The transformation of America from a constitutional republic to a state where communist principles subtly pervade every institution is no accident. It is a deliberate, orchestrated shift by Democratic administrations from Wilson to Biden. They have taken what was once a nation of rugged individualism and transformed it into a land where government control is the norm, where freedom is sacrificed on the altar of ‘equity’, and where the American ethos of self-reliance is replaced by state dependency. If this path continues, the America of the Founding Fathers will be nothing but a memory, a relic of what once was, before the advent of this creeping, all-encompassing statism.

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