The DC Midair: Pray For Those We Lost And Stop Turning This Tragedy Into A Political Spectacle.
Last night there was a midair collision between an Army UH-60 helicopter and an American Airlines commercial jet enroute from Wichita, KS to Reagan International. There were reportedly 64 people aboard the jet and 3 aboard the helo. The midair occurred in Reagan International airspace and as of this morning there are no reported survivors. The disaster occurred at low level with the jet reportedly on approach to land. Other than that, there is not much other firm information, but a hell of a lot of speculation and finger pointing.
Please stop, just stop.
First and foremost, this is the time to show compassion and respect for those who died last night and their loved ones who are grieving. If you believe in God, now’s the time to offer a prayer. If you don’t believe in God, now’s the time to bow your head and wish the best on those who lost their mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, and friends. It is not the time for anyone to engage in speculation, especially when you have no specialized knowledge or insight into what happened.
For those of you who just can’t resist speculating and throwing blame – shame on your black hearts. You need to stop using this tragedy to attack those you politically disagree with, like:
– Heath Mayo – a lawyer – who took the opportunity to attack Sec. Hegseth’s leadership ability to lead an investigation, and yet Sec.Def. will not be leading this investigation, the NTSB will.
– Aron Ruper – a “journalist” – who rushed to implicitly blame Trump because he fired the Commandant of the Coast Guard, the TSA, and “Guts Key Aviation Safety Committee” – none of whom had anything to do with, nor could have prevented last night’s tragedy.
– Bakari Sellers – a former S.C. state legislature and apparently a current lawyer- rushed to implicitly blame Trump for his hiring freeze, an action that could not have had any effect on what happened last night.
– JojoFromJerz – the anti-Trump social media “influencer” – had to chime in and blame Trump.
Yes, someone is at fault, but right now we don’t know who it is, but surely, it’s not senior national leadership that has been in office ranging from a few hours to ten days before this accident happened.
There will be plenty of time to criticize or praise the actions of our national leadership in the days to come. However, now is not that time. Now is the time to set aside politics and think of the 67 people who were reported to be on those two aircraft and their families. So, take a deep breath, honor our dead, and if you don’t have firm information, then refrain from speculation and let the investigators investigate.
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Well said. These rush to judgement stampedes have now become the rule in this day and age. Sad people aren’t more temperate in responding or reposting before having or checking the facts.