Who We Are
Our Mission
At Jester Politics, our mission is to provide a trusted platform that upholds truth and impartiality in showcasing politicians. We are committed to delivering accurate and verifiable information to empower citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Our Core Values
Truthfulness: We prioritize the truth and accuracy of information and strive to present facts and evidence-based claims, ensuring that all statements made about politicians are well-sourced and verified.
Impartiality: We recognize everyone, including us at Jester Politics, has baggage from their experiences. However, we disclose our experiences while striving to maintain impartiality, free from bias towards any political party or politician.
Transparency: We are transparent about our sources, methodologies, and any potential conflicts of interest and clearly disclose our funding, affiliations, and any potential biases that may exist.
Accountability: We hold politicians accountable for their statements and actions while providing a platform for fact-checking their claims and verifying the accuracy of their statements. Corrections will be made promptly if any errors are discovered. All corrections will be publicly admitted – there will be no stealth editing of errors (other than fixing typos or grammatical errors).
User Engagement: This website encourages user engagement by providing a platform for discussions, allowing users to share their perspectives and contribute to the overall discourse. We welcome feedback, corrections, and suggestions from users.
Privacy and Security: We prioritize user privacy and employ necessary security measures to protect user data. We also adhere to relevant data protection regulations and ensure that users’ personal information is not misused or compromised.
Ethical Advertising: This website relies on advertising and donors, we ensure that the advertisements do not compromise the integrity or objectivity of the content. Advertisements are clearly marked and are kept separate from the editorial content.
Continuous Improvement: We committed to continuous improvement by regularly updating information, fact-checking processes, and technological infrastructure.