Jester Politics

Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson drew his first cartoon at the age of four. It was Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble and it resembled a Pablo Picasso sketch. It took another 20 years and several rejections before a newspaper editor was impressed with his cartoons. He was hired by the Los Angeles Daily News as an editorial sports cartoonist and feature artist, freelancing with the Daily News for over two decades. Following the Daily News, Jim then freelanced as an editorial sports cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times. While cartooning for the L.A. Times, Jim collaborated with author and former Marketing Director for the International Olympic Committee, Michael Payne. Jim was asked to produce cover art for the award-winning book “Toon In”. Jim produced the cover art (and came up with the book’s title) and has several of his sports cartoons featured in Payne’s book. After leaving the L.A. Times, Jim had the itch to do political cartoons. He was hired by Townhall/RedState editor Jennifer Van Laar. Jennifer hired Jim to produce political cartoons and to write political commentary. Although Jim has earned several accolades and awards for his art, it was at RedState that Jim learned (via angry, grammar-challenged emails from leftists) that he “sucked” at art. During his decades-long career as a cartoonist, Jim filled the rest of his time as a trial attorney, a husband, and father of three. And, occasionally golfing. Jim and his wife Katrina have three sons. Their eldest is retired decorated Navy SEAL who served nine years in the SEAL Teams. Their second son is a music director and teacher, and their “baby” recently earned his PhD. If you want to contact Jim to let him know he sucks or, if you have a suggestion or have an occasional compliment, drop him an email at:

The Power Behind the Throne

Jill Biden has always been an ambitious woman.  She ignored the obvious fact that Joe was in failing mental health when in 2019, the prospect of Joe running against Trump presented itself. In 2019 Joe Biden was a shadow of his former self – and that former self wasn’t too bright to begin with. She saw an opportunity to be First Lady and she was all-in. 4 years later, we are witnessing the fruits of her hubris and elder abuse. Joe Biden doesn’t belong in the White House he belongs in a home. Nonetheless Jill has grown used to being the president behind that president. And, she addicted to the trappings that go with it. She has no intention of walking away from the White House.  Jill Biden will fight tooth and nail to hold onto her power.

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Frozen Joe: A Dark Comedy

Over the past week, Joe Biden has wondered away from world leaders to talk to a parachutist who wasn’t paying attention to him and likely doesn’t speak “gibberish” and then being guided back to the flock by Italy’s leader, and then Joey Mumbles was grabbed by the hand by the Barack The Puppet Master, and lead off stage. These brain freezes aren’t new – they are just new versions. If you paid attention to media lapdogs lately, you’d think that Joe was just fine – as together as 20 year old.  Talking Heads have their marching orders and those orders are to call the videos “selectively edited” and “fake”. These sycophants conveniently ignore the fact that the videos we have all seen are, in fact, not edited and show Biden’s brain freeze in real time. “Don’t believe your own eyes”

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Race Hustler ‘Smolletts’ For Votes, Get Busted By Texas Rangers

Jussie Smollett’s last name is now a verb. “Smolletting” connotes a race hoaxer. The invention of false racism didn’t start with Jussie Smollette. Getting sympathy from fake racism has been around for decades. The progenitor isn’t Smollett, he is just the most “famous” race-hoaxer. Even after he was found guilty he has never given up the ghost. Notwithstanding his obvious lies, he still has believers that he was attacked in the middle of a winter vortex by white guys yelling “This Is MAGA Country!” It was absurd on its face.  Anyone and everyone with more than two synapsis snapping could recognize the absurdity of it all. Recall that 7 years ago, The Superintendent stood in front of assembled cadets and blasted them. By implication, he claimed that someone amongst them was a raging racist. Maybe more than just one. The story rocked the nation. But it was a lie. 5 black cadets at the Air Force Academy Preparatory School claimed they found race-tainted graffiti on their doors. One cadet found the “N” word written outside his room. “Go home n______”. He reportedly told his mom and his mom dutifully told the world via social media. The Air Force Academy’s Superintendent told the racists to “get out”. He ordered the cadets to get their phones out to video his message. The speech caused visceral reactions and was praised by Joe Biden, John McCain, and just about every politician in America. But it was all a lie. From the start, it smelled like 3 day old fish. That particular hoax faded into the memory hole. When fakes are revealed media tends to pretend that the fake never happened. It was indeed a fake, but that wasn’t the Academy’s takeaway. The Academy claimed that the story had a positive impact because it drew focus on racism. In essence “Yes it didn’t happen was a fake… but it COULD have happened” was the takeaway. The online message about the fake “racism” remains up and active 7 years later. If one read that message today one would assume that an actual racist event happened. I’ve written about this phenomenon before. Claims of racism/bigotry that turn into hoaxes seem far more common than actual racism. In fact, when I hear or see a claim of racism, I am generally dubious and jaded. Show me the “receipts,” and then I’ll believe it. Maybe. From fake nooses in Oakland and a NASCAR garage to fake graffiti on cars to fake racism at universities Well, It must be an election year because we have a new fake racism story – this time out of Texas. Taral Patel is a Democrat political candidate in Fort Bend. Apparently, he saw no other avenue to get elected so he created a cadre of phony racists. It was a very detailed campaign until it wasn’t. Patel was arrested by Texas Rangers who busted him for his fake. Mr Patel, a 30-year-old Indian-American, allegedly spent months impersonating supporters of his incumbent rival, Republican Commissioner Andy Meyers. He sent several racist and derogatory comments to himself, to make himself look like a victim of racism. In September 2023, Mr Patel made a post on Facebook claiming the remarks were examples of the ”deep and misguided fear” among the Republican Party. He also attached screenshots of all the racist remarks to prove it. It was all a lie. His scheme was pretty elaborate, but seems monumentally stupid as well. Democrats can see that the top of the ticket Joe Biden is a train-wreck.  Joe is pulling the entire down-ticket, down with him. So buckle up. We are in an election year, so we are in for more “Taral Patels” and their uncreative Smolletting.  

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Kangaroo Court in the State of Injustice

Alan Dershowitz is no fan of Donald Trump. He is a fan of individual rights and the Constitution. He recently appeared on Fox News and lamented that Donald Trump is being railroaded.  I am no Alan Dershowitz but I am a trial attorney. I’ve been subjected to bad rulings by judge’s and asinine objections. When the wrong result happens it is kind of like watching an incompetent or crooked umpire calling strikes for balls a foot outside of the strike zone.  Its easy to see when someone is getting “jobbed” I haven’t been privy to live testimony of the Trump trial but I have read transcripts. This is a Kangaroo Court.  Merchan isn’t incompetent. He knows what he is doing. He’s a crook. He has no business sitting in judgment of anyone. His rulings are absurd. Not bad. Absurd. His allowance for Stormy Daniels to testify was bad but not allowing an actual expert on election law to testify is like an umpire calling a strike when the pitcher hasn’t thrown a pitch. Merchan has demonstrating that he’s a partisan hack. If I was watching this sort of railroad job against someone I completely loathed I would still see the balls and strikes and the injustice for bad calls. This trial is rigged. The fix is in. Merchan should have recused himself before the trial started. His daughter (Loren Merchan) is a democrat operative. That should have been enough for recusal- but Merchan is also a democrat donor and a Biden fanboy. He’s clearly compromised and his conduct during this trial has demonstrated that he’s bad at hiding his bias. To demonstrate some “inside baseball” Merchan got mad at a Trump witness and told the witness to stop eyeballing him. Then Merchan threatened to “strike” all of the witnesses testimony because Merchan was peeked at the witness looking at him. HE. CAN’T. STRIKE. TESTIMONY. He can’t do that. That is akin to judge making up the law from the bench. He can’t do that. Just because Merchan is “mad” at a witness isn’t a reason to unilaterally strike testimony.  There is no legal reason for that idiotic threat. That alone demonstrates that Merchan is a hack. And, he’s done similar things during this trial that, by themselves would be reversible error. His latest stunt was to dismiss the jury  – for a week. An entire week. In the history of criminal law with a high profile defendant I have never heard of a trial being suspended for an entire week just “because”. Merchan is an embarrassment. The system is rigged. Everyone knows that it’s rigged. The fix is in, and all Merchan needs to do now, is convict Trump before jury instructions are read to the jury. I suspect the invitations to a “conviction party” have been handed to the jurors already. The Fix, is in.      

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1 Apparently it was too much to ask. Republicans taking control for the House and holding the purse strings and, maybe, closing the it, was too much of an ask. Republicans elected a Speaker last year and then another Speaker and got down to work. They managed to do just about everything the Democrats asked. Speaker Johnson vowed to take action and hold the line. Then, he didn’t. He rolled. Speaker Johnson passed, on holding the line. Billions more for Ukraine’s border. Not a dime for our own. The border (our border) remains a sieve. Illegal Aliens flow over our southern border with alacrity. No big deal. But Putin’s invasion of the Ukrainian border has been met with billions of US dollars sent to Ukraine. Sure, a lot of it has gone to war-fighting, but a fair amount has gone to lining the pockets of Ukrainian thugs in and out of their government. If Ukrainians learned anything when they were in the Soviet orbit, it was how to grift and pocket money. Speaker Johnson is the workhorse/work-elephant for the Democrats. Instead of fining democrats for waving flags, the House Sergeant at Arms just called and said I will be fined $500 if I don’t delete this video post. Mike Johnson really wants to memory hole this betrayal of America. — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) April 23, 2024 A Republican takes video of Democrats collectively waving  the flag of foreign country on the floor of House? Fine him. Shameful.

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Biden Is Headed To ‘The Situation Room’

The Situation Room is located in the West Wing of the White House. It is where the President meets with his experts during dangerous times to discuss what is the best course of action. But our President was at the White House this weekend within easy access to the Situation Room he was in Delaware. When Iran was launching drones at Israel Joe Biden was headed back to DC from another Delaware break. It’s more likely that President Pudding Brian had to take a potty break before heading to the actual Situation Room. I’m thinking that maybe the Secret Service has renamed all bathrooms “The Situation Room” just in case someone asks the worst Press Sec to ever utter a word: “Where was the President when Iran was attacking Israel?” She can answer: “Oh, he was dealing with important ‘business’, in the “Situation Room.”  

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Race-Obsessed Coach Would Welcome Men On Her Women’s Basketball Team

Rachel Richardson played volleyball for Duke. She was the only black on the team. On August 22, 2022, she claimed she was the target of racial epithets by fans or a fan while her team played at BYU. She was specific and claimed it happened repeatedly. It made national news. But it never happened. Other than Richardson claiming it happened there is no evidence that it did happen. Brad Slager at RedState wrote of the alleged incident: As the press was unspooling the dastardly acts and pontificating on what it all means, they failed to wait and learn if it had happened at all. An investigation was conducted into the game’s events , and there came to be found quite a bit of contradictory evidence – or, more accurately, there was a stark lack of evidence. Richardson had been rather specific about when during the game she absorbed these insults, specifically at the times she served near that section. This would involve only about half the game, as the teams switch sides, and thus a study of the game film was conducted. In the early portions of the game, when she stated the individual insulted her, they were not present in the section. At other times, the individual was seen using their phone and not paying direct attention to Richardson. Weeks of investigation by BYU followed. And, no doubt, ESPN’s race-baiters and other race-hustling “journalists” from MSNBC, CNN, and Al Sharpton trying to find any evidence that someone, somewhere in the BYU arena may have said something racist at Richardson. There was nothing. Silence. But a lack of evidence didn’t stop Duke alum and general ESPN apologist Jay Bilas from doubling down on stupid. We stand with and up for Rachel Richardson. — Jay Bilas (@JayBilas) September 9, 2022 We? Who is this “we”? Well, there were those who ignore evidence and go with “racism!” where none exists. Jay (who is a lawyer)  found company in Dawn Staley Dawn Staley is the head coach of South Carolina’s women’s basketball team. She wasn’t the coach of Duke’s  volleyball team, but Staley is black. She jumped into the “I don’t need evidence” mosh pit. Her team had a game scheduled against BYU.  Even thought there was zero evidence to support Richardson’s claim, Staley took a stand. Against evidence. She announced that her team would not play BYU at BYU. AND, BYU would not be allowed play at South Carolina. Yup, she canceled two games because Richardson claimed she was targeted.  Staley took the word of Richardson and ignored the mountain of evidence that Richardson’s claim of racism, never happened.  Why would she do such a thing? You can draw your own conclusions, but Richardson is black. So is Staley. Fast forward to, this year, and specifically yesterday’s media day interviews of the two teams playing for the women’s basketball national championship. On Saturday, Outkick’s Dan Zaksheske asked Dawn Staley an important question. “Do you support transgenders playing women’s sports?”. The answer should be simple. “No I don’t support men who claim to be women competing against actual women.” That question was put to Staley. Will she welcome biological men who “identify” as women?  She didn’t hesitate. Yes, yes she will. I’m of the opinion of, if you’re a woman, you should play. If you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play. That’s my opinion. You want me to go deeper? Staley went deep into the well anti-women rhetoric. She said: That’s the question you want to ask, I’ll give you that. Yes, yes. So now the barnstormer people are going to flood my timeline and be a distraction to me on one of the biggest days of our game, and I’m okay with that. I really am.  As one would expect,  X (Twitter), went nuts. Not with sanity but the insanity that invades reality.  A USA Today pseudo-journalist made the less-than-vailed suggestion that the question was racially motivated. Staley supporting dudes competing against women is a good thing accordin to Armour. Armour was sure, it seems, that Staley was asked the question only because she is black. More of twitter geniuses claimed Iowa’s white coach wasn’t asked the question. But Iowa’s coach was asked the question. There was also this clown is connected to the University of South Carolina sports. Iowa’s coach should have answered the question directly, but she likely feared reprisals for stating facts. Pretend women are not real women. She deflected and didn’t answer specifically. And, Iowa’s team is mostly white. The question the woke left assumed was motivated and directed at the black coach of the predominantly black team was also asked of the white coach of the mostly white team. Narrative busted. But facts never stop “experts” like Jay Bilas. The question was legitimate. Women should compete against other women. A man pretending to be a woman, competing as a woman will ruin  women’s basketball like it ruined women’s swimming. “Lia” Thomas was a man before he decided he was a woman. Outkick has asked these questions before. Thomas the man was a rather average college swimmer when competing against fellow men. You never heard of Thomas because he was background noise when competing as a man. That changed  when Thomas “switched teams” and swam as a “woman”. Thomas dominated. Why isn’t a mystery. Biological men competing as women in any sport is unfair to actual women. It will ruin basketball like it has ruined every sport that has allowed it. Thomas ruined women’s swimming, and Staley is willing to ruin women’s basketball. Staley will welcome biological men likely because she doesn’t care about women’s rights like she seems to care about fake racism. She is willing to “cheat” to win. Bring a man on. He’ll dominate women’s basketball for Coach Staley. If it happens one thing Staley will be able to claim –  She’ll finally have a player who can dunk.

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Seeing Racism In All The Wrong Places

Last year, LSU’s Lady Tigers beat Iowa to win the Women’s NCAA basketball title. Not interested? Am I already boring you? I don’t blame you. I too have no interest in women’s basketball. However, those two events are backdrops for a cultural divide. In the closing seconds of the 2023 matchup, with the game no longer in doubt, LSU forward, ironically named ‘Angel’ Reese, taunted Iowa’s star point guard Caitlyn Clark. Reese looked at Clark and waved the palm of her hand in front of her face. The “You Can’t See Me!” taunt was an invention of WWE wrestler John Cena. When Reese was taunting Clark, LSU was ahead by 20. The game was no longer in doubt but Reese wanted to mock Clark before the game clock went to zeros.  In response, Clark shrugged. Jill Biden was in attendance. Dr. Jill, no stranger to putting her foot in her mouth suggested that both Iowa and LSU should be invited to the White House. “[Iowa] played such a good game,” said Jill.  Jill’s “everyone gets a trophy” suggestion was just dumb. The White House quickly walked it back. Too late for Reese. In response, Reese said: “I’m not gonna lie to you, I don’t accept the apology because of, you said what you said. I said what I said. And like, you can’t go back on certain things that you say,” “I mean, you felt like they should’ve came because of sportsmanship, right?” “[Iowa] can have that spotlight. We’ll go to the Obamas. We’ll see Michelle. We’ll see Barack.” Reese wasn’t being subtle. She wanted to party with the Black former president and Michelle, not old white Joe and dumb Dr. Jill. And, Reese misrepresented what Jill Biden said. Jill Biden never mentioned “sportsmanship”. Jill just wanted to give everyone a participation trophy. But when you see everything through a racial prism everything is cast in the ugly light of racism. The 2024 tournament started with LSU’s Lady Tigers, as the reigning champions. Reese wore a chip on her shoulder and a literal crown on her head. During every warmup, Reese wore a giant crown. And, during every game, she trash-talked and belittled opponents. She reveled in her “bad-girl” persona. In the final seconds of a game against Middle Tennessee, Reese was the beneficiary of a ridiculous call that fouled out  Anastasiia Boldyreva. As Boldyreva left in tears, Reese mocked her by waving goodbye. Not once. Twice.  If you’re a trash talker you best back up the swagger and not get bent out of shape when everyone notices. Before LSU’s Sweet 16 matchup against UCLA, The LA Times UCLA beat writer Ben Bolch wrote an opinion piece that contrasted the obvious. The original lead labeled LSU as “Dirty Debutantes”. Bolch wrote that UCLA’s image is reflected by their lowkey “sweetheart” coach and LSU’s loudmouth coach Kim Mulkey projected the opposite. The article focused on LSU’s coach who spent years cultivating an image as a screamer and “my way or the highway” style. Bolch also noted that Angel Reese had a history of being a less-than-gracious trash-talker. Once published, the proverbial poop hit the fan. Shaun Harper, a professional race-baiter and Forbes contributing muckraker wrote an article labeling the column “racist”.  Harper, a man who calls himself: A diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) expert, wrote an article asserting that Bolch’s column was dripping with racism. He wrote:  Bolch’s article upholds longstanding racist tropes about Black people being thuggish; people from predominantly Black contexts being prone to misbehavior; and Black women, in particular, being threats to innocent, defenseless white women.  Harper wasn’t finished building strawmen. Harper snarked that Westwood (where UCLA is located) is “90% white”. What he didn’t add to his nonsense scare facts is that Westwood has a population of 1,300 people, with a medium income of $41,000. 1,300 people could fit into a High School gym. An income of $41,000 in LA will get you two roommates and a hotplate. Harper did a head count and compared how many blacks played for LSU and how many played for UCLA. LSU had four more. Harper continued: This is what makes Bolch’s comparison of the two squads especially problematic – the predominantly Black team is comprised of villains, the one with fewer Black women is made up of angelic sweethearts. Although Harper admits that “Dirty Debutantes” isn’t by itself a “racist” term – once it is directed at a black person, it becomes a racist trope. How? Simple. Harper counted heads. More blacks play for LSU. Bolch is a “racist” because 4 more blacks are on the LSU roster. Leave it to a DEI “expert” to count heads. Harper isn’t new to defending Reese’s bad behaviour. Last year he did the very same thing. Calling out Reese for acting like a jerk is “racist”. If you see a pattern you aren’t wrong. Harper is a one-trick pony. Any criticism of  black person is automatic racism. Bolch made two mistakes. He relied on someone at the LA Times to edit his column and he prostrated himself to the woke mobsters and apologized. As to the former, the LA Times is a shell of what it once was. The Sports section still has compete writers but it is now headed by a terrible editor. According to my sources, she foists blame on everyone but herself. Sure, Bolch wrote the term “Dirty Debutantes” but editors are supposed to be a buffer between what we as writers say and what people read. Editors are supposed to edit. “Dirty Debutantes should never have made it past the first edit. A ‘Debutante’ is a newcomer. LSU was the returning champs. That term making it to publication, is 100% on the editor, not Bolch. Using the term “evil” in the original piece wasn’t needed. That’s it. The rest of the column was 100% fact-based commentary. Fact: LSU’s coach is a loudmouth jerk Fact: Angel Reese is a trash-talking jerk. Fact: Race didn’t make Reese a jerk, Reese made Reese

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Washington Post’s Trash Can Panda Taylor Lorenz is at It Again

In a newsroom full of muckrakers, Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz is the “muckiest”. If you’re not familiar with her dumpster-diving, Lorenz writes inflammatory articles that, if she isn’t making outrageous claims, will insinuate that someone is a terrible person.  And, to be clear, anyone who isn’t accepting of the transgender agenda, and porn books in school libraries is a “terrible person”.  While she throws mud, she will claim victim status. If anyone criticizes her garbage “reporting” she runs to a corner or goes on TV to cry her eyes out. She started at New York Times racking up her mean-girl points. Now she is at the Washington Post. Lorenz went after teenage girls on TikTok because that’s what she does. She aims to ruin people. She went after the daughters of Pamala Geller. Geller is a vocal critic of Islam. The daughters have never publicly commented about Islam, but that didn’t matter to dumpster-diving Lorenz. Lorenz went after the daughters for the “crime” of being related to Pamala Geller. Their online business collapsed. Lorenz published a hit piece about a woman named Arianda Jacob. Lorenz claimed Jacob had turned the dreams of a TikToker into nightmares. Jacob’s business collapsed. The deeper story of Taylor Lorenz’s TikTok tantrums isn’t Taylor Lorenz. Sure she’s just a shifty raccoon dumpster diving into garbage cans sifting through “trash” in the hopes of finding something juicy to clamp down on. Sure she’ll leave garbage strewn everywhere and an awful smell in her wake but that is “her jamb”. It is what she does. Lorenz revels in ruining people’s lives (usually women). She is, after all, a rich mean girl from Greenwich, Connecticut. It’s the belief that leftists know they can get away with lying. Lorenz has taken some well-deserved flak because she is in my opinion, a deeply disturbed, possibly sociopathic, but at a minimum, a vengeful — narcissistic mean girl who enjoys every mention of her name. Like the Prada-wearing High School girls of B movie fame, she ruins lives because she can. Lorenz isn’t sad about anything or for anyone she’s destroyed. Lorenz has earned her mean girl stripes. Her act goes back many years. Lately, Lorenz has had her yellow journalism fangs out for LibsofTik creator Chaya Raichik. Raichik’s “crime” has been finding video clips of leftists posting on TikTok and publishing them on Twitter/X. On Saturday, the Washington Post published Lorenz’s latest muckraking, garbage-diven blame-game article. It is 2,000 words of blaming Raichik for the death of “Nix” Benedict”. Benedict was a Nebraska teenage girl who claimed she was “non-binary”. Benedict died a day after she poured water on some girls in a school bathroom. The left went wild. Leftist hacks claimed that Benedict was beaten to death in the girl’s bathroom by a bunch of bullies who jumped her. Leftist influencers blamed Raichik directly. The story soon had the smell of Jusie Smollett. It fell apart because it was a lie. Benedict didn’t die in the bathroom. She wasn’t beaten into a coma by bullies. She started the “fight”. She and the girls she poured water on had a brief “girl fight” (likely some hair-pulling and lots of flailing arms). All of those involved were escorted to officials. No one was badly injured – but that didn’t stop the left from “Smolletting” the story. The left created a lie and the lie went viral. But, it was all, a lie. That didn’t stop Lorenz from claiming a link between Benedict’s death and Raichik’s posts. Is there any link? No, there is none, but muckrakers will muckrake. On Saturday, Lorenz wrote in part: In a podcast interview this week about the violence that follows her posts, Raichik smiled and said she’s proud of being called a stochastic terrorist — someone who inspires supporters to commit violence by demonizing a person or group. “Honestly, like, that makes me feel really important,” Raichik said. On Thursday, in an hour-long interview with a Washington Post reporter at a coffee shop in Los Angeles, Raichik said that “bomb threats are bad” and that she believes “people who call in bomb threats should be arrested.” But she said: “I just don’t know — what does it have to do with me?” Raichik called Benedict’s death “very tragic” and “horrible” but said she believes nonbinary people should not be allowed to receive certain gender-affirming care. What jumps off the page is how Lorenz again claims a link between “violence” and Raichik’s posts without providing a scintilla of evidence. And, Lorenz claims that Raichik is proud of being called a “stochastic terrorist” without providing any context. Lorenz knows that true believers and casual leftists won’t bother to understand that “stochastic terrorist” is a made-up term invented to loop any conservative into being labeled a “terrorist” without having to prove anything. Prominent conservatives like Matt Walsh have worn the “Stochastic Terrorist” tag with “honor” because it is nonsense. An absurd, laughable label. It’s a meaningless insult, like the oft-used “Nazi” insult they lob at anyone who objects to adults who want to mutilate children on the altar of transgenderism. Lorenz knows most readers won’t bother to check on context. Next Lorenz refers to an “hour-long” interview with a “Washington Post reporter”. That interview was with Lorenz not a “reporter”. Lorenz isn’t a reporter – she’s a muckraker. Lorenz conducts the open-air interview while wearing a useless cloth mask which should tell you everything you need to know about her state of sanity. Taylor Lorenz interviewed Libs of TikTok. She tries to scold Chaya for the actions of her audience. It doesn’t work out. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 24, 2024 Unless you want to torture yourself, there is no need to watch the full interview. It’s just more muckraking from a muckraker. Lorenz is a trashcan panda, a dumpster-diving raccoon, digging for garbage. Lorenz didn’t find “dirt” on Raichik. Lorenz, once again, exposed herself as a pathetic guttersnipe disguised as a “reporter”.

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Failing to Admit to his ‘Sin’ was Trump’s Fatal Sin

1 In 1478, The Tribunal of the Holy Office, more commonly known as the Inquisition was established to root out and often put to death unbelievers. Tomás de Torquemada was selected as the Grand Inquisitor. His authority was absolute. Torquemada’s was seen as the hand of God. He was doing “God’s work”. Trials were but a formality. Much like witch trials made famous in Salem, a confession was preferred – but either way one was guilty. It was a Catch-22 before there was a Catch-22. Confess, and you are surely guilty. Don’t confess, and you will still be found guilty. In New York, Laticia James campaigned on finding a “crime” and getting Donald Trump. That isn’t my opinion, she said it and campaigned on it. James found her “crime” in a never-used almost dormant statute. The judge selected for this “trial” was Arthur Engoron. He’s a preening, self-aggrandizing showboat who smugged for the cameras like he was an actor on a red carpet. Last September Engoron summarily ruled that Trump had no right to a jury, and violated the never-used statute: New York Executive Law § 63 (12). He set a trial to assess damages. Although there was no evidence that Trump’s lenders were damaged, or hadn’t had the chance to value Trump’s assets independently Engoron ignored that lack of actual damages and the lack of a victim and he assessed damages in access of $350 Million. Pre-judgment interest of about $100 Million was also tacked on. Banks lending to Trump were not harmed. They were all paid back in full. “[T]imely and total repayment of loans does not extinguish the harm that false statements inflict on the marketplace.” Huh? Engoron fails to explain how the marketplace was impacted by Trump’s alleged overvaluation of assets to a bank. Every bank is in the business of loaning money and every bank has a fiduciary responsibility to loan money to lenders that will pay back the loan, with interest. No bank lends millions to a prospective borrower it doesn’t think will pay back the loan. And every bank lending to Trump had the opportunity to do their due diligence. In short, every bank had the chance to value Trump’s assets independently, and every bank loaned Trump money. Assuming that Trump over-valued his assets, the banks knew that they were over-valued and still loaned him millions. If that is the case, weren’t the banks more to blame for “defrauding” the marketplace? In one instance Engoron pointed out that Trump had overestimated the square footage of his Penthouse by a factor of 3. Trump’s team admitted to that overestimation, but they admitted to no other error and wouldn’t confess to further ‘valuation witchcraft’. That was, apparently, the most egregious sin. The “marketplace” was damaged by Trump not admitting to his sin. Engoron opined on page 87: Refusal to Admit Error The English poet Alexander Pope (1688-1744) first declared, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Defendants apparently are of a different mind. After some four years of investigation and litigation, the only error (“inadvertent,” of course) that they acknowledge is the tripling of the size of the Trump Tower Penthouse, which cannot be gainsaid. Their complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological. They are accused only of inflating asset values to make more money. The documents prove this over and over again. This is a venial sin, not a mortal sin. Defendants did not commit murder or arson. They did not rob a bank at gunpoint. Donald Trump is not Bernard Madoff. Yet, defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways. Instead, they adopt a “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” posture that the evidence belies.” That is a remarkable thing to write in a legal opinion. Engoron is flat-out admitting that it wasn’t the facts that he cared about – it was a lack of contrition. A lack of admitting to what Engoron wanted Trump to admit to – that notwithstanding a lack of a victim, a lack of actual damages, and no harm to the imaginary “marketplace” Trump committed the “sin” of not admitting to sin. Had Trump confessed to his sin, would all have been forgiven? In reality, we know that isn’t the case. Trump was “damned if he did, damned if he didn’t”. Like accused witches who were subjected to the “water test”, if the accused floated, they were guilty of being a witch. “Floaters” would be burned at the stake. If they sank, then they weren’t a witch. Either way the accused was dead. Had Trump admitted to his “vinal sin” he would have been “forgiven”. He’d have no grounds for appeal because he would have admitted his sin. But he didn’t confess. His “right” to appeal is, in reality, illusory.  Without depositing almost a half billion dollars into a trust account Trump cannot appeal the clearly unjust judgment. Lawfare against Trump is just the beginning. Lawfare can (and will) be used against anyone who isn’t a member of the Cult of the Left. Once on trial nonbelievers are dead either way. We are on the edge of a new Inquisition. For Trump’s last trial, all that was missing for Engoron was a white powdered wig, and a torch.

Failing to Admit to his ‘Sin’ was Trump’s Fatal Sin Read More »

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