Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson drew his first cartoon at the age of four. It was Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble and it resembled a Pablo Picasso sketch. It took another 20 years and several rejections before a newspaper editor was impressed with his cartoons. He was hired by the Los Angeles Daily News as an editorial sports cartoonist and feature artist, freelancing with the Daily News for over two decades. Following the Daily News, Jim then freelanced as an editorial sports cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times. While cartooning for the L.A. Times, Jim collaborated with author and former Marketing Director for the International Olympic Committee, Michael Payne. Jim was asked to produce cover art for the award-winning book “Toon In”. Jim produced the cover art (and came up with the book’s title) and has several of his sports cartoons featured in Payne’s book. After leaving the L.A. Times, Jim had the itch to do political cartoons. He was hired by Townhall/RedState editor Jennifer Van Laar. Jennifer hired Jim to produce political cartoons and to write political commentary. Although Jim has earned several accolades and awards for his art, it was at RedState that Jim learned (via angry, grammar-challenged emails from leftists) that he “sucked” at art. During his decades-long career as a cartoonist, Jim filled the rest of his time as a trial attorney, a husband, and father of three. And, occasionally golfing. Jim and his wife Katrina have three sons. Their eldest is retired decorated Navy SEAL who served nine years in the SEAL Teams. Their second son is a music director and teacher, and their “baby” recently earned his PhD. If you want to contact Jim to let him know he sucks or, if you have a suggestion or have an occasional compliment, drop him an email at: jimmyTWriter@gmail.com

1 Apparently it was too much to ask. Republicans taking control for the House and holding the purse strings and, maybe, closing the it, was too much of an ask. Republicans elected a Speaker last year and then another Speaker and got down to work. They managed to do just about everything the Democrats asked.

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Washington Post’s Trash Can Panda Taylor Lorenz is at It Again

In a newsroom full of muckrakers, Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz is the “muckiest”. If you’re not familiar with her dumpster-diving, Lorenz writes inflammatory articles that, if she isn’t making outrageous claims, will insinuate that someone is a terrible person.  And, to be clear, anyone who isn’t accepting of the transgender agenda, and porn books in

Washington Post’s Trash Can Panda Taylor Lorenz is at It Again Read More »


Clean up on Aisle 1

On Monday, Joe and Jill returned from another hard-earned Delaware vacation. While on that break, Joe “ordered” Congress to return from its vacation. Like so many things that seem to escape President Pudding Brain, there’s a thing called “separation of powers”. The president doesn’t have the authority to “order” Congress to do his bidding. While

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Fani Got Paddled

1 I’ve practiced law as a trial attorney for 30 years. I’ve examined hundreds of witnesses.  I don’t recall anyone being as bad on the witness stand as Fulton County DA Fani Willis was on Thursday. It wasn’t on St Valentine’s Day, but it was a massacre just the same. On February 15, 2024, Fulton

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