Jester Politics


The Power Behind the Throne

Jill Biden has always been an ambitious woman.  She ignored the obvious fact that Joe was in failing mental health when in 2019, the prospect of Joe running against Trump presented itself. In 2019 Joe Biden was a shadow of his former self – and that former self wasn’t too bright to begin with. She saw an opportunity to be First Lady and she was all-in. 4 years later, we are witnessing the fruits of her hubris and elder abuse. Joe Biden doesn’t belong in the White House he belongs in a home. Nonetheless Jill has grown used to being the president behind that president. And, she addicted to the trappings that go with it. She has no intention of walking away from the White House.  Jill Biden will fight tooth and nail to hold onto her power.

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Frozen Joe: A Dark Comedy

Over the past week, Joe Biden has wondered away from world leaders to talk to a parachutist who wasn’t paying attention to him and likely doesn’t speak “gibberish” and then being guided back to the flock by Italy’s leader, and then Joey Mumbles was grabbed by the hand by the Barack The Puppet Master, and lead off stage. These brain freezes aren’t new – they are just new versions. If you paid attention to media lapdogs lately, you’d think that Joe was just fine – as together as 20 year old.  Talking Heads have their marching orders and those orders are to call the videos “selectively edited” and “fake”. These sycophants conveniently ignore the fact that the videos we have all seen are, in fact, not edited and show Biden’s brain freeze in real time. “Don’t believe your own eyes”

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Biden Is Headed To ‘The Situation Room’

The Situation Room is located in the West Wing of the White House. It is where the President meets with his experts during dangerous times to discuss what is the best course of action. But our President was at the White House this weekend within easy access to the Situation Room he was in Delaware. When Iran was launching drones at Israel Joe Biden was headed back to DC from another Delaware break. It’s more likely that President Pudding Brian had to take a potty break before heading to the actual Situation Room. I’m thinking that maybe the Secret Service has renamed all bathrooms “The Situation Room” just in case someone asks the worst Press Sec to ever utter a word: “Where was the President when Iran was attacking Israel?” She can answer: “Oh, he was dealing with important ‘business’, in the “Situation Room.”  

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