Jester Politics

Donald Trump

The Power Behind the Throne

Jill Biden has always been an ambitious woman.  She ignored the obvious fact that Joe was in failing mental health when in 2019, the prospect of Joe running against Trump presented itself. In 2019 Joe Biden was a shadow of his former self – and that former self wasn’t too bright to begin with. She saw an opportunity to be First Lady and she was all-in. 4 years later, we are witnessing the fruits of her hubris and elder abuse. Joe Biden doesn’t belong in the White House he belongs in a home. Nonetheless Jill has grown used to being the president behind that president. And, she addicted to the trappings that go with it. She has no intention of walking away from the White House.  Jill Biden will fight tooth and nail to hold onto her power.

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Kangaroo Court in the State of Injustice

Alan Dershowitz is no fan of Donald Trump. He is a fan of individual rights and the Constitution. He recently appeared on Fox News and lamented that Donald Trump is being railroaded.  I am no Alan Dershowitz but I am a trial attorney. I’ve been subjected to bad rulings by judge’s and asinine objections. When the wrong result happens it is kind of like watching an incompetent or crooked umpire calling strikes for balls a foot outside of the strike zone.  Its easy to see when someone is getting “jobbed” I haven’t been privy to live testimony of the Trump trial but I have read transcripts. This is a Kangaroo Court.  Merchan isn’t incompetent. He knows what he is doing. He’s a crook. He has no business sitting in judgment of anyone. His rulings are absurd. Not bad. Absurd. His allowance for Stormy Daniels to testify was bad but not allowing an actual expert on election law to testify is like an umpire calling a strike when the pitcher hasn’t thrown a pitch. Merchan has demonstrating that he’s a partisan hack. If I was watching this sort of railroad job against someone I completely loathed I would still see the balls and strikes and the injustice for bad calls. This trial is rigged. The fix is in. Merchan should have recused himself before the trial started. His daughter (Loren Merchan) is a democrat operative. That should have been enough for recusal- but Merchan is also a democrat donor and a Biden fanboy. He’s clearly compromised and his conduct during this trial has demonstrated that he’s bad at hiding his bias. To demonstrate some “inside baseball” Merchan got mad at a Trump witness and told the witness to stop eyeballing him. Then Merchan threatened to “strike” all of the witnesses testimony because Merchan was peeked at the witness looking at him. HE. CAN’T. STRIKE. TESTIMONY. He can’t do that. That is akin to judge making up the law from the bench. He can’t do that. Just because Merchan is “mad” at a witness isn’t a reason to unilaterally strike testimony.  There is no legal reason for that idiotic threat. That alone demonstrates that Merchan is a hack. And, he’s done similar things during this trial that, by themselves would be reversible error. His latest stunt was to dismiss the jury  – for a week. An entire week. In the history of criminal law with a high profile defendant I have never heard of a trial being suspended for an entire week just “because”. Merchan is an embarrassment. The system is rigged. Everyone knows that it’s rigged. The fix is in, and all Merchan needs to do now, is convict Trump before jury instructions are read to the jury. I suspect the invitations to a “conviction party” have been handed to the jurors already. The Fix, is in.      

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