Washington Post’s Trash Can Panda Taylor Lorenz is at It Again

In a newsroom full of muckrakers, Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz is the “muckiest”. If you’re not familiar with her dumpster-diving, Lorenz writes inflammatory articles that, if she isn’t making outrageous claims, will insinuate that someone is a terrible person.  And, to be clear, anyone who isn’t accepting of the transgender agenda, and porn books in school libraries is a “terrible person”.  While she throws mud, she will claim victim status. If anyone criticizes her garbage “reporting” she runs to a corner or goes on TV to cry her eyes out. She started at New York Times racking up her mean-girl points. Now she is at the Washington Post. Lorenz went after teenage girls on TikTok because that’s what she does. She aims to ruin people. She went after the daughters of Pamala Geller. Geller is a vocal critic of Islam. The daughters have never publicly commented about Islam, but that didn’t matter to dumpster-diving Lorenz. Lorenz went after the daughters for the “crime” of being related to Pamala Geller. Their online business collapsed. Lorenz published a hit piece about a woman named Arianda Jacob. Lorenz claimed Jacob had turned the dreams of a TikToker into nightmares. Jacob’s business collapsed. The deeper story of Taylor Lorenz’s TikTok tantrums isn’t Taylor Lorenz. Sure she’s just a shifty raccoon dumpster diving into garbage cans sifting through “trash” in the hopes of finding something juicy to clamp down on. Sure she’ll leave garbage strewn everywhere and an awful smell in her wake but that is “her jamb”. It is what she does. Lorenz revels in ruining people’s lives (usually women). She is, after all, a rich mean girl from Greenwich, Connecticut. It’s the belief that leftists know they can get away with lying. Lorenz has taken some well-deserved flak because she is in my opinion, a deeply disturbed, possibly sociopathic, but at a minimum, a vengeful — narcissistic mean girl who enjoys every mention of her name. Like the Prada-wearing High School girls of B movie fame, she ruins lives because she can. Lorenz isn’t sad about anything or for anyone she’s destroyed. Lorenz has earned her mean girl stripes. Her act goes back many years. Lately, Lorenz has had her yellow journalism fangs out for LibsofTik creator Chaya Raichik. Raichik’s “crime” has been finding video clips of leftists posting on TikTok and publishing them on Twitter/X. On Saturday, the Washington Post published Lorenz’s latest muckraking, garbage-diven blame-game article. It is 2,000 words of blaming Raichik for the death of “Nix” Benedict”. Benedict was a Nebraska teenage girl who claimed she was “non-binary”. Benedict died a day after she poured water on some girls in a school bathroom. The left went wild. Leftist hacks claimed that Benedict was beaten to death in the girl’s bathroom by a bunch of bullies who jumped her. Leftist influencers blamed Raichik directly. The story soon had the smell of Jusie Smollett. It fell apart because it was a lie. Benedict didn’t die in the bathroom. She wasn’t beaten into a coma by bullies. She started the “fight”. She and the girls she poured water on had a brief “girl fight” (likely some hair-pulling and lots of flailing arms). All of those involved were escorted to officials. No one was badly injured – but that didn’t stop the left from “Smolletting” the story. The left created a lie and the lie went viral. But, it was all, a lie. That didn’t stop Lorenz from claiming a link between Benedict’s death and Raichik’s posts. Is there any link? No, there is none, but muckrakers will muckrake. On Saturday, Lorenz wrote in part: In a podcast interview this week about the violence that follows her posts, Raichik smiled and said she’s proud of being called a stochastic terrorist — someone who inspires supporters to commit violence by demonizing a person or group. “Honestly, like, that makes me feel really important,” Raichik said. On Thursday, in an hour-long interview with a Washington Post reporter at a coffee shop in Los Angeles, Raichik said that “bomb threats are bad” and that she believes “people who call in bomb threats should be arrested.” But she said: “I just don’t know — what does it have to do with me?” Raichik called Benedict’s death “very tragic” and “horrible” but said she believes nonbinary people should not be allowed to receive certain gender-affirming care. What jumps off the page is how Lorenz again claims a link between “violence” and Raichik’s posts without providing a scintilla of evidence. And, Lorenz claims that Raichik is proud of being called a “stochastic terrorist” without providing any context. Lorenz knows that true believers and casual leftists won’t bother to understand that “stochastic terrorist” is a made-up term invented to loop any conservative into being labeled a “terrorist” without having to prove anything. Prominent conservatives like Matt Walsh have worn the “Stochastic Terrorist” tag with “honor” because it is nonsense. An absurd, laughable label. It’s a meaningless insult, like the oft-used “Nazi” insult they lob at anyone who objects to adults who want to mutilate children on the altar of transgenderism. Lorenz knows most readers won’t bother to check on context. Next Lorenz refers to an “hour-long” interview with a “Washington Post reporter”. That interview was with Lorenz not a “reporter”. Lorenz isn’t a reporter – she’s a muckraker. Lorenz conducts the open-air interview while wearing a useless cloth mask which should tell you everything you need to know about her state of sanity. Taylor Lorenz interviewed Libs of TikTok. She tries to scold Chaya for the actions of her audience. It doesn’t work out. pic.twitter.com/z66sWW8VGW — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 24, 2024 Unless you want to torture yourself, there is no need to watch the full interview. It’s just more muckraking from a muckraker. Lorenz is a trashcan panda, a dumpster-diving raccoon, digging for garbage. Lorenz didn’t find “dirt” on Raichik. Lorenz, once again, exposed herself as a pathetic guttersnipe disguised as a “reporter”.

Washington Post’s Trash Can Panda Taylor Lorenz is at It Again Read More »