Jester Politics

Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 35

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Jester Politics Americana Quiz Week 35

1 / 10

Name this President:

I’m a Democrat from Massachusetts who served as President from 1961 to 1963 and was the first Roman Catholic to be elected President.

As a senator I refused to condemn Senator Joseph McCarthy, who was a friend of my family.  The Senate voted to censure McCarthy in 1954 for his relentless pursuit of suspected communists.

I was the commander of PT-109 in the Pacific during WW II when it was sunk in a collision with a Japanese destroyer.

I approved a CIA plan to overthrow Fidel Castro by using 1,400 CIA- trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pics.  The plan ended in complete failure with the exiles being killed or captured.

I faced off with Khrushchev in the Cuban Missile Crisis (16 October - 20 November 1962).  The crisis ended when Khrushchev agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba.

On November 22, 1963, I was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, who was known to have Communist sympathies. Two days later Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

2 / 10

Which is the only federal office that a person must be a natural born U.S. citizen to hold?

3 / 10

To serve as a U.S. federal judge a person must have a law degree (Juris Doctor).

4 / 10

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor at 8:00 a.m. on:

5 / 10

Which is a right protected by the 1st Amendment?

6 / 10

Double jeopardy prevents a person from being tried in both federal and state court for the same crime.

7 / 10

Everyone knows the word “woman” is not in the Constitution, but how many times does the word “man” appear in the Constitution?

8 / 10

Which state was the only state that did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

9 / 10

Everyone knows the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. resulted in almost 3,000 people killed.  What year did those attacks occur in?

10 / 10

How many voting members are there in the House of Representatives?

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